Altánok a detské ihrisko
Apartmán na prízemí
Apartmán s balkónom
Apartmán s balkónom
Apartmán s balkónom
Apartmán s balkónom
Podkrovný apartmán
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Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
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podkrovny apartman
podkrovny apartman
podkrovny apartman
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apartman č.4 prizemie
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Fridrich Apartmán
+43 photos

Fridrich Apartmán ***

Veľký Meder
4.7 - excellent
42 reviews

Karel:"pěkné uklizené a čisté pokoje, vstřícný přístup majitele, skvělá dostupnost ke koupališti 👍"

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 45 personsof which 18 extra beds
11 apartments
12 bedrooms11 bathrooms, 11x WC
Dog allowedonly small, for a fee

Apartments near the swimming pool. Fridrich Apartmán is located on the outskirts of town Veľký Meder at the swimming pool. 11 apartments sleep 45 people (of which 18 are extra beds) in 12 bedrooms (11 bathrooms, 11x WC). Multiple independent groups can be accommodated. Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee. Outside you will find gazebo, outdoor seating, terrace, kettle, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: children's playground, baby cot, climbing wall, slide, sandbox and children's swing are available. The land is fenced. Parking is for 11 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Chamois - Chalet (72,3 km), the nearest swimming is Thermal pool Velky Meder Thermal Corvinus (400 m). Nearby you can see the cave Svoradova cave (86,8 km) or Castle Kolárovo (26,1 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Apartmán na prízemí
5x Apartmán na prízemí

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x extra bed
Equipment: Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Apartmán s balkónom
4x Apartmán s balkónom

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x extra bed
Equipment: Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Podkrovný apartmán
Podkrovný apartmán

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 4x bed
Equipment: Living area, Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Apartmán Superior

Total capacity: 5 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 3x bed
Equipment: Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details


Common spaces

1x Community room
Equipment: Dining area, Couch

Occupancy calendar

last update: 06/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Fridrich Apartmán

1. Oct - 31. May
miestny poplatok 1.50 je v cene
min. 2 persons min. 2 nights
19.5 € Person / night
Person / night
Short stay
1. Jan - 30. Dec
miestny poplato 1.50 je v cene
min. 2 persons
21.5 € Person / night
Person / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 1. Sep
od soboty do soboty
min. 2 persons min. 7 nights
21.5 € Person / night
Person / night
1. Jul - 1. Sep
od 3 do 14rokov
12 € Child / night
Child / night
2. Sep - 31. May
miestny poplatok 1:50 je v cene
min. 2 persons min. 2 nights
19.5 € Person / night
Person / night
2. Sep - 31. May
od 3 do 14 rokov
12 € Child / night
Child / night
Christmas stay
24. Dec - 2. Jan
od 3 do 14 rokov
min. 3 nights
12 € Child / night
Child / night
1. Jan - 31. Dec
do 3 rokov
5 € Child / night
Child / night
Easter stay
18. Apr - 21. Apr
miestny poplatok 1.50 je v cene
min. 2 persons min. 3 nights
21.5 € Person / night
Person / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
1. Oct - 31. May min. 2 persons min. 2 nights miestny poplatok 1.50 je v cene19.5 € / Person / night
Short stay
1. Jan - 30. Dec min. 2 persons miestny poplato 1.50 je v cene21.5 € / Person / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 1. Sep min. 2 persons min. 7 nights od soboty do soboty21.5 € / Person / night
1. Jul - 1. Sep od 3 do 14rokov12 € / Child / night
2. Sep - 31. May min. 2 persons min. 2 nights miestny poplatok 1:50 je v cene19.5 € / Person / night
2. Sep - 31. May od 3 do 14 rokov12 € / Child / night
Christmas stay
24. Dec - 2. Jan min. 3 nights od 3 do 14 rokov12 € / Child / night
1. Jan - 31. Dec do 3 rokov5 € / Child / night
Easter stay
18. Apr - 21. Apr min. 2 persons min. 3 nights miestny poplatok 1.50 je v cene21.5 € / Person / night

More details

The price also includes:
baby cot, parking, bed linen, towels, WiFi internet, recreation fee
The price also includes:baby cot, parking, bed linen, towels, WiFi internet, recreation fee

Surcharges on the spot

Recreation fee: 1.5 € / person / day (persons from 3 years old apply)
Refundable deposit: 0 € / person / stay (dohodou)
Pet: 5 € / person / day

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 13:00 - to 18:00
Departure from the stay:from 08:30 - to 09:00
Parking options:11 parking spaces, at the rental, (Guarded parking)
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, small breeds only, for a fee (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?YES, the property is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Heating:Central, Gas
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2, 4ka, Vodafone
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms
We prefer:Families with children, Over 25 years old, Over 35 years old
We do not accept:Noisy celebrations and parties, A group of young people

