Penzión s detským ihriskom
Rodinná izba Deluxe
Rodinná izba Deluxe
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán
Kúpeľňa v trojizbovom apartmáne
Kúpeľňa v trojizbovom apartmáne
Trojizbový apartmán
Dvojlôžková izba
Dvojlôžková izba
Trojlôžková izba
Kúpeľňa v izbách
Štvorlôžková izba
Štvorlôžková izba
Detský kútik v jedálni
Detský kútik v jedálni
Jedáleň, reštaurácia
sedenie na terase,dvore
detské ihrisko
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
detské ihrisko
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
Villa Victoria
+48 photos

Villa Victoria **

Liptovský Ján
Max. 31 personsof which 3 extra beds
7 rooms, 2 apartments
10 bedrooms9 bathrooms, 9x WC
Dogs are not allowed.

Villa Victoria is located on the outskirts of the village Liptovský Ján at the ski resort and at the swimming pool. 7 rooms a 2 apartments sleep 31 people (of which 3 are extra beds) in 10 bedrooms (9 bathrooms, 9x WC). Multiple independent groups can be accommodated. Staying with a dog is not allowed. We offer breakfast, lunch and dinner. This rental is equipped with massages. Outside you will find outdoor seating, terrace and garden swing. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: children's playground, children's corner, toys, children's chair, baby cot, trampoline, climbing wall, slide, sandbox and children's swing are available. The land is fenced. Parking is for 10 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Opalisko - Severe Poruba (9 km), the nearest swimming is Thermal swimming pool SOREA Liptovský Ján (1,3 km). Nearby you can see the cave Stanišovská cave (4,7 km) or Castle Liptovsky Hradok (8,3 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Dvojlôžková izba
2x Dvojlôžková izba

Total capacity: 2 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Trojlôžková izba
3x Trojlôžková izba

Total capacity: 3 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Štvorlôžková izba
Štvorlôžková izba

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Rodinná izba Deluxe
Štvorlôžková izba Deluxe

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x bed
Equipment: Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details


Total capacity: 3 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x extra bed
Equipment: Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Trojizbový apartmán
Trojizbový apartmán

Total capacity: 7 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x bed
2. Bedroom: 1x double bed
Equipment: Living room, Kitchenette, Bathroom with toilet

Show details


Common spaces

1x Community room
Equipment: Dining area, Television, Satellite

1x Kitchenette
Equipment: Refrigerator, Microwave oven, Electric kettle

Occupancy calendar

The occupancy calendar is not updated by the host.


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Villa Victoria

1. Jan - 1. Jan
dvojlôžková izba
40 € Room / night
Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
dvojlôžková izba
40 € Room / night
Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
trojlôžková izba
50 € Room / night
Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
trojlôžková izba
50 € Room / night
Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
štvorlôžková izba na poschodí
60 € Room / night
Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
obsadenie skupinou mimo letnej sezony
15 € Price / person
Price / person
1. Jan - 1. Jan
2 izbový s kuchynkou ,max 4osôb
60 € Apartment / night
Apartment / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
3 izbový apartmán max 7 osôb
110 € Apartment / night
Apartment / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
1. Jan - 1. Jan dvojlôžková izba40 € / Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan dvojlôžková izba40 € / Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan trojlôžková izba50 € / Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan trojlôžková izba50 € / Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan štvorlôžková izba na poschodí60 € / Room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan obsadenie skupinou mimo letnej sezony15 € / Price / person
1. Jan - 1. Jan 2 izbový s kuchynkou ,max 4osôb60 € / Apartment / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan 3 izbový apartmán max 7 osôb110 € / Apartment / night

More details

The price also includes:
baby cot, parking, bed linen, towels
The price also includes:baby cot, parking, bed linen, towels

Surcharges on the spot

Recreation fee: 1 € / person / day (persons from 3 years old apply)
Breakfast: 6 € / person / day (persons from 10 years old apply) (dieťa od 3 do 10 r. cena 4,00 eur Raňajky švedske stoly)
Lunch: 0 € / in the summer (v mesiacoch Júl,august otvorená reštaurácia s jedálnym lístkom.)
Dinner: 6 € / person (persons from 10 years old apply) (detská porcia je v cene 4,00 eur podľa ponuky)

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 15:00 - to 22:00
Departure from the stay:from 07:00 - to 10:00
Parking options:10 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?Not allowed
Is the rental fenced?YES, the property is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?YES, only some rooms have wheelchair access
Heating:Central, Gas
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2, 4ka, Vodafone
Dining options:With breakfast, With lunch, With dinner
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms
We prefer:Families with children, Over 25 years old
We do not accept:Pets

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Ulica pod Hrádkom 278/1, 032 03 Liptovský Ján
GPS location:49.0453755, 19.6745986 Show the map
Regions:Liptov, Severné Slovensko, Chočské vrchy, Nízke Tatry, Západné Tatry, Demänovská dolina, Národný park Nízke Tatry , Chopok Sever, Jánska dolina, Jasná, Chopok, Tichá dolina, Stredné Slovensko, okres Liptovský Mikuláš, Žilinský kraj
Location of the rental:On the outskirts of the village / town
Refinement of location:At the ski resort, At the water park, At the swimming pool
The shop:200 m
A restaurant:50 m
Train (railway station):9 km
Bus (stop):200 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Opalisko - Severe Poruba (by car 9 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Thermal swimming pool SOREA Liptovský Ján (by car 1,3 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Terrace, Garden swing, Outdoor seating
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's swing, Climbing wall, Baby cot, Children's corner, Trampoline, Children's chair, Toys, Slide, Children's playground, Sandbox
Wellness and relaxation in the building / on the premises of the building:Massages
Additional services in the facility:Bicycle storage, Possibility to pay by credit card, Dryer, Washing machine, Iron
Social areas in the building / on the premises of the building:Bar, Dining room, Terrace to the restaurant, Restaurant
Agrotourism in the building / on the premises of the building:Pets
Accommodation theme:Romantic
The accommodation is suitable for:For cyclists, For groups, For two, For families with children, For tourists, For bikers, For four, For business travelers
The accommodation is suitable for:For the summer, Wedding, Active holiday, For skiing, For winter vacation, Team building, Celebration, Weekend stays, Corporate events, With horses, Trainings and seminars, Quarantine stay, Holiday vouchers, School trip, For spring break, Sports camp


