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Choose from a menu of up to 363 rentals undefined

ExteriérVonkajšie posedenieVonkajšie posedeniePieskoviskoŠtvorlôžkové štúdioŠtvorlôžkové štúdioDvojlôžkové štúdioDvojlôžkové štúdioDvojlôžkové štúdioDvojlôžkové štúdio
Pleasant accommodation near the swimming pool
Štúrovo • 5 studios, 17 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 46 € / apartment / night
TerasaExteriérExteriérTerasaTerasadvorBrána od kúpaliskaKuchyňaKuchyňaObývacia miestnosť
Accommodation near the Vadaš swimming pool in Štúrovo
Štúrovo • 6 rooms, 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
5 4 reviews
from 45 € / room for two / night
ExteriérApartmánApartmánApartmánApartmánApartmánDvojlôžková izba s prístelkouDvojlôžková izbaRodinná izbaRodinná izba
Hotel near Vadaš
Štúrovo • 13 rooms a  2 apartments, 43 persons, 16 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.5 26 reviews
from 45 € / room for two / night
Chata RelaxAltanok s ohniskom, kotlikom, grilomSpolocenska miestnostSpolocenska miestnostKuchyna3-lozkova spalna3-lozkova spalna4-lozkova spalna4-lozkova spalnaMoznost pristelky v spolocenskej miestnosti
Relax, spa, highway access, thermal water
Sklené Teplice • 1 cottage a  1 apartment, 13 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Bathtub. Dog not allowed.
4.9 1 review
from 45 € / apartment / night
domček 348altanok večer exterier348 a výhlady Domčeky Holiday347altanok ,kalceto, hračkyexterierdomčeky HOLIDAYlehatka, posedenie,výhľady
Houses near Aquapark Tatralandia suitable for families with children!
Liptovský Trnovec • 2 cottages, 12 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool, by the lake. Dog allowed.
5 138 reviews
from 45 € / cottage / night
ExteriérApartmán DoubleTerasaApartmán FamilyApartmán DoubleApartmán DoubleApartmán DoubleApartmán DoubleApartmán DoubleApartmán Double
New apartments near the thermal park
Vrbov • 4 apartments, 18 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 45 € / apartment / night
ExteriérHojdačkyAltánokBiliardDvojlôžkový apartmánDvojlôžkový apartmánDvojlôžkový apartmánDvojlôžkový apartmánDvojlôžkový apartmánŠtvorlôžkový apartmán
Modern apartments with garden, children's playground and billiards
Dunajská Streda • 3 apartments, 11 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 45 € / apartment / night
Privát Makospálňakuchyňakuchyňakuchyňakúpeľňaspálňasaunasaunaohnisko s detským ihriskom
Complete privacy in a maisonette-type apartment. No other guests.
Trstené • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool, in the mountains. Sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 16 reviews
from 45 € / apartment / night
Apartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiExteriérTerasaApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňami
New apartments near the swimming pool
Veľký Meder • 8 apartments a  1 studio, 34 persons, 17 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 45 € / apartment / night
ExteriérInteriérŠtúdio FamilyŠtúdio FamilyŠtúdio FamilyRodinná izba s vlastnou kúpeľňouRodinná izba s vlastnou kúpeľňouRodinná izba s vlastnou kúpeľňouRodinná izba s vlastnou kúpeľňouKúpeľňa
New apartments near the swimming pool
Dunajská Streda • 8 rooms a  1 studio, 30 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 5 reviews
from 42 € / person / night
Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.
Apartments in the area of ​​the Vadaš thermal swimming pool
Štúrovo • 14 apartments, 56 persons, 28 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the swimming pool area, by the lake. Swimming pool, hot tub. Dog not allowed.
4.9 13 reviews
from 42 € / apartment / night
Apartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna ŠtúrovoApartmány Fortuna Štúrovo
Štúrovo • 3 apartments a  4 studios, 25 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the river. Dog not allowed.
4.7 9 reviews
from 42 € / apartment / night
ExteriérWellnessDvojposteľová izba č. 12Dvojposteľová izba č. 12Apartmán č. 10Dvojposteľová izba č. 6Dvojposteľová izba č. 6Dvojposteľová izba č. 6Family izba č. 7Dvojposteľová izba Deluxe č. 8
Hot tub and infrared sauna right in the villa!
