Obývacia miestnosť
Kuchynský kpt
Obývacia miestnosť
Chatka Kolibaba
Chatka Kolibaba
Chatka Kolibaba
Chatka Kolibaba
Chatka Kolibaba
+13 photos

Chatka Kolibaba

Max. 7 personsof which 1 extra bed
1 cottage
2 bedrooms1 bathroom, 1x WC
Dog allowedfor a fee

A secluded cottage by a stream with children's attractions. Chatka Kolibaba is located outside the village Leštiny by the forest, by the stream and on the mountains. Wooden house sleeps 7 people (of which 1 is an extra bed) in 2 bedrooms (1 bathroom, 1x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Stay with a dog is allowed for a fee. Outside you will find fireplace, gazebo, outdoor seating, outdoor fireplace, terrace, cauldron, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: playground, children's chair, trampoline, slide, sandbox and children's swing are available. The plot is partially fenced. Parking is for 6 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Racibor - Oravský Podzámok (16,2 km), the nearest swimming is AQUA-VITAL Park (8,4 km). Nearby you can see the cave Liskovská jaskyňa (18,2 km) or Castle Liptov Kalameny (9,7 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Obývacia miestnosť
Chatka Kolibaba

Total capacity: 7 persons

1. Bedroom: 4x a bed
2. Bedroom: 2x a bed
Equipment: Living room, Kitchen corner, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 02/09/2024.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chatka Kolibaba

3. Jan - 23. Dec
max 6-7 osôb. 1 noc + 30 %
90 € rental / night
rental / night
3. Jan - 23. Dec
3 a 4 noci
min. 3 nights
85 € rental / night
rental / night
3. Jan - 23. Dec
5 a viac nocí
min. 5 nights
80 € rental / night
rental / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
3. Jan - 23. Dec max 6-7 osôb. 1 noc + 30 %90 € / rental / night
3. Jan - 23. Dec min. 3 nights 3 a 4 noci 85 € / rental / night
3. Jan - 23. Dec min. 5 nights 5 a viac nocí80 € / rental / night

More details

Deposit for rental in advance: 50 %
The price also includes:
parking, bed sheet
The price also includes:parking, bed sheet
Detailed information on prices: Príplatok za prípravu teplej vody elektrocentrálou


Discount on entry / attraction: termálne jazierko Kalamenydiscount 100%

Surcharges on the spot

Tourist tax: 0.5 € / person / day
Refundable deposit: 100 € / stay
Wood for the fireplace: 4 € / yearly (10kg drevených brikiet)
Final cleaning: 15 € / stay (hosť neplatí ak zanechá poriadok aký-taký)
Pet: 14 € / night

Basic information

rental usable:Yearly
Arrival for stay:from 15:00 - to 18:00
Departure from the stay:from 09:00 - to 10:00
Parking options:6 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the host does not stay / live in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, without restrictions, for a fee (upon agreement with the host)
Is the rental fenced?The building is partially fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible
Heating:With fireplace
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:4ka, O2, Telekom, Orange
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Leštiny, 026 01 Leštiny
GPS location:49.1854956, 19.3738855 Show the map
Regions:Liptov, Chočské vrchy, Orava, Veľká Fatra, Kubínska Hoľa, Národný park Veľká Fatra , Oravská Magura, Severné Slovensko, Stredné Slovensko, okres Dolný Kubín, Žilinský kraj
Location of the rental:Outside the village / city
Refinement of location:By the forest, By the stream, On the mountains
The shop:1,1 km
A restaurant:1,7 km
Train (railway station):9,4 km
Bus (stop):1,8 km
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Racibor - Oravský Podzámok (by car 16,2 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:AQUA-VITAL Park (by car 8,4 km)


Internet connection in the building:No, without internet
At the rental / in the area of the rental:Gazebo, Grill, Cauldron, Fireplace, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Outdoor fireplace, Garden swing
Possibilities for children in the building / in the area of the building:Children's swing, Playground, Sandbox, Trampoline, Slide, Children's chair
Sports possibilities in the building / in the area of the building:Badminton, Football
Theme of rental:Romantic
rental is suitable for:For cyclists, For two, For bikers, For families with children, For tourists, For students, For four
rental is suitable for:For summer, On a skiing trip, Recreation vouchers


4 - good
3 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Šimon  30/08/2024
Jan  23/07/2024
Jan  23/07/2024

Object description

The cottage is located outside the village in a secluded area. It has a large plot suitable for frolicking for children, who will find a children's fairy house, a trampoline, a slide, a sandpit and 3 swings. The large plot of land is ideal for perfectly tiring the children, so that parents can relax in complete peace in the evening under the shelter by the fire, grill or kettle. The cabin is connected to drinking water... Electricity is obtained from solar panels. The beautiful nature in the surroundings completes the impressive character of this charming secluded place. You can prepare food on a gas ceramic hob. . The owner can provide a food delivery service.

Frequently asked questions

What makes your accommodation unique? Why should a potential guest choose your accommodation? The beautiful nature in the surroundings completes the impressive character of this charming secluded place. Coexistence with nature and birds chirping all day long. Let yourself be carried away by this romance and breathe in the purifying mountain air.
What program do you recommend to your guests in case of rain? In the vicinity of 8 km there is a free natural swimming pool or aquapark aquarelax 8 km. Lúčky spa swimming pool 7 km. Or Bešeňová 14 km. Visiting Orava or Liptovský castle 12 km.
What activities do you recommend to your guests in the vicinity of the cottage? Hiking directly from the cottage. Picking mushrooms directly from the cabin or relaxing on your own property.
What activities do you recommend for children in the vicinity of the cottage? The cottage has a large plot suitable for frolicking for children, who will find a children's fairy house, a trampoline, a slide, a sandpit and 3 swings. The large plot of land is ideal for perfectly tiring the children, so that the parents can relax in complete peace in the evening under the shelter by the fire, grill or kettle.
How far is Chata Malino from the nearest swimming pool? Aquarelax Dolný Kubín 7 km. Lúčka and Kalameny spas 8 km approx.
How far is Chata Malino from the ski slope? Kubínska hoľa 13 km, Racibor 12 km, Malinô Brdo 16 km
How does check-in work for the stay? The owner is waiting on the spot after a telephone appointment
When and how do you pay for the accommodation? A deposit of half in advance and an additional payment upon arrival at the place. At the end, an invoice will be handed over.
Can I drive directly to the accommodation in case of bad weather? YES, it is by the asphalt road
What else should the guest know before checking in? What is stated on the page
When is the accommodation? Chatka Kolibabafree? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chatka Kolibaba? Wooden house sleeps 7 persons (of which 1 extra bed). No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Stay with a dog is allowed for a fee.
Allows accommodation Chatka Kolibaba stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a dog is allowed for a fee. Find the rates here.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chatka Kolibaba? Accommodation prices Chatka Kolibaba may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chatka Kolibaba? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chatka Kolibaba varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.