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Chata Marcella
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Chata Marcella
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Chata Marcella ***

4.5 - excellent
16 reviews

Matej:"S chatou sme boli spokojní."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 10 personsof which 2 extra beds
1 cottage
2 bedrooms1 bathroom, 1x WC
Dog allowedonly small, for a fee
Special offer: Cottage under Štrbské Pleso - only 120/night. The whole cottage for only 120€ per night, for groups of up to 8 people, min. 3 nights.

High Tatras - entire cottage from €120/night - Location Štrbské Pleso. Chata Marcella is located in the recreation area Štrba at the ski resort, in the forest and by the stream. Cottage sleeps 10 people (of which 2 are extra beds) in 2 bedrooms (1 bathroom, 1x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee. Outside you will find hearth, outdoor seating, outdoor fireplace, terrace, kettle, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: toys, children's chair, trampoline, climbing wall and children's swing are available. The land is partially fenced. Parking is for 3 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Snowpark Lučivná (11 km), the nearest swimming is Aquacity Poprad (24,8 km). Nearby you can see the cave Važecká Cave (9 km) or Castle Liptovsky Hradok (28,3 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Veľká izba pohľad od dverí
Chata Marcella

Total capacity: 10 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x bed, 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 1x bed, 2x double bed
Equipment: Community room, Kitchen, Bathroom without toilet, Separate toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 01/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chata Marcella

Summer season
1. Jul - 3. Sep
pri počte osôb do 6, dohoda pri menších skupinách
min. 4 nights
100 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 3. Sep
pri počte osôb od 7, dohoda pri menších skupinách
min. 7 persons min. 4 nights
15 € Person / night
Person / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun
pri dĺžke pobytu 2 nocí
min. 2 nights
150 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun
pri dĺžke pobytu od 3 nocí, pri počte osôb do 8
min. 3 nights
120 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun
pri dĺžke pobytu od 3 nocí, pri počte osôb 9
min. 9 persons min. 3 nights
135 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun
pri dĺžke pobytu od 3 nocí, pri počte osôb 10
min. 10 persons min. 3 nights
150 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
28. Dec - 3. Jan
min. 3 nights
350 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
Summer season
1. Jul - 3. Sep min. 4 nights pri počte osôb do 6, dohoda pri menších skupinách100 € / Cottage / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 3. Sep min. 7 persons min. 4 nights pri počte osôb od 7, dohoda pri menších skupinách15 € / Person / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun min. 2 nights pri dĺžke pobytu 2 nocí150 € / Cottage / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun min. 3 nights pri dĺžke pobytu od 3 nocí, pri počte osôb do 8120 € / Cottage / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun min. 9 persons min. 3 nights pri dĺžke pobytu od 3 nocí, pri počte osôb 9135 € / Cottage / night
4. Sep - 30. Jun min. 10 persons min. 3 nights pri dĺžke pobytu od 3 nocí, pri počte osôb 10150 € / Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
28. Dec - 3. Jan min. 3 nights 350 € / Cottage / night

More details

Deposit for rental in advance: 50 %
The price also includes:
parking, bed linen, wood for the fireplace, WiFi internet
The price also includes:parking, bed linen, wood for the fireplace, WiFi internet
Detailed information on prices: V cene je cena energií, drevo do krbu, zapožičanie náradia na opekanie na ohnisku a betónovom krbe, kotlík na guláš, kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, parkovanie pri chate a veľa ďalšieho.


Discount for children: from 0 to 3,99 years without beddiscount 100%

Surcharges on the spot

Recreation fee: 1 € / person / night (persons from 15 years old apply)
Refundable deposit: 50 € / stay
Final cleaning: 15 € / stay (Ak po sebe hostia nepoupratujú - základné upratovanie.)
Pet: 20 € / stay (Domáce zvieratko s vlastným pelechom, zákaz spania a zdržiavania sa v posteliach.)

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 14:00
Departure from the stay:to 11:00
Parking options:3 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, small breeds only, for a fee (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?The property is partially fenced.
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Heating:Central, Electric
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2, 4ka, Vodafone
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms
We prefer:Families with children, Over 25 years old

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Tatranská Štrba 3078, 059 38 Štrba
GPS location:49.0965876, 20.0571325 Show the map
Regions:Vysoké Tatry, Tatry, Tatranský národný park , Tichá dolina, Spiš, Východné Slovensko, Severné Slovensko, Chránené územie Východné Karpaty , okres Poprad, Prešovský kraj
Location of the rental:In the recreation area
Refinement of location:In the forest, At the ski resort, By the stream, In the mountains, In a cottage settlement
The shop:1 km
A restaurant:1 km
Train (railway station):1 km
Bus (stop):1,5 km
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Snowpark Lučivná (by car 11 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Aquacity Poprad (by car 24,8 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Grill, Kettle, Hearth, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Outdoor fireplace, Garden swing
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's swing, Toys, Climbing wall, Trampoline, Children's chair
Sports facilities in the building / on the premises:Badminton, Football, Petanque
Accommodation theme:Romantic
The accommodation is suitable for:For cyclists, For two, For families with children, For groups, For tourists, For four, For seniors, For the demanding
The accommodation is suitable for:Agrotourism, Active holiday, For spring break, For the summer, For skiing, For winter vacation, Celebration, Holiday vouchers, Weekend stays, Sports camp, Relaxation stays, Honeymoon, Long-term accommodation


