Chata Amarin

Areál termálneho kúpaliska Vadaš, Štúrovo RoomsOccupancyPricesDetailsRatingsFrequently asked questionsMap
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
+10 photos

Chata Amarin

4.6 - excellent
39 reviews

Veronika:"Ubytovanie bolo dobré."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 30 personsof which 6 extra beds
6 rooms
6 bedrooms6 bathrooms, 6x WC
No dogs allowed

Chata Amarin is located in the city Štúrovo in the area of the swimming pool. 6 rooms sleep 30 people (of which 6 are extra beds) in 6 bedrooms (6 bathrooms, 6x WC). Multiple independent groups can be accommodated. Stay with a dog is not allowed. This rental is equipped with outside pool. Outside you will find fireplace, gazebo, outdoor seating and terrace. Parking by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Drozdovo (91,5 km), the nearest swimming is Thermal pool Vadaš (do 100 m). Nearby you can see the cave Svoradova cave (93 km) or Fortification Bíňa (17,2 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

4-lôžková izba s prístelkou
6x Štvorlôžková izba s prístelkou

Total capacity: 5 persons

1. Bedroom: 2x a bed, 1x double bed, 1x extra bed
Equipment: Kitchen corner, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 30/01/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chata Amarin

Off season
1. Jan - 30. Apr
min. 3 nights
0 € Not for rent
Not for rent
Summer season
29. Jun - 6. Jul
min. 4 persons min. 3 nights
460 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
29. Jun - 6. Jul
min. 5 persons min. 3 nights
520 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
6. Jul - 13. Jul
min. 4 persons min. 3 nights
520 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
6. Jul - 13. Jul
min. 5 persons min. 3 nights
580 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
13. Jul - 24. Aug
min. 4 persons min. 3 nights
600 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
13. Jul - 24. Aug
min. 5 persons min. 3 nights
660 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
24. Aug - 31. Aug
min. 4 persons min. 3 nights
520 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer season
24. Aug - 31. Aug
min. 5 persons min. 3 nights
580 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer off-season
31. Aug - 14. Nov
min. 4 persons min. 3 nights
430 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Summer off-season
31. Aug - 14. Nov
min. 5 persons min. 3 nights
480 € Room / stay
Room / stay
Off season
15. Nov - 31. Dec
min. 3 nights
0 € Not for rent
Not for rent
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
Off season
1. Jan - 30. Apr min. 3 nights 0 € / Not for rent
Summer season
29. Jun - 6. Jul min. 4 persons min. 3 nights 460 € / Room / stay
Summer season
29. Jun - 6. Jul min. 5 persons min. 3 nights 520 € / Room / stay
Summer season
6. Jul - 13. Jul min. 4 persons min. 3 nights 520 € / Room / stay
Summer season
6. Jul - 13. Jul min. 5 persons min. 3 nights 580 € / Room / stay
Summer season
13. Jul - 24. Aug min. 4 persons min. 3 nights 600 € / Room / stay
Summer season
13. Jul - 24. Aug min. 5 persons min. 3 nights 660 € / Room / stay
Summer season
24. Aug - 31. Aug min. 4 persons min. 3 nights 520 € / Room / stay
Summer season
24. Aug - 31. Aug min. 5 persons min. 3 nights 580 € / Room / stay
Summer off-season
31. Aug - 14. Nov min. 4 persons min. 3 nights 430 € / Room / stay
Summer off-season
31. Aug - 14. Nov min. 5 persons min. 3 nights 480 € / Room / stay
Off season
15. Nov - 31. Dec min. 3 nights 0 € / Not for rent

More details

The price also includes:
parking, WiFi internet, baby bed, bed sheet
The price also includes:parking, WiFi internet, baby bed, bed sheet

Surcharges on the spot

Tourist tax: 1.5 € / person / day (persons from 15 years old apply)