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Čičovská 53, 932 01 Veľký Meder
GPS location:47.8463506, 17.7652124 Show the map
Regions:Chránené územie Dunajské luhy , Žitný ostrov, Podunajská nížina, Podunajsko, Južné Slovensko, Západné Slovensko, okres Dunajská Streda, Trnavský kraj
Location of the rental:On the outskirts of the village / town
Refinement of location:At the swimming pool, At the water park
The shop:200 m
A restaurant:200 m
Train (railway station):1,5 km
Bus (stop):1 km
Nearest lift / ski resort:Chamois - Chalet (by car 72,3 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Thermal pool Velky Meder Thermal Corvinus ( 400 m)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Gazebo, Grill, Kettle, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Garden swing
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's swing, Baby cot, Children's playground, Sandbox, Climbing wall, Slide
Additional services in the facility:Bicycle storage, Iron
Social areas in the building / on the premises of the building:Lounge
Accommodation theme:Romantic, Wellness
The accommodation is suitable for:For cyclists, For two, For bikers, For business travelers, For families with children, For seniors, For groups, For tourists, For four
The accommodation is suitable for:Active holiday, For spring break, For the summer, For winter vacation, Wellness stays, Relaxation stays, Weekend stays


4.7 - excellent
42 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Kamil  14/11/2023
Karel  27/10/2023
pěkné uklizené a čisté pokoje, vstřícný přístup majitele, skvělá dostupnost ke koupališti 👍
Václav (Group)  06/03/2023
Václav  (Elderly couple)  19/03/2022
The host's answer:


Eva (Elderly couple)  28/09/2021
Areál termálních bazenů.
pavel (Elderly couple)  24/06/2021
pekne ubytovani a kousek do lazni
Luboš (Elderly couple)  22/08/2020
pavel (Elderly couple)  12/03/2020
Karel Rajnoch (Elderly couple)  28/02/2020
Bezva ubytování, poměrně blízko ke koupališti, příjemný pan domácí.
Karel Rajnoch (Elderly couple)  02/12/2019
Je to perfektní ubytování, pan majitel je velmi ochotný.
Ivo (Group)  09/05/2019
blízkost termálů
The host's answer:


ivo (Friends)  09/12/2018
pěkné ubytování,blizko termálu.
The host's answer:


Michal (Friends)  14/12/2017
Michal (Group)  13/12/2017
The host's answer:


Karel (Elderly couple)  09/12/2017
Pěkné ubytování, blízkost termálu
Šárka (Elderly couple)  05/11/2017
Hezké a čisté pokoje, ideální poloha u termálních lázní.
The host's answer:

dakujem s uctou fridrichapartman

JUDr. Vaněk (Elderly couple)  30/09/2017
Vše výborné.
Pouize jediný český televizní program .
The host's answer:


Bohumila (Elderly couple)  28/08/2017
Byli jsme zde již čtyřikrát a vždy spokojeni.
Fridrich super, ale ve vedlejším penzionu byly dvě bezohledné a uřvané rodiny.
The host's answer:

dakujem a pozdravujem cseh

Bohumila (Elderly couple)  08/08/2016
Čisté,pěkné apartmány blízko termálů Corvinus,
Silvie  (Young couple)  23/06/2016
Výborná poloha blízko termálního koupaliště, vstřícnost majitele, moderní vybavení. Vzdušné, dostatečně velké pokoje i koupelna
Jana (Friends)  01/12/2015
Jana (Friends)  12/10/2015
Kornélia (Elderly couple)  21/08/2015
Veľmi príjemný majiteľ, čistota, pekne upravený objekt, súkromie. K dispozícii sme mali aj uteráky, osušky, čistiace potreby (jar), toaletný papier na celý pobyt, mydlo, toto sme pri iných ubytovaniach na súkromí teda nemali. Bolo nsm tam veľmi dobre.
Nemáme žiadne výhrady
Zdeněk (Elderly couple)  09/08/2015
ubytování bez problémů
vše bylo v pořádku
Bohumila (Elderly couple)  03/08/2015
Stejně jako minulý rok jsme byli také letos naprosto spokojeni.Pan majitel se výborně stará nejen o hosty,ale také o hezké prostředí v penzionu a kolem penzionu.Pokud pojedeme do Velkého Mederu,tak jedině do tohoto penzionu.
The host's answer:

