Detské ihrisko
Obývacia miestnosť
Obývacia miestnosť
Vonkajšie posedenie
Vonkajšie posedenie
Vonkajšie posedenie
Detský domček
Detský domček
+31 photos
5 - exceptional
3 reviews

Pavol: "Veľmi príjemné a prostredie, pet friendly, krásna záhrada, chatka iba pre nás, krb, potok, les, štebot vtáčikov, balzam na dušu. Kedykoľvek sem prídeme opäť."

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The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 7 persons
1 cottage
2 bedrooms1 bathroom, 1x WC
Dog allowedonly small, free of charge

A house in a magical garden. Country House Liptov is located on the outskirts of the village Svätý Kríž - Svätý kríž by the stream. Cottage sleeps 7 people in 2 bedrooms (1 bathroom, 1x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge. Outside you will find outdoor seating, terrace, cauldron, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: playground, baby bed, climbing frame, slide, sandbox and children's swing are available. The plot is fenced. Parking by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Opalisko - Severe Poruba (16,7 km), the nearest swimming is Tatralandia (12,6 km). Nearby you can see the cave Ice cave (17,2 km) or Great Liptov castle (16,5 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Obývacia miestnosť
Country House Liptov

Total capacity: 7 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x a bed
2. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x a bed
Equipment: Dayroom, The kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 08/09/2024.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Country House Liptov

1. Jan - 31. Dec
cena od 60 Eur/noc - podľa počtu osôb a termínu
min. 2 nights
60 € rental / night
rental / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
1. Jan - 31. Dec min. 2 nights cena od 60 Eur/noc - podľa počtu osôb a termínu60 € / rental / night

More details

The price also includes:
baby bed, wood for the fireplace, parking, bed sheet, towels, WiFi internet
We prefer:
Families with children, Older than 25 years
We do not accept:
Loud celebrations and parties, A group of young people
The price also includes:baby bed, wood for the fireplace, parking, bed sheet, towels, WiFi internet
We prefer:Families with children, Older than 25 years
We do not accept:Loud celebrations and parties, A group of young people
Detailed information on prices: Pre presnú kalkuláciu kontaktujte prevádzkovateľa zariadenia. Cena sa odvíja od počtu osôb, termínu, počtu nocí. Pri niektorých termínoch je požiadavka viac prenocovaní. Dohoda možná.

Surcharges on the spot

Tourist tax: 0.5 € / person / night
Baby bed: 10 € / person / stay

Basic information

rental usable:Yearly
Arrival for stay:from 14:00 - to 21:00
Departure from the stay:from 07:00 - to 11:00
Parking options:at the rental
Does the host live in the building?YES, the host stays / lives in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, only small breed, free of charge (by agreement with the host)
Is the rental fenced?YES, the rental is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible
Heating:Electric, With fireplace
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:O2, 4ka, Telekom, Orange
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Svätý Kríž 263, 032 11 Svätý kríž
GPS location:49.0443152, 19.5398039 Show the map
Regions:Liptov, Severné Slovensko, Chočské vrchy, Nízke Tatry, Demänovská dolina, Národný park Nízke Tatry , Jasná, Chopok, Stredné Slovensko, okres Liptovský Mikuláš, Žilinský kraj
Location of the rental:Outskirts village / city
Refinement of location:By the stream
The shop:550 m
A restaurant:9,6 km
Train (railway station):10 km
Bus (stop):550 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Opalisko - Severe Poruba (by car 16,7 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Tatralandia (by car 12,6 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the rental / in the area of the rental:Grill, Cauldron, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Garden swing
Possibilities for children in the building / in the area of the building:Children's swing, Baby bed, Playground, Sandbox, Climbing frame, Slide
Theme of rental:Romantic
rental is suitable for:For cyclists, For two, For families with children, For tourists, For four
rental is suitable for:Active holiday, For spring break, For summer, On a skiing trip, For winter vacation, Weekend stays


5 - exceptional
3 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Milan  12/08/2024
Roland  20/07/2024
Pavol  09/05/2024
Veľmi príjemné a prostredie, pet friendly, krásna záhrada, chatka iba pre nás, krb, potok, les, štebot vtáčikov, balzam na dušu. Kedykoľvek sem prídeme opäť.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne a budeme sa na Vás tešiť! Do videnia!:)


Object description

This magical house in a beautifully blooming and fragrant garden with climbing frames, swings, a sandpit and access to a stream is located at the end of the village of Svätý Kríž, only 11 km from the largest thermal water park in Slovakia, Aquapark Tatralandia, 13 km from the year-round thermal water park Bešeňová and 24 km from the slopes in the best ski resort in Slovakia - JASNÁ NÍZKE TATRY - Chopok.
It is particularly suitable for families with children.
The house offers pleasant accommodation in a spacious romantic garden, which will provide you with an absolute escape from everyday life full of rush, stress and worries. The owners of the building, whose house is in the same garden, will also provide you with enough privacy. They are very pleasant and helpful when needed. Imagine maximum relaxation in a comfortable swing by the lake... the babbling of the stream in combination with a barbecue or cooking goulash in the circle of the family. This is the ideal place for your vacation! :) Lovers of hiking, cycling, mushroom picking, water parks, water sports on Liptovská Mara and great skiing in winter will certainly appreciate the immediate proximity to nature. However, Liptov also charms with a number of other interesting things, attractions and picturesque corners.

Frequently asked questions

What makes your accommodation unique? Why should a potential guest choose your accommodation? The cottage is located in a beautiful garden, at the end of the village of Svätý Kríž, adjacent to the Krížanka stream, where it is possible to enter. In the garden there is plenty of enjoyment for children and adults will enjoy maximum relaxation.
What program do you recommend to your guests in case of rain? Visit to Aquaparks, Liptov Illusion, Liptov Fantasy, museums, articular church of the Holy Cross, cinema.
What activities do you recommend to your guests in the vicinity of the cottage? Hiking, cycling, mushroom picking, walks in nature, skiing in the winter in the wider area.
What activities do you recommend for children in the vicinity of the cottage? There are slides, swings, climbing frames, a sandbox and a stream behind the fence, to which access is possible, right in the garden.
Of course, walking, hiking, cycling, football, badminton...
How far is Zrubový Dom pod hoľami from the nearest swimming pool? The closest is the stream behind the house :)
The indoor swimming pool in Liptovský Mikuláš is approx. 9 km away, Aquapark Tatralandia is 11 km away, Aquapark Bešeňová is 13 km away, other options: AquaVitalPark Lúčky, the natural thermal lake Kalameny, indoor swimming pool and swimming pool in the Hotel Máj in Lipt. Jáne, or the thermal spring Liptovský Ján - Kaďa.
How far is Zrubový Dom pod hoľami from the ski slope? approx. 15 km Žiarce, approx. 24 km Jasná
How does check-in work for the stay? Guests will be accommodated by the owner of the facility or they will keep the key in the safe, and we will inform guests about the code in advance and the method of accommodation.
When and how do you pay for the accommodation? 30% deposit in advance, additional payment upon accommodation or check-out in cash or by bank transfer based on the issued invoice.
Can I drive directly to the accommodation in case of bad weather? Yes
When is the accommodation? Country House Liptovfree? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Country House Liptov? Cottage sleeps 7 persons. No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
Allows accommodation Country House Liptov stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Country House Liptov? Accommodation prices Country House Liptov may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Country House Liptov? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Country House Liptov varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.