Poprad - Spišská Sobota • 5 rooms a  3 apartments, 30 persons, 11 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 42 € / room for two / night
Chata JeanetteChata Jeanetteokolie chaty - futbalové ihriskoNová terasaväčšia chladnička s mrazničkoukuchyňa s vybavenim + grillveľký stôl v kuchyni s TVKuchyňa s kompletným vybavenímJedálenské posedenie a schody do iziebspálňa 4 lôžka
Nice cottage at the thermal swimming pool
Dolná Strehová • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the swimming pool area. Swimming pool, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.4 12 reviews
from 42 € / cottage / night
Cottage near the forest, in the village
Kováčová (okres Zvolen) • 13 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool, by the forest, in a cottage settlement. Without internet. Dog allowed.
4.5 19 reviews
from 40 € / cottage / night
Apartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány TaktikApartmány Taktik
Veľký Meder • 16 apartments, 64 persons, 16 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
3.7 16 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérAltánok4-lôžkové štúdio4-lôžkové štúdio4-lôžkové štúdio s prístelkouKuchynský kútKúpeľňaExteriérExteriér
Štúrovo • 8 studios, 36 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the village, in the swimming pool area. Swimming pool, hot tub, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.4 9 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérTerasaApartmán s 1 spálňouDvojlôžková izba s prístelkouRodinná izba s 2 spálňamiDvojlôžková izbaKúpeľňaKúpeľňaKúpeľňa
The most attractive location in Poprad
Poprad • 10 rooms a  2 apartments, 34 persons, 13 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool, by the river. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.8 20 reviews
from 40 € / room for two / night
Vila OrchideaApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán BApartmán BApartmán BApartmán BApartmán C
Tennis court and table tennis - in facility! FREE!
Rajecké Teplice • 6 apartments, 20 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
4.8 15 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
PriečelieSpálňa dom1, 2 a 3Podkrovie dom 1, 2 a 3Podkrovie dom 1, 2 a 3Podkrovie dom 1, 2 a 3Schodisko do podkroviaObývačka dom 1,2 a 3Podkrovie dom 1, 2 a 3Podkrovie dom 1, 2 a 3Podkrovie dom 1, 2 a 3
Apartment houses with a terrace in the village of Podhájska!
Podhájska - Svätuša • 5 apartments, 21 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the village, in the swimming pool area, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
5 10 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
Penzión Sedliacky dom ŠtúrovoDvojlôžkové štúdioŠtvorlôžkový apartmánPäťlôžkový apartmánPenzión Sedliacky dom ŠtúrovoPenzión Sedliacky dom ŠtúrovoPenzión Sedliacky dom ŠtúrovoPenzión Sedliacky dom ŠtúrovoPenzión Sedliacky dom ŠtúrovoPenzión Sedliacky dom Štúrovo
Štúrovo • 2 studios a  2 apartments, 13 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.6 7 reviews
from 40 € / room for two / night
ExteriérTerasaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán Frézia
Only 500 m from pools with geothermal water
Nesvady • 2 apartments a  1 studio, 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 40 € / apartment / night
Ahoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán Ocean
Modern new building within 500 m of pools with geothermal water
Nesvady • 3 apartments, 12 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
Vila FamiliaVila Familia s bazénomBazénVila FamiliaVila FamiliaVila FamiliaVila FamiliaVila FamiliaApartmán č. 1 - spálňaApartmán č. 1 - spálňa
Turčianske Teplice • 4 apartments, 16 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
5 10 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
ExteriérPrvá izbaKúpeľňaKuchyňaKuchyňaDruhá izbaDruhá izbaObývacia miestnosťVchod-chodbaAltánok
Štiavnička • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the stream. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 40 € / cottage / night
ExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoIzba ŠtandardRodinná suitaIzba Štandard s prístelkouIzba ŠtandardRodinná suitaRodinná suita
Accommodation suitable for organizing company events
Levice • 13 rooms a  4 apartments, 46 persons, 18 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.8 9 reviews
from 39 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérExteriérExteriérExteriérAltánokAltánokAltánokAltánok2/+1/-lôžkové štúdio na prízemí
Newly built apartments with wheelchair access! 100 m from the swimming pool
Veľký Meder • 6 apartments, 22 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.9 55 reviews
from 38 € / apartment / night
ExteriérObývací priestorSpálňa2-lôžkové štúdioBalkónBalkónKuchynkaCentralParkCentralParkCentralPark
Near the swimming pool and the center. Rooms with a terrace, nice environment, good prices!