dakujem vam cseh a pozdravujem

Bohumila (Elderly couple)  03/08/2015
Stejně jako minulý rok jsme byli naprosto spokojeni.Apartmány Fridrich opravdu doporučujeme.
Ilona  31/07/2015
Vše bylo v naprostém pořádku.Jak ubytování, teplá voda, venkovní posezení,pískoviště,skluzavka. Příští rok přijedeme znovu. Vnoučatům se moc líbilo. Termín rekreace - 4.7.2015 - 13.7.2015. Hodnocení 100= a výše
Kamila (Family with young children)  23/07/2015
Vše bylo dokonalé,příjemné,čisté,útulné...vše bylo moc hezké,děkujeme!Rádi se budeme vracet...doporučujeme!!!
Jozef (Group)  23/07/2015
Dobry deň, chcel by som poďakovať majitelovi za krásny pobyt vo vašom zariadeni.Určite sa buduci rok vratime,lebo sme sa tam citili strasne dobre a podľa mna je to najlepši apartman vo Velkom Mederi.Škoda že sme nemohli ostať dlhšie.Prajem Vám všetko dobre a nech sa Vám darí tak,ako dotezar.Odporúčam vsetkym apartman Fridrich.
Alena (Elderly couple)  08/07/2015
čistota, vybavenost, přístup ubytovatele
Zdeněk (Elderly couple)  07/06/2015
Iveta (Friends)  03/06/2015
Naprostá spokojenost :):):)
Alena (Friends)  16/04/2015
pobyt v termálních lázních
nemám připomínky
Luboš  31/03/2015
luboš (Elderly couple)  31/12/2014
vše ok, perfektní, pokud budeme moci, opět se vrátíme
Jen vybavení kuchyně/týká se pánvičky a většího hrnce, ale to si můžeme vzít sebou, není to nic závažného.
Jiří (Young couple)  17/11/2014
Úplná spokojenost, krásné ubytování blízko termálů. Rádi se sem vrátíme - doporučujeme.
The host's answer:

dakujeme vam

Ivan (Elderly couple)  15/11/2014
Ctirad Valchář (Friends)  12/09/2014
Byli jsme tam již dvakrát a příští rok si to zase zopakujeme.máme jen pěkné zážitky.
The host's answer:

dakujem vam,a tesim sa na vas fridrichapartman cseh

Bohumila (Elderly couple)  08/09/2014
Čistý,provoněný penzion za dobrou cenu.Pokoj s balkonem a výhledem do krajiny,blízko termálů,prostě nádhera.
The host's answer:

dakujeme fridrichapartman

Daniela (Group)  06/08/2014
Blizko kupalisko,pekné ubytovanie,velka spoločenska miestnosť v pripade zleho počasia,gril s altankom super vec
Ivan (Group)  10/07/2014
Alena (Friends)  22/10/2013
Veľmi príjemné ubytovanie, pekne zariadené, čisté - radi sa tam vrátime - doporučujeme
The host's answer:

velmy pekne dakujeme budeme sa snazit nadalej aby sa u nas kazdy nasiel to co hlada a aby bol kazdy spokojny pozdravujem fridrichapartman cseh


Object description

Fridrich Apartment offers year-round accommodation in comfortably furnished apartments with a maximum capacity of 45 people. There are 9 double apartments located on the ground floor and first floor. Their equipment includes a double bed, a folding couch that serves as an extra bed for two people, a television, a kitchenette and a bathroom with a toilet. The apartments on the first floor have a balcony. There is also one attic apartment for 4 people and a Superior apartment with two bedrooms for 5 people. They also have a kitchenette and a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. On the ground floor you will find a common room with a couch and a dining area. Of course, there is an Internet connection via WiFi throughout the building. In addition to accommodation, we offer free use of our guarded parking lot, children's playground with slide and garden grill under the gazebo.

The newly opened accommodation facility Fridrich Apartmán is located only 200 meters from the thermal swimming pool in Veľky Mederi Thermal Corvinus. The complex consists of indoor and outdoor pools with thermal healing water, various water attractions, a wellness center, sports fields and there are also restaurant facilities. In the surrounding area, you will discover water mills, which you can find in Kolárovo, Jahodna, Dunajské Klátov and Tomášikovo. Do not miss a visit to Komárno, where you will admire the city fortress, the Courtyard of Europe and visit many museums and galleries. Veľký Meder belongs to the region of Rye Island and the Danube Plain. In Zemianská Olča, there is the Dropie Protected Area, where our largest bird, the bearded bustard, lives.

Frequently asked questions

How far is the Fridrich Apartmán from the nearest swimming spot? 150 m
When and how is accommodation paid for? accommodation is paid upon arrival
Can I drive directly to the accommodation in case of bad weather? the parking lot is 5 m from the building
When is the accommodation? Fridrich Apartmán free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Fridrich Apartmán? 11 apartments sleep 45 persons (of which 18 extra beds). It is possible to accommodate several independent groups in the building. Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee.
Allows accommodation Fridrich Apartmán stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee. Find the rates here.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Fridrich Apartmán? Accommodation prices Fridrich Apartmán may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Fridrich Apartmán? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Fridrich Apartmán varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.