Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness

Vyšné Kamence 2004, Terchová RoomsOccupancyPricesDetailsRatingsFrequently asked questionsMap
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Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
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Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
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Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness
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Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness

4.8 - exceptional
26 reviews

Jaromír:"S chalúpkou sme boli spokojní, majitelia boli milí."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 4 persons
1 cottage
1 bedroom1 bathroom, 1x WC
Dog allowedonly small, for a fee

A cottage with a bathtub! Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness is located on the outskirts of the village Terchová by the stream. Cottage sleeps 4 people in 1 bedroom (1 bathroom, 1x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee. This rental is equipped with outdoor pool, sauna and bath tub. Outside you will find hearth, gazebo, outdoor seating, outdoor fireplace, kettle, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: toys, sandbox and children's swing are available. The land is fenced. Parking is for 2 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort of Vrátna Free Time Zone (5,5 km), the nearest swimming is SWIMMING. Nearby you can see the cave Cave Dragon's Hole (47,9 km) or Old Castle (18,6 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x bed
Equipment: Living room, Kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 25/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness

1. Jan - 31. Dec
s wellness - kaďa a sauna
min. 2 nights
110 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
1. Jan - 31. Dec min. 2 nights s wellness - kaďa a sauna110 € / Cottage / night

More details

Detailed information on prices: Ceny za ubytovanie sú vrátane energií

Surcharges on the spot

Refundable deposit: 50 € / stay
Pet: 5 € / night (Len malá rasa.)
Sauna: 0 € / day (V cene pobytu.)
Bath tub: 0 € / day (V cene pobytu. )

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 14:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:2 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?YES, the owner (manager) stays/lives in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, small breeds only, for a fee (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?YES, the property is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2, 4ka, Vodafone
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Vyšné Kamence 2004, 013 06 Terchová
GPS location:49.2538648, 19.0147416 Show the map
Regions:Malá Fatra, Stredné Slovensko, Severné Slovensko, Národný park Malá Fatra , Vrátna dolina, Horné Považie, okres Žilina, Žilinský kraj
Location of the rental:On the outskirts of the village / town
Refinement of location:By the stream
The shop:150 m
A restaurant:70 m
Train (railway station):22 km
Bus (stop):200 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort of Vrátna Free Time Zone (by car 5,5 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Gazebo, Grill, Kettle, Hearth, Outdoor seating, Outdoor fireplace, Garden swing
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's swing, Toys, Sandbox
Sports facilities in the building / on the premises:Badminton, Basketball, Outdoor pool
Wellness and relaxation in the building / on the premises of the building:Bath tub, Sauna
Accommodation theme:Romantic, Wellness
The accommodation is suitable for:For two, For families with children, For seniors, For groups, For tourists, For four
The accommodation is suitable for:Active holiday, For spring break, For the summer, For skiing, For winter vacation, Relaxation stays, Weekend stays