Basic information

rental usable:Only in summer 30.04 - 29.09
Arrival for stay:from 15:00
Departure from the stay:to 09:00
Parking options:at the rental, (Guarded parking lot)
Does the host live in the building?NO, the host does not stay / live in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?It is not allowed
Is the rental fenced?NO, the rental is not fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?YES, only some rooms have disabled access
Heating:No heating
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:Telekom, Orange, O2, 4ka
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms
We do not accept:Loud celebrations and parties, Pets

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Areál termálneho kúpaliska Vadaš, 943 01 Štúrovo
GPS location:47.8008974, 18.7161809 Show the map
Regions:Burda, Podunajská nížina, Podunajsko, Južné Slovensko, Západné Slovensko, okres Nové Zámky, Nitriansky kraj
Location of the rental:In the village / in the city
Refinement of location:By the swimming pool, Near the water park, In the area of the swimming pool
The shop:50 m
A restaurant:50 m
Train (railway station):3 km
Bus (stop):600 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Drozdovo (by car 91,5 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Thermal pool Vadaš ( do 100 m)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the rental / in the area of the rental:Fireplace, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Gazebo
Sports possibilities in the building / in the area of the building:Minigolf, Fishing, Tennis, Outside pool, Football
rental is suitable for:For two, For families with children, For seniors, For groups, For tourists, For four
rental is suitable for:Active holiday, For summer, Relaxation stays, Weekend stays


4.6 - excellent
39 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Veronika  18/09/2024
Ubytovanie bolo dobré.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Katarina Babelova  18/09/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Katarina  18/09/2024
Chata bola pekná, všetko bolo v poriadku.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Mirka  18/09/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Igor  10/09/2024
S ubytovanim sme boli spokojni, dobra lokalita. Komunikacia bola na velmi dobrej urovni. Radi sa sem opat vratime.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Romana  06/09/2024
Komunikácia bola na vysokej úrovni. Vybavenosť nízka-málo riadu, nepohodlné postele,chýbala klimatizácia,a zápach z odpadu v kúpelni veľmi prerážal..
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za hodnotenie. Co sa klimatizacie tyka, jej montaz bude realizovana po ukonceni tejto sezony. Zaroven by sme radi doplnili, ze hostia boli pri komunikacii pred rezervaciou informovani o tom, ze objekt klimatizaciu zatial nedisponuje.

Katarina  02/09/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Mária  28/08/2024
Určite neodporúčam! Potrebovalo by to obnoviť. Strašný zápach zo sifónov v kúpeľni,zatuchnuté vankúše a paplóny, deravé plachty.Žiadna metla ani handra na utieranie zeme.Chladničku sme si museli najprv sami odmraziť,bolo tam kopec ľadu.V rýchlovarnej kanvici bol vodný kameň,museli sme si kúpiť ocot a vyvariť ju.Stoličky špinavé.Steny papierové, všetko bolo počuť od susedov.A pán majiteľ by mohol občas upozorniť hostí na dodržiavanie nočného kľudu.Ešte o 1-nej v noci si susedia púšťali rádio na plné pecky.Boli sme prvý a určite aj posledný krát.
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za hodnotenie. Zial, je smutne, ze p. Nagyova, pokial mala s niecim problem, nas o tom neinformovala. Pri komunikacii nemala k nicomu ziadne vyhrady ani pripomienky. Pokial by nas bola byvala informovala, bolo by mozne veci riesit. Metlicku a handru radi poskytneme, ak o to hostia prejavia zaujem. Zaroven musime zial konstatovat, ze po hostoch nam tiez ostala skoda v podobe zniceneho zamku na dverach na terasu, co sa tiez stava, len staci o tom informovat a neodist bez slova.

Zuzana  24/08/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za spatnu vazbu.

Karol  23/08/2024
Ubytovanie slušné, čisté...chýbalo nám iba metla alebo aj možno mop na zotretie podlahy sem tam keďže týždeň je doba kedy treba pri deťoch trošku viac poupratovať..inak super...klímu sne veľmi ocenili.poliha pre nás veľmi dobrá tichšia.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za spatnu vazbu.

