Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška
+8 photos

Chata Mikyška

Max. 11 persons
1 cottage
4 bedrooms2 bathrooms, 2x WC
Dog allowedonly small, no charge

Chata Mikyška is located on the outskirts of the village Terchová by the forest and by the stream. Wooden house sleeps 11 people in 4 bedrooms (2 bathrooms, 2x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a small dog is allowed free of charge. Outside you will find hearth, outdoor seating, terrace and grill. The land is partially fenced. Parking is for 10 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort of Vrátna Free Time Zone (2,9 km), the nearest swimming is SWIMMING. Nearby you can see the cave Cave Dragon's Hole (54 km) or Old Castle (24,6 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Chata Mikyška
Chata Mikyška - privát

Total capacity: 11 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 1x double bed
3. Bedroom: 1x bed, 1x double bed
4. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x bed
Equipment: Community room, Kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 02/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chata Mikyška - privát

3. Jan - 22. Dec
min. 2 nights
240 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Christmas stay
23. Dec - 28. Dec
min. 4 nights
300 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
29. Dec - 2. Jan
min. 4 nights
350 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Easter stay
18. Apr - 21. Apr
min. 3 nights
260 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
vek 0~2 rokov
0 € Child / night
Child / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
3. Jan - 22. Dec min. 2 nights 240 € / Cottage / night
Christmas stay
23. Dec - 28. Dec min. 4 nights 300 € / Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
29. Dec - 2. Jan min. 4 nights 350 € / Cottage / night
Easter stay
18. Apr - 21. Apr min. 3 nights 260 € / Cottage / night
vek 0~2 rokov0 € / Child / night

More details

Deposit for rental in advance: 70 EUR (70-100 €)
The price also includes:
parking, bed linen, recreation fee, WiFi internet
The price also includes:parking, bed linen, recreation fee, WiFi internet

Surcharges on the spot

Refundable deposit: 50 € / stay

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 14:00 - to 21:00
Departure from the stay:from 10:00 - to 10:00
Parking options:10 parking spaces, at the rental, (Guarded parking)
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, small breed only, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?The property is partially fenced.
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms
We prefer:Families with children, Over 25 years old
We do not accept:Noisy celebrations and parties

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Štefanová 2115, 013 06 Terchová
GPS location:49.23296, 19.06418 Show the map
Regions:Malá Fatra, Stredné Slovensko, Severné Slovensko, Národný park Malá Fatra , Vrátna dolina, Horné Považie, okres Žilina, Žilinský kraj
Location of the rental:On the outskirts of the village / town
Refinement of location:By the forest, By the stream
The shop:4 km
A restaurant:100 m
Train (railway station):30 km
Bus (stop):50 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort of Vrátna Free Time Zone (by car 2,9 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Hearth, Grill, Terrace, Outdoor seating
Sports facilities in the building / on the premises:Badminton, Volleyball
Social areas in the building / on the premises of the building:Dining room, Terrace to the restaurant
Accommodation theme:Romantic
The accommodation is suitable for:For groups, For families with children, For tourists, For seniors
The accommodation is suitable for:For the summer, Active holiday, For skiing, For winter vacation, Weekend stays, Sports camp


3.9 - average
4 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Martin (Group)  06/01/2022
Veľmi pekné a čisté ubytovanie s výbornou polohou na exteriérové aktivity v zime i v lete. Vybavenosť postačujúca aj na viacdňové pobyty v skupine okolo 10 ľudí. Chata je zariadená veľmi prakticky na rekreačné pobyty, s dostatkom sociálnych zariadení a veľkou spoločenskou miestnosťou. Oceňujem dostatok parkovacích miest priamo pri chate, priestrannú záhradu a v neposlednom rade komunikáciu s majiteľom, ktorý bol po celý čas mimoriadne ústretový. Ďakujeme za pobyt.
Radka (Group)  23/08/2020
Ďakujeme pánovi Mikyškovi za krásnu rodinnú dovolenku. Cítili sme sa veĺmi príjemne, Terchová s okolím je nádherná. Chata nám vyhovovala čo sa týka vybavenia aj polohy.
Ivan (Friends)  09/08/2020
Wifi nefunkčné, mikrovlnka nieje, kuchyňa slabo vybavená, nože tupé, sieťky na oknách chýbajú takže vetranie obmedzené ak nechcete spať s nočným hmyzom, gril 25x25cm (otrasné), ak sedíte v obývačke na prízemí a na poschodí chodia ľudia ozýva sa vrzganie podlahy ako v starom zámku, doklad o zaplatení nedostanete to nepoznajú, postele tvrdé vyležané lacné matrace ako keby tam neboli atď.... 2skrine pre 12 ľudí skrátka dovolenku áno ale nie v tejto chate.
The host's answer:

Wifi,slabšie ale funkčné.mikrovlnkou si ohrieva jedlo už len...aj tým malým vrchnákom z grilu vypálili hostia 5m2 trávy,hostia asi zabudli ze stavba je drevenica takže vŕzganie podlahy sa nedá vylúčiť,postele sú klasické válendy povrch látka a molitan,žiadne matrace ako vykresĺuje žlčovitý hosť.A daň odvádzam ako dóchodca z príjmu.Pre dve rodiny 150 m2,spoločenská miestnosť,krytá terasa plus veĺký dvor.Hosťom by asi viac vyhovoval panelákový kamrlík s betónovou nevŕzgajúcou podlahou na aký sú zvyknutí.A ešte maličkosť na brúsenie nožov je k dispozícii brúsný kameň.Takže,co k tomuto hodnoteniu už asi nič.

Viliam (Family with young children)  28/05/2018
Vinikajuca poloha a vyborne vubavenie
Prilis tvrde postele

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Chata Mikyška free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chata Mikyška? Wooden house sleeps 11 persons. No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Staying with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
Allows accommodation Chata Mikyška stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chata Mikyška? Accommodation prices Chata Mikyška may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chata Mikyška? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chata Mikyška varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.