Štúrovo • 3 studios a  2 apartments, 19 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 35 reviews
from 37 € / apartment / night
Veľký Meder • 2 studios a  4 apartments, 29 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.7 17 reviews
from 36 € / apartment / night
Apartmány AnitaApartmány AnitaDvojlôžkový apartmánTrojlôžkový apartmán s prístelkouKuchynský kútKúpeľňaApartmány AnitaApartmány AnitaApartmány AnitaApartmány Anita
Veľký Meder • 5 apartments, 18 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 91 reviews
from 36 € / apartment / night
Ubytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie SlniečkoUbytovanie Slniečko
Right in the area of the thermal swimming pool
Dolná Strehová • 4 cottages, 22 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the swimming pool area. Swimming pool, sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.1 16 reviews
from 35 € / cottage / night
ExteriérŠtúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2
Comfortable studios near the thermal swimming pool
Podhájska - Svätuša • 12 studios, 42 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
5 8 reviews
from 35 € / apartment / night
ExteriérTerasaTerasaSpoločenská akciaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzba
Accommodation with an excellent location! Half board included!
Podhájska - Svätuša • 5 rooms, 15 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 30 reviews
from 35 € / person / night
Vila House FamilyVila House Family večerSpálňa vo vidieckom štýleSpálňa vo vidieckom štýleSpálňa vo vidieckom štýleSpálňa vo vidieckom štýleDvojlôžková izba s prístelkouDvojlôžková izba s prístelkouRodinná izba s dvoma spálňamiRodinná izba s dvoma spálňami
Poprad - Veľká • 4 rooms a  3 apartments, 23 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool, in the mountains, at the airport. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 15 reviews
from 35 € / person / night
Chata DodoApartmán č.1 - kuchyňaApartmán č.1 - kuchyňaApartmán č.1 - kuchyňa stôl s rohovou lavicouApartmán č.1 - kuchyňa stôl s rohovou lavicouApartmán č.1 - spálňa s tromi pevnými lôžkamiApartmán č.1 - spálňa s tromi pevnými lôžkamiApartmán č.1 - spálňa s tromi pevnými lôžkami,Apartmán č.1 - spálňa s tromi pevnými lôžkami,Apartmán č.1 - spálňa s tromi pevnými lôžkami,
Accommodation in the area of the swimming pool
Štúrovo • 2 apartments, 10 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, in the swimming pool area. Dog not allowed.
4.9 17 reviews
from 35 € / apartment / night
SpálňaAltánokDvorKuchynský kútObývací priestorKuchynský kútSpálňaSpálňaObývací priestorObývací priestor
Cozy studios
Veľký Meder • 7 studios, 28 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.5 46 reviews
from 35 € / apartment / night
ExteriérReštaurácia1B Apartmán - spálňa1B Apartmán - spálňa1B Apartmán - obývacia miestnosť1B Apartmán - obývacia miestnosť1B Apartmán - kuchynský kút1B Apartmán - kuchynský kút1B Apartmán - kúpeľňa1B Apartmán - kúpeľňa
Turčianske Teplice • 4 apartments a  8 studios, 35 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool, by the river. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 23 reviews
from 34 € / person / night
Apartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán GerhátApartmán Gerhát
Veľký Meder • 2 rooms a  4 apartments, 26 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.8 11 reviews
from 34 € / apartment / night
Penzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión Centrál
Comfortable accommodation near the ski resort Veľká Rača!
Oščadnica • 19 rooms, 53 persons, 19 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.5 8 reviews
from 34 € / room for two / night
ExteriérApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán KomfortApartmán Komfort
Dunajská Streda • 10 apartments, 31 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.5 28 reviews
from 32 € / apartment / night
Exteriér2-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba
Accommodation in the High Tatras
Kežmarok • 5 rooms a  1 apartment, 15 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.7 3 reviews
from 32 € / room for two / night
ExteriérExteriérApartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2
New modern apartments near the swimming pool
Podhájska - Svätuša • 2 apartments, 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 32 € / apartment / night
Apartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány RojaApartmány Roja
to 80 m from the swimming pool, free wifi
Podhájska • 8 apartments, 22 persons, 8 bedrooms. , at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.5 26 reviews
from 30 € / apartment / night
ExteriérŠtúdio trojlôžkovéŠtúdio trojlôžkovéŠtúdio dvojlôžkovéŠtúdio dvojlôžkovéŠtúdio dvojlôžkovéSpálňaApartmán s 1 spálňouSpálňaSpálňa
Newly built apartment building!
