Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly
+48 photos

Chata Sofia Donovaly

4.6 - excellent
14 reviews

Tomáš:"S chatou aj jej vybavením sme boli spokojní. Prostredie je nádherné, krásny les, rovinka, pre deti domček, trampolína, hračky.. A 30 metrov od chaty je vlek..Čo viac si priať..Boli sme ubytovaní na viacerých chatách na Donovaloch ale táto lokalita je bezkonkurenčne najlepšia!!"

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 8 personsof which 2 extra beds
1 cottage
2 bedrooms1 bathroom, 1x WC
Dog allowedfree of charge

Chata Sofia Donovaly is located in the recreation area Donovaly when towing, in the forest and in the mountains. Cottage sleeps 8 people (of which 2 are extra beds) in 2 bedrooms (1 bathroom, 1x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a dog is allowed free of charge. Outside you will find hearth, gazebo, outdoor seating, kettle, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: children's playground, toys, children's chair, baby cot, trampoline, climbing wall, slide and children's swing are available. Parking is for 4 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Donovaly PARK SNOW (2,6 km), the nearest swimming is Športovo - relaxačné centrum Gothal (13,7 km). Nearby you can see the cave Dekrétová Cave (25,4 km) or Castle Banska Bystrica (26,9 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Chata Sofia Donovaly
Chata Sofia Donovaly

Total capacity: 8 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x bed
Equipment: Community room, Kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 26/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chata Sofia Donovaly

Winter season
3. Jan - 31. May
Cena dohodou
min. 2 nights
0 € Object / night
Object / night
Summer season
1. Jun - 8. Sep
Cena dohodou
min. 2 nights
0 € Object / night
Object / night
Winter season
9. Sep - 27. Dec
Cena dohodou
min. 2 nights
0 € Object / night
Object / night
New Year's Eve
29. Dec - 2. Jan
Cena dohodou
min. 4 nights
2200 € Object / stay
Object / stay
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
Winter season
3. Jan - 31. May min. 2 nights Cena dohodou0 € / Object / night
Summer season
1. Jun - 8. Sep min. 2 nights Cena dohodou0 € / Object / night
Winter season
9. Sep - 27. Dec min. 2 nights Cena dohodou0 € / Object / night
New Year's Eve
29. Dec - 2. Jan min. 4 nights Cena dohodou2200 € / Object / stay

More details

The price also includes:
parking, WiFi internet, wood for the fireplace, bed linen, towels
The price also includes:parking, WiFi internet, wood for the fireplace, bed linen, towels

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 14:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:4 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?PERMITTED, without restrictions, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?NO, the property is not fenced.
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?YES, only some rooms have wheelchair access
Heating:Electric, Fireplace
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2, 4ka, Vodafone
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Donovaly 301, 976 39 Donovaly
GPS location:48.8674779, 19.2223915 Show the map
Regions:Veľká Fatra, Severné Slovensko, Národný park Veľká Fatra , Veporské vrchy, Nízke Tatry, Horehronie, Národný park Nízke Tatry , Stredné Slovensko, okres Banská Bystrica, Banskobystrický kraj
Location of the rental:In the recreation area
Refinement of location:In the forest, At the ski resort, When towing, In the mountains
The shop:700 m
A restaurant:700 m
Train (railway station):26 km
Bus (stop):700 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Donovaly PARK SNOW (by car 2,6 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Športovo - relaxačné centrum Gothal (by car 13,7 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Gazebo, Grill, Kettle, Hearth, Outdoor seating, Garden swing
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's swing, Baby cot, Children's chair, Children's playground, Toys, Climbing wall, Trampoline, Slide
Sports facilities in the building / on the premises:Bicycles, Football, Tennis
Additional services in the facility:Ski room, Bicycle storage
Accommodation theme:Romantic
The accommodation is suitable for:For cyclists, For families with children, For tourists, For students, For four
The accommodation is suitable for:Active holiday, Quarantine stay, For spring break, For the summer, For skiing, Celebration, Relaxation stays, Team building, Weekend stays, Sports camp


4.6 - excellent
14 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Tomáš  24/01/2025
S chatou aj jej vybavením sme boli spokojní. Prostredie je nádherné, krásny les, rovinka, pre deti domček, trampolína, hračky.. A 30 metrov od chaty je vlek..Čo viac si priať..Boli sme ubytovaní na viacerých chatách na Donovaloch ale táto lokalita je bezkonkurenčne najlepšia!!
Marcel  05/01/2025
Chata je v krásnej lokalite a bola výborne vybavená. Majiteľ bol veľmi ochotný.
Martina  13/12/2024
Ondrej  19/11/2024
Majitel vedel ze prideme s malymi detmi (na konci oktobra ked uz nocne teploty su okolo nuly v tomto pasme) a nachystal nam chatu s kde bolo 18 stupnov! S tym ze drevo mame v cene ale nemame ho pouzivat. Jasne ze sme pouzili, ved nenechame deti v zime. Krb tahal ako US Steelka takze bolo potrebne stale dohadzovat aby sa prvu noc ako tak nahrialo v chate. Elektricke kurenie je nastavene na “eko slovak” sposob - 20h, vypina ho v rozpisane hodiny podla toho ci je pracovny tyzden alebo vikend. To sme este nezazili. Vybavenie kuchynky - prepalene hrnce, cukornicka nedosypana, to iste solnicka, radsej to tam nedat, posobilo to dojmom ze domacemu ani nezalezi na pripravenosti pre hosti. Cistota - tolko prachu kolko bolo pod postelami to bolo nieco hrozne. V kupelni zhrdzavene policky na drogeriu…. Wc kefa este mozno z ‘90 rokov. Chata je v krasnom prostredi, na zaciatku lesa, akurat neprijemne bolo ked nam chodili hubari po dvore nakolko tam nie je oplotenie. Preliesky pre deti boli super. Nemali sme velke ocakavania, vedeli sme ze chata je starsia, ale zakladne veci ked nie su tak to nahneva.
Michal  16/10/2024
Na chate nebol žiadny problém, pobyt sme si užili.
Eduard  16/10/2024
Boli sme tu veľmi spokojní, určite sa sem ešte vrátime.
Lucia  09/09/2024
Úžasná chata v lesíku, boli sme 2 maminy s detmi, všetko tam bolo skvelé, herné prvky vonku pre deti, ohnisko, altánok. Chata je super vybavená, kuchyňa je menšia, ale úplne stačí. Do "centra" je to napešo, nie je problém ísť ani s kočíkom. Jazdili sme aj vláčikom, ktorý zastavil kúsok od chaty. Majiteľ veľmi milý a ústretový.
Dušan  04/09/2024
Výborná lokalita a prostredie, všetko sme mali k dizpozícii..Perfektne sme si oddýchli.
Evka  05/08/2024
Rene  13/07/2024
Stanislav  30/05/2024
Výborná lokalita v peknej prírode, v chate bolo všetko čo sme potrebovali, boli sme veľmi spokojní!
Ivana  28/05/2024
Lenka  06/05/2024
Lubomír  28/02/2024
S pobytem jsme byli spokojeni, všechno dopadlo dobře.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Chata Sofia Donovaly free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chata Sofia Donovaly? Cottage sleeps 8 persons (of which 2 extra beds). No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Staying with a dog is allowed free of charge.
Allows accommodation Chata Sofia Donovaly stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chata Sofia Donovaly? Accommodation prices Chata Sofia Donovaly may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chata Sofia Donovaly? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chata Sofia Donovaly varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.