Hrdá  21/08/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Monika  09/08/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Jozef  29/07/2024
Všetko bolo v poriadku, v chate sme sa cítili dobre.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu.

Pavol  20/07/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Alena  18/07/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Dominika  16/07/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Peter  12/07/2024
Chata bola dobre vybavená, všetko bolo ok.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Gabriela  21/06/2024
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Mikuláš  29/09/2023
Výborný pobyt. Nemáme čo vytknúť.
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Michal  27/09/2023
Hanka  05/09/2023
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Martina  04/09/2023
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie.

Mária  26/08/2023
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme.

Eva  21/08/2023
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme.

Mária  18/08/2023
V chatke Amarin sme bolí ubytovany cela rodina.Pačilo sa nam tam.Veľmi pekne prostredie.Čo sa týka izieb,klasika.Možno troška viac upratovať,ale v pohode da sa 🙂. Majiteľ príjemný, komunikatívni.
Iveta  31/07/2023
The host's answer:

Velmi pekne dakujeme za hodnotenie, ktore nas velmi tesi a dufame, ze sa opat stretneme. S pozdravom a prijemnym dnom Edita Beres Dejczoova

Erik  14/08/2022
Priamo v areali to bola vyborne...pre male deti nie moc hlucne...poobedme spanie bolo OK...
Izba po upratovani velmi slabo by som povedal, ze vobec...pani manzelka upratovanie noc moc...asi radsej niaka upratovacia spolocnost...VELMI MOC VYRZGAJUCE POSTELE CLOVEK SA V NOCI BAL AJ PRETOCIT, ABY SA DETI NEZOBUDILI...obliekanie posteli tiez minus...velky puch pri otvoreni posteli...trebalo by nieco s tym poriesit
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za spatnu vazbu.

Lucia  29/07/2021
Dana  02/08/2020
Poloha je super,lebo je tam tichsie Posedenie vonku Komunikacia s majitelmi
Cistota-urcite sa treba porozpravat s p.upratovackou(v rohoch vela prachu,za chladnickami,pod chladnickami,v uloznych priestoroch v posteliach), Chybaju tam male (aspon 1na izbu)lampicky.
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie a spatnu vazbu, ktoru si vazime. Naprava uz bola zjednana vymenou upratovacej sluzby. Mrzi nas to, je vsak skoda, ze ste nas o tom neinformovali pocas Vasho pobytu, ale az teraz po viac ako tyzdni od jeho ukoncenia, boli by sme byvali zjednali okamzitu napravu. Napriek tejto skutocnosti budeme radi pokial nam zachovate priazen a budeme mat moznost Vas opat niekedy privitat v nasom ubytovacom zariadeni.

František  19/10/2017
Boli sme v Amarine 4 krat,boli sme spokojní. Výborná komunikacia s majitelmi.
Velmi hlučná partia na poschodi,nakolko sme boli s 3 detmi.
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie a sme radi, ze ste boli u nas spokojni.

Alena  09/08/2017
V apartmánoch sme ubytovani každý rok a je to super ubytovanie a samozrejme aj majitelia Editka a Marian. Sú skvelí a priatelskí. . Správni ľudia ..Už sa tešíme o rok....
všetko bolo dobré tak nemám čo hodnotit ko negativa..
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie, ktore nas tesi a robime vsetko preto, aby sa u nas nasi hostia citili dobre. Tesime sa na stretnutie o rok:-)

alena  05/03/2017
V chate AMARIN a AMARIS sme boli viac krát a je to najlepšie ubytovanie ,pani Editka s Marianom sú úžasní,milí,a vždy ochotní poradiť ,pomôcť.,vybaviť.ešte aj počasie nám prialo takže sme boli spokojní so všetkým...samozrejme že tam pojdeme aj tento rok ..už sa nato tešíme celá partia.
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie a sme radi, ze sa k nam vratite aj tento rok.