Štúrovo • 2 studios a  4 apartments, 23 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the river. Dog not allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
ElenElenElenApartmán BlueApartmán BlueApartmán BlueApartmán BlueApartmán PinkApartmán PinkApartmán Pink
Dunajská Streda • 3 apartments, 18 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.6 34 reviews
from 30 € / apartment / night
Ubytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie BonitaUbytovanie Bonita
Štúrovo • 10 rooms, 36 persons, 11 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.7 10 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
Privát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát SilviaPrivát Silvia
Podhájska • 6 apartments, 19 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.7 76 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
Penzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvorPenzión Šipošov dvor
Štúrovo • 9 rooms, 25 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.1 15 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
Spišská Nová Ves - Tarča • 23 rooms, 55 persons, 24 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the river. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.5 9 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
pre detiZdieľaná kuchyňaŠtúdioŠtúdioDvojlôžková izba s dvomi prístelkamiDvojlôžková izba s dvomi prístelkamiDvojlôžková izba s dvomi prístelkamiDvojlôžková izba s dvomi prístelkamiDvojlôžková izba s dvomi prístelkamiDvojlôžková izba s dvomi prístelkami
Pavčina Lehota • 4 rooms, 2 studios a  1 apartment, 25 persons, 7 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, when towing, at the swimming pool, in the mountains. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.5 11 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
Cottages in the aquapark area Dolná Strehová - discounts for free date
Dolná Strehová • 3 cottages, 15 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, in the swimming pool area. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.6 5 reviews
from 30 € / cottage / night
BazénExteriérBazénDetské ihriskoReštauráciaRodinný apartmánRodinný apartmánRodinný apartmánRodinný apartmánRodinný apartmán
Comfort, swimming pool, restaurant and children's playground at affordable prices!
Veľký Meder • 2 rooms a  9 apartments, 49 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.4 27 reviews
from 30 € / person / night
parkovanieizbakuchyňaobývacia izbaApartmány DanielakúpeľňabalkónApartmány DanielaApartmány DanielaApartmány Daniela
Great accommodation above the swimming pool. Spacious apartments on the level.
Podhájska • 3 apartments, 16 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.7 30 reviews
from 28 € / person / night
Apartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány FamilyApartmány Family
Veľký Meder • 9 rooms, 33 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.8 12 reviews
from 28 € / apartment / night
ExteriérAltánokDetské ihriskoSpálňaSpálňaKuchynský kútSpálňaKuchynský kútSpálňaPosedenie
Only 400 m from the swimming pool!
Podhájska • 4 apartments, 14 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4 20 reviews
from 26 € / apartment / night
Apartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán JankóApartmán Jankó
Veľký Meder • 4 rooms, 8 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 26 € / room for two / night
Slnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmánSlnečný apartmán
Children 3-10 years for half!
Podhájska • 5 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.8 27 reviews
from 26 € / apartment / night
ExteriérRodinná izba s 3 spálňamiRodinná izba s 3 spálňamiKuchyňaJedáleňRodinná izba s 2 spálňamiRodinná izba s 2 spálňamiRodinná izba s 3 spálňamiRodinná izba s 3 spálňamiRodinná izba s 3 spálňami
Vitanová • 2 rooms, 12 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, when towing, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
4.8 16 reviews
from 26 € / apartment / night
Chata Škerda - ZuberecApartmán "PREMIUM" s vlastnou terasou s výhľadom na Sivý vrchChata Škerda - ZuberecTrojizbový apartmán "Le Grand" s balkónom pre 4 až 5 osôbTrojizbový apartmán "Le Grand" s balkónom pre 4 až 5 osôbChata Škerda - ZuberecZbojnícka rodinná izba s terasoouChata Škerda - ZuberecChata Škerda - ZuberecChata Škerda - Zuberec
Zľavy na skipasy a do aquaparkov, pestré outdoorové aktivity!
Zuberec • 8 apartments, 31 persons, 10 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, when towing, in the swimming pool area, in the forest. Dog not allowed.
5 47 reviews
from 25 € / person / night
Penzión HelénéLetný bazénReštaurácia HelénéDvojlôžková izba LuxŠtvorlôžková izba LuxRaňajky formou bufetuDvojlôžková izba LuxKúpeľňa Štvorlôžková izba LuxDvojlôžková izba LuxAreál Heléné
Pool, restaurant, air conditioning, sitting on the terrace!
Veľký Meder • 14 rooms, 46 persons, 14 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.6 99 reviews
from 25 € / person / night

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