4.7 - excellent
25 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Adriana Lišková  05/02/2025
Juraj  02/09/2024
Roman  30/08/2024
Jozef  29/07/2024
Olga  27/05/2024
Peter  (Family with young children)  30/08/2022
Pre pobyt s malými deťmi-ideál....
Gabika (Family with young children)  22/06/2021
Krasne, ciste ubytovanie, pre rodiny s detmi ako stvorene. Uzasne vonkajsie ihrisko, vnutri kopa kopa hraciek, skvela steava, pani domaca sa o nas starala ako o vlastnych 🙂 Urcite vrelo odporucam a my si tu pobyt urcite zopakujeme.
Liliana (Young couple)  14/09/2020
Príjemné prostredie v strede liptova, odkiaľ máte blízko do všetkých zákutí liptova aj do samotných Vysokých Tatier. Villa Victoria pôsobí veľmi pohodovo a srší z nej domáca atmoška, kde si človek naozaj oddýchne. Jedlo grandiózne, dostali sme mäsko s dubákovou omáčkou, pričom tie dubáky šla pani domáca čerstvo nazbierať do lesa. Myslím, že toto nikde inde nezažijete. Cenami sa držia nohami na zemi a vidno, že svojich klientov nechcú zdrať z kože, ako to robia v iných ubytovacích zariadeniach. Určite sa sem radi vrátime.
Negatíva som nenašla, ani som tam nešla preto, aby som hľadala niečo s čím by som mala byť nespokojná.
Šmidovič (Family with young children)  17/08/2020
Príjemná vedúca,vynikajúci kuchár a príjemní personál.Samozrejme príjemné prostredie a rôzne atrakcie či priamo na mieste alebo v okolí.
nemám žiadne negatíva len kladné hodnotenie
Gabriela (Friends)  17/06/2020
Milí ústretoví majitelia, príjemné čisté ubytovanie a vynikajúca strava.
Petronela (Group)  17/06/2020
Milujem to tu pretoze ja milujem vas
Maria (Group)  17/06/2020
Mili majitelia,krasny a velky areal s detskym ihriskom a zvieratami, vyborna strava.
Marcel  (Group)  17/06/2020
Úžasné miesto milujem to tam velmi casto sa vraciam🙂
Absolutne nič
Lucie (Family with older children)  21/02/2019
Krásné místo, ubytování čisté, paní majitelka naprosto báječná, snídaně pestré a večeře maxi porce.....
Opravdu nic....
Anton (Family with young children)  28/10/2018
ústretový prístup, výborné jedlo :)
The host's answer:

ďakujeme a tešíme sa na opätovné stretnutie ..J.Garabášová

iva (Family with young children)  07/09/2017
zahrada plná preliezok a hraciek pre deti, zvieratka vo volierach a vybehu. naozaj idealne pre deti
napriek tomu, ze bolo avizované v ponuke, že pri polpenzii sú ponúkané na výber min. dve jedlá bolo vzdy iba jedno. prezili sme to ale prislo mi to zavadzajuce a nekorektne.
ivka (Family with young children)  18/07/2017
Slavo (Family with young children)  12/09/2016
príjemne, čisto,
opraviť v kúpelni poličky a všeobecne držiaky na potreby
Tomáš (Young couple)  06/09/2016
Kristina (Family with young children)  24/08/2016
Ubytování pro 5 osob (2 dospělé osoby, děti 14,12,7 let) k dispozici 2 pevná lůžka, 1 rozkládací lůžko a v kuchyni 1 1/2 lůžka (rozkládací)
zuzana (Family with young children)  22/08/2016
izba so samostatnym vchodom resp. vychodom priamo na detske ihrisko bolo pre mna s 3 malymi detmi idealne riesenie....detom sa velmi pacilo zariadenie ihriska a pritomnost zivych zvierat....spokojni sme boli aj s ranajkami, ktore sme mali objednane
umiestnenie chladnicky - ako nocny stolik. slabsie zariadena terasa v porovnani s foto
Katarína (Elderly couple)  16/03/2016
Pekné prostredie Výborná strava Príjemný manželský pár - majitelia
Alexandra (Family with young children)  13/05/2015
Prostredie,ochota personálu,možnosť aktivít v okolí
Marc (Young couple)  17/01/2015
Velmi prijemny personal, dobra cena, vlastna zastavka na Skibus. Dostali sme aj Liptov card, s ktorou sa da ist skibusom zadarmo.
Ivana (Group)  01/10/2014
Bolo super, perfektný ľudia, úžasná príroda, vynikajúca strava. Veľmi odporúčam.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Villa Victoria free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Villa Victoria? 7 rooms a 2 apartments sleep 31 persons (of which 3 extra beds). It is possible to accommodate several independent groups in the building. Staying with a dog is not allowed.
What wellness equipment does the accommodation offer? Villa Victoria? Villa Victoria offers .
Allows accommodation Villa Victoria stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a dog is not allowed.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Villa Victoria? Accommodation prices Villa Victoria may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Villa Victoria? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Villa Victoria varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.