4.8 - exceptional
26 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Jaromír  03/01/2025
S chalúpkou sme boli spokojní, majitelia boli milí.
Ladislav  04/12/2024
Jednoducho všetko je super Majitelia Gabika a Rasťo nemajú konkurenciu Naša ôsma návšteva chalúpke hovorí za všetko .vrelo všetkým odporúčame 👍👍👍
Jana  14/10/2024
Slavka  07/10/2024
Chalúpku odporúčame aj druhým, boli sme tu veľmi spokojní.
Eva  20/08/2024
Jozef  15/08/2024
Eva  27/07/2024
Všetko bolo super
Edita  24/07/2024
Bolo tu veľmi dobre.
Anna  03/07/2024
S chalúpkou sme boli spokojní, bola dobre vybavená.
Lea  09/01/2024
Peter  28/12/2023
Pobyt prebehol v poriadku, boli sme spokojní.
Dominik  20/12/2023
Aneta  28/09/2023
všechno bylo v pořádku, byli jsme spokojeni
Martin (Family with older children)  07/03/2023
Ustretovy majitelia super kada na kupanie
Zuana (Friends)  16/01/2023
Veľmi pekná chatka. Vlastná sauna aj kaďa. Všetko na 100%. Milí a ústretoví majitelia.
Ladislav  (Family with older children)  08/06/2022
Aj naša druhá návšteva chalúpky bola super. určite sa sem opäť radi vrátime. a majitelia jednoducho SUPER.
Ladislav (Family with older children)  11/11/2021
všetko bolo super,určite sa sem ešte vrátime
Jana (Family with older children)  05/11/2021
Pekne prostredie mily majitelia, vybavenie sauna a kada pre mna vyborne
Andrea (Friends)  29/09/2021
Veľmi sa nám páčilo.Boli sme malá partia priateľov.Útulná malá chatka,ohnisko kryté aj vonkajšie,pekné prostredie,krásny výhľad,večerný relax v kadi nemal chybu,ako aj pobyt v saune a ochladenie v čírom ,akoby privátnom potoku pretekajúcom cez pozemok a čerešnička na torte veľmi milí a ústretoví domáci😊Ďakujeme🥰
Małgorzata (Family with older children)  23/02/2020
Sauna, kadź, możliwość zrobienia ogniska, kociołka.W lecie basen. Blisko do rzeczki. Piekny widok na góry.
Wi-fi mogłoby być szybsze.
Michaela (Friends)  03/01/2020
Chalupka je super, cista, majitelia velmi príjemný, v dobrej lokalite, co ma potešilo bola sauna a kada, A vynikajúca cena.
Radka (Friends)  06/02/2019
Dobrý deň prajem, Toto ubytovanie bolo jednoducho úžasné! Boli sme tam na víkend si zalyžovať a chata bola perfektným doplnkom k tomuto výletu. Krásne čisté prostredie s úžasným výhladom na prírodu, veľký pozemok, potok to celé príjemne dotváral. Vnútro bolo čisté, nebolo sa na čo stažovať, kuchynka plne vybavená na jednoduché varenie, postele pohodlné, perfektne sa v nich spalo po náročnom dni. V okolí bol neskutočný pokoj nakolko sa chatka nachádza v samostatnom dvore a jedinými susedmi boli príroda a veľmi milí a ústretoví majitelia. Ani sme nevedeli, že sme tam s niekým vedla, ale s čímkolvek sme potrebovali pomoc, boli vždy ochotní a to si vážime. Ľahko sme objekt našli a potraviny boli len na skok. Určite sa vrátime aj neskor, v letnom období, pretože takéto prostredie, chata a ešte aj milí majitelia-to sa hľadá velmi ťažko :)
Nevatíva by som len veľmi ťažko musela hladať.
Adrian (Friends)  31/12/2018
Každému odporúčam! Fantastická zimná atmosféra, potôčik, sauna, výnimočne priateľskí majitelia žijúci vedľa dreveničky, bez problémov sme sa dohodli na všetkom. Určite sa vrátime! Ďakujeme Vám za všetko!
Katka (Family with older children)  17/08/2018
Krásné místo-objekt, příroda, řeka. Zážitky pro malé i starší děti jako koupání v řece, krmeni ovcí, guláš na ohni, sauna a koupací káď na dvorku. Parkování v objektu. Velmi příjemní, ochotní a milí majitelé. Skvělá domluva.
Koupelna, sprcha, wc a kuchyň jsou menší. Není velkou překážkou.
Tomáš (Family with young children)  01/08/2018
Veľmi krásne prostredie. Úžasní majitelia
Eva (Family with older children)  31/07/2018
Krásna príroda, super welness, príjemný majitelia. Vratili by sme sa sem, pretože sme sa tu dobre cítili.

Object description

The Sokolí dvor cottage with wellness is located in a beautiful and quiet part of the village of Terchová, called Vyšné Kamence. Try out unconventional accommodation in Terchová. You have a cottage suitable for families with children and a smaller group of friends and loved ones at your disposal. You can spend pleasant moments in our cozy cottage with a total capacity for 4 people in any season. In the common room you will find a TV with satellite reception, a refrigerator and a comfortable couch. You can cook a tasty meal in the practically equipped kitchen with a ceramic double stove, an electric kettle and a coffee maker. Upstairs, in the attic room you can relax on a double bed and two single beds. There is also a bathroom with a shower and a toilet. WiFi internet connection is provided throughout the building. In the fenced and nicely landscaped garden you can sit in a wooden gazebo with an outdoor fireplace and cook delicious goulash on the fire. Every day of the year you can use the unique open-air wellness with sauna and hot tub. In the summer, a natural swimming pool or garden swing is prepared for you in the area. Children will certainly enjoy the nearby playground, which is also located directly in the area. You can park your cars directly at the property. The owners live in the property, but your privacy is perfectly taken care of. If necessary, they are available at any time to make your stay pleasant and relaxing. We look forward to meeting you.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness? Cottage sleeps 4 persons. No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee.
What wellness equipment does the accommodation offer? Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness? Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness offers bathtub, sauna, outdoor pool.
Allows accommodation Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee. Find the rates here.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness? Accommodation prices Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chalúpka Sokolí dvor s wellness varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.