Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička
+20 photos

Drevenica Podkovička

4.8 - exceptional
19 reviews

Božena:"S drevenicou sme boli spokojní, nemali sme žiadny problém."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 7 personsof which 2 extra beds
1 cottage
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms, 2x WC
Dog allowedonly small, no charge

Drevenica Podkovička is located in the village Terchová at the ski resort, by the forest and in the mountains. Wooden house sleeps 7 people (of which 2 are extra beds) in 2 bedrooms (2 bathrooms, 2x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a small dog is allowed free of charge. This rental is equipped with wellness treatments. Outside you will find terrace, outdoor fireplace, grill, hearth and outdoor seating. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: toys, children's playground, climbing wall and children's corner are available. Parking is for 1 car by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort of Vrátna Free Time Zone (4,4 km), the nearest swimming is SWIMMING. Nearby you can see the cave Liskovská jaskyňa (47 km) or Old Castle (21,1 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Drevenica Podkovička
Drevenica Podkovička

Total capacity: 7 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 1x bunk bed, 1x bed
Equipment: Community room, Kitchen, Bathroom with toilet, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 15/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Drevenica Podkovička

Winter season
1. Sep - 30. Jun
pri počte osôb do 4
min. 2 nights
125 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Winter season
1. Sep - 30. Jun
pri počte osôb od 5
min. 2 nights
25 € Person / night
Person / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 31. Aug
min. 4 nights
150 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Spring break SK
17. Feb - 11. Mar
Jarné prázdniny
min. 4 nights
150 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Easter stay
6. Apr - 9. Apr
Veľká noc
min. 3 nights
150 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Christmas stay
22. Dec - 27. Dec
Vianočný pobyt
min. 2 nights
175 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
28. Dec - 3. Jan
Silvestrovský pobyt
min. 5 nights
200 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
Winter season
1. Sep - 30. Jun min. 2 nights pri počte osôb do 4125 € / Cottage / night
Winter season
1. Sep - 30. Jun min. 2 nights pri počte osôb od 525 € / Person / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 31. Aug min. 4 nights 150 € / Cottage / night
Spring break SK
17. Feb - 11. Mar min. 4 nights Jarné prázdniny150 € / Cottage / night
Easter stay
6. Apr - 9. Apr min. 3 nights Veľká noc150 € / Cottage / night
Christmas stay
22. Dec - 27. Dec min. 2 nights Vianočný pobyt175 € / Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
28. Dec - 3. Jan min. 5 nights Silvestrovský pobyt200 € / Cottage / night

More details

The price also includes:
baby cot, parking, bed linen, recreation fee, towels, WiFi internet
The price also includes:baby cot, parking, bed linen, recreation fee, towels, WiFi internet

Surcharges on the spot

Recreation fee: 1 € / person / night
Refundable deposit: 100 € / stay
Wood for the fireplace: 0 € / stay
Pet: 10 € / night

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 14:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:1 parking space, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, small breed only, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?NO, the property is not fenced.
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Heating:Central, Floor-standing
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Vŕšky 2387, 013 06 Terchová
GPS location:49.2545991, 19.0411305 Show the map
Regions:Malá Fatra, Stredné Slovensko, Severné Slovensko, Národný park Malá Fatra , Vrátna dolina, Horné Považie, okres Žilina, Žilinský kraj
Location of the rental:In the village / in the city
Refinement of location:By the forest, At the ski resort, In the mountains, In a cottage settlement
The shop:500 m
A restaurant:30 m
Train (railway station):15 km
Bus (stop):500 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort of Vrátna Free Time Zone (by car 4,4 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Hearth, Outdoor fireplace, Grill, Terrace, Outdoor seating
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Climbing wall, Children's corner, Toys, Children's playground
Wellness and relaxation in the building / on the premises of the building:Wellness treatments
Additional services in the facility:Possibility to pay by credit card
Social areas in the building / on the premises of the building:Terrace to the restaurant, Restaurant
Accommodation theme:Romantic
The accommodation is suitable for:For families with children, For tourists
The accommodation is suitable for:For skiing, For winter vacation, Weekend stays, For spring break, For the summer


4.8 - exceptional
19 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Božena  23/10/2024
S drevenicou sme boli spokojní, nemali sme žiadny problém.
Sabina  01/10/2024
Lubos  27/09/2024
Roman  20/08/2024
Dobrý den, byli jsme zde ubytovaní od 4.8 do 14.8.2024,byli jsme moc spokojeni, chata je pěkná, čistá v krásném prostředí Rezortu Vršky Terchová, příjemná obsluha recepce í restaurace, ochotný a vstřícný majitel pan Čačko se kterým jsme se po telefonu domluvili a pobyt si mohli o tři dny prodloužit. Nechtělo se nám vůbec odjed domů!
Roman  19/08/2024
Lenka  29/05/2024
Ubytování bylo výborné, líbilo se nám tady.
Lucia  05/01/2024
S drevenicou sme boli spokojní.
Anton  22/11/2023
Tímea  20/08/2023
Marta (Family with young children)  01/08/2020
Krásna útulná drevenica, kuchyňa vybavená veľmi dobre, všetko ako v popise, boli sme s malým dieťatkom, postieľka bola pripravená, páčilo sa nám a radi by sme sa v budúcnosti vratili
Janetta (Young couple)  01/01/2019
Pekna,utulna drevenica s krasnym vyhladom do dediny.Velmi pekne prostredie,turistika,rozne aktivity.
tomas  (Young couple)  25/07/2016
Super bolo tam,len skoda ze sme nerezervoval som na viac dni.2dni nato nestaci,na turistiku,a vsetko to tam pozriet.Na buduci rok tam chceme ist znovu,priroda je prekrasná,zelená,
nic.akurat len v chate,malo tv kanalov.
Hana (Family with older children)  20/07/2016
krásná příroda, milí lidé , skvělé ubytování
Lenka (Group)  22/09/2015
Milý prístup domácich, ubytovanie priamo v centre Terchovej.
Lucie (Family with young children)  07/07/2015
Chata je super, byli jsme už po druhé a určitě se opět vrátíme. Vybavenost na jedničku. Už jen stačí pračka:)....
Vysavač, který skoro nevysává a po chvíli se vypne z přehřátí. Jinak žádné negativa.
Štefan (Family with young children)  16/08/2014
ticho, príjemné prostredie
Ivana (Family with older children)  09/08/2014
ZL (Family with young children)  26/08/2013
Krasna krajina, pekny areal drevenic, restauracia v mieste, blizky lanovy park, blizkost k bazenu a sport. hale Terchovec. Velky vyber restauracii v nedalekom okoli. Drevenice v areali (dve v jednej budove) su pekne a nove, komfortne vybavene. Mozno vrele doporucit!
Prijezd k drevenici na poslednych 10 m pomerne narocny. Uvitali bysme mycku riadu v kuchyni.
Dagmar z BA  01/10/2012
Velmi pekné ubytovanie, drevenička vybavená všetkým čo pre príjemný pobyt, aj s malými detmi potrebujete, vrátane vonkajšieho posedenia s grilom, kozubom vo vnutri, vybavenou kuchynou.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Drevenica Podkovička free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Drevenica Podkovička ? Wooden house sleeps 7 persons (of which 2 extra beds). No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Staying with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
What wellness equipment does the accommodation offer? Drevenica Podkovička ? Drevenica Podkovička offers .
Allows accommodation Drevenica Podkovička stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Drevenica Podkovička ? Accommodation prices Drevenica Podkovička may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Drevenica Podkovička ? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Drevenica Podkovička varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.