Roman  21/08/2016
Velmi sa nam pacilo na chate AMARIS. Chata je v tichom prostredi s altankom .Prijemni majitelia chaty. Poriadok na izbe .Detom sa pacili pripravene akcie.Uzili sme si dovolenku v sturove bolo supet a o rok snad znova .Majitelom dakujeme .
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie a budeme radi, ak sa k nam vratite aj tento rok:-)

Žaneta  29/07/2016
Ďakujeme majiteľom chatky Amarin. Je útulná, priestranná, v tichom prostredí. Oceňujeme najmä väčšiu sprchu, nakoľko sme mali menšie deti ... Deti sa vyšantili na trampolíne, my sme využili altánok s grilom. Cítili sme sa fantasticky! Ďakujeme za ochotu a milý prístup a za krásnu dovolenku. Môžeme len odporúčať ostatným dovolenkárom.
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie a sme radi, ze ste sa u nas citili prijemne.

Darina  21/03/2016
Príjemnē prostredie.tá chata je tak dobre situovaná.ze vobec nepocut ruch z ulice...Tešíme sa opäť na dovolenku u Vás;-)
Chýba tam nejaký altánok,alebo gril pri chate,vieme,že je vedľa pri druhej chate ale predsa pohodlnejšie je posedieť pri tej v ktorej bývate....Ináč všetko TOP!
The host's answer:

Dakujeme za Vase hodnotenie a sme radi, ze sa k nam vratite aj tento rok, Co sa altanku alebo grilu tyka, pracujeme na tom, aby boli k dispozicii aj pri druhej chate. Tesime sa na stretnutie s Vami i tento rok:-)

Vdoviakovi  02/07/2012
Príjemné ubytovanie, ústretoví majitelia, skvelá partia = super dovolenka :-) Určite sa radi vrátime....
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme za pozitívne hodnotenie, teší nás, ak ste boli u nás spokojní, odnášate si aj vďaka nám pekné zážitky z dovolenky. Tešíme sa na ďalšie stretnutie:-)

Martina Gamanova  01/08/2011
dakujeme pani Dejczoovej za krasne ubytovanie,,je to na urovni,,boli sme nadmieru spokojny,,,este raz velke dakujem,,
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme za hodnotenie, teší nás, že ste sa cítili dobre a že sa Vám u nás páčilo:-)

Lukáš Badžgoň  26/07/2011
ubytovanie bolo prijemne, izby utulne a pani majitelka s priatelom velmi mili a priatelski :D
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme za hodnotenie, sme radi, že ste sa u nas cítili dobre.

maria vargova  08/08/2010
možem povedať že to je naozaj krasna chata super ubytovanie velmi peknee

Object description

Through positive reviews, Amarin Cottages appreciates the friendly owners, with whom it is a pleasure to communicate, the quiet environment and the facilities suitable for both families and friends. The cottage consists of six comfortable studio quadruple rooms with one extra bed, which means that the total capacity is 30 people. Each room has its own entrance, bathroom with toilet, TV and kitchen. There is an electric hob, fridge, kettle and microwave. For guests there is a Wifi internet connection, sitting by the fireplace or on the terrace or monitored space for parking at the building. There are grocery stores and several restaurants nearby.

Cottage Amarin is part of the popular thermal swimming pool Vadaš Štúrovo and thus you can reach swimming pools, water attractions, sports fields, natural lake and a new wellness center with a sauna world and experience showers. After the Maria Valérie Bridge, you can comfortably get to Esztergom and its beautiful basilica, while the charm of both places can be admired during a cruise on the Danube. Štúrovo also offers the Municipal Museum, various cultural events and you can set out to discover other attractions of the Danube Plain, such as water mills or the fortifications of Bín.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Chata Amarin free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chata Amarin? 6 rooms sleep 30 persons (of which 6 extra beds). It is possible to accommodate several independent groups in the building. Stay with a dog is not allowed.
What wellness equipment does the accommodation offer? Chata Amarin? Chata Amarin offers outside pool.
Allows accommodation Chata Amarin stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a dog is not allowed.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chata Amarin? Accommodation prices Chata Amarin may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chata Amarin? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chata Amarin varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.