4.5 - excellent
16 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Matej  07/01/2025
S chatou sme boli spokojní.
Jana  21/11/2024
Všetko bolo ok, pobyt sa nám páčil.
Dávid  06/11/2024
Pobyt dopadol dobre, všetko bolo v poriadku.
Marek  02/10/2024
Všetko bolo dobré, všetko prebehlo v poriadku.
Katarzyna  03/08/2024
Elena  28/03/2024
S chatou sme boli spokojní, nemáme sa na čo sťažovať.
Tibor  18/09/2023
Jozef  (Family with young children)  09/07/2022
Chata Marcela bola presne to, čo sme ako rodina s deťmi hladali. Chata bola krásna, vybavenie dostačujúce, spanie super, prostredie kludné, priamo v lese, krása, poloha priamo pod Tatrami, všade je to blízko. Určite vrelo doporučujeme. Majitelia velmi príjemný, komunikácia bezproblémová, maximálna spokojnosť a velmi pekne ďakujeme. Užili sme si to. Pevne dúfam, že sa sem ešte niekedy vrátime.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne, sme veľmi radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo a veľmi radi Vás v budúcnosti privítame znova.

Gabina (Family with older children)  02/09/2021
pekná, útulná chata v lesíku v chatovej oblasti. Súkromie na pozemku chaty blízkosť reštaurácie, aj potravín. Príjemní prenajímatelia
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne, sme veľmi radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo a veľmi radi Vás v budúcnosti privítame znova.

Hana (Family with young children)  04/05/2019
Chata je v krásnom prostredí v chatovej osade, ale pritom keď vyjdete z chaty mate pocit, že ste v lese. Je krásna prerobená, kuchyňa vybavená super. Veľmi sa nám v nej páčilo, milí majitelia, super komunikácia, boli sme spokojní a keď niekedy budeme chcieť ísť do danej lokality tak sa radi vrátime.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne, sme veľmi radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo a veľmi radi Vás v budúcnosti privítame znova.

Peter (Family with young children)  05/01/2019
Chata umiestnená na skvelom mieste v lese, výborne vybavená kuchyňa, nové postele a matrace, ticho kľud a relax. V obyvke satelit pre deti a sankovačka priamo pred chatou. Čistota, skvelá kúpelňa so sprchou. Skvelé jednanie s majiteľom a jeho pomoc pri strate mobilu, odporúčame všetkým, určite sa vrátime v lete.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za hodnotenie, sme radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo a že sme stratený mobil našli,Milan a Marcela Vrabelovi

andrea (Friends)  07/12/2018
Nemôžem hodnotiť pre nekorektné správanie majiteľa - na zvolený termín, ktorom som sa dohodla mi jeho zrušenie neoznámil žiadnym spôsobom a 3 dni pred príchodom na môj dotaz ako uhradiť chatu povedal, že chata nie je voľná.
Nemôžem hodnotiť pre nekorektné správanie majiteľa - na zvolený termín, ktorom som sa dohodla mi jeho zrušenie neoznámil žiadnym spôsobom a 3 dni na môj dotaz ako uhradiť chatu povedal, že chata nie je voľná.
The host's answer:

Keď zaujemca urobi rezervaciu, neznamena, že ma chatu rezervovanú. Je potrebne počkať na odozvu majiteľa a rezervačné pokyny o úhradu zálohy a až po uhradení zálohy je objekt rezervovaný. Ubytovávame 13 rokov a ešte sa nestalo aby som zrušil niekomu rezerváciu potom, čo uhradil zálohu. Takže ľutujem, ale iba kliknutie na rezerváciu nestačí.

Barbara (Group)  24/04/2017
Boli sme s týmto ubytovaním veľmi spokojný. Nádherné prostredie. Chata je zrekonštruovaná a v pomere ceny a vybavenia je to úplne v poriadku. Všade ticho a kľud a samozrejme musím pochváliť aj majiteľov, ktorý boli veľmi ochotný vo všetkých smeroch.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za hodnotenie, sme radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo a že ste si oddýchli,Milan a Marcela Vrabelovi

Martina (Family with young children)  30/08/2015
100% relax čarovné miestečko,veľmi krásna príroda,okolie chatky super,vhodné na oddych pre všetky vekové skupiny, majitelia príjemný
Málo dreva na opekanie,myslím že pre týždňový pobyt dve opekačky je ozaj málo + chýba kotlík na guláš a príslušné vybavenie k nemu, čo si myslím že by nemalo chýbať na žiadnej chate, ale napriek malým chybičkám, by som sa tam určite veľmi rada vrátila
Katarina  (Family with young children)  30/04/2015
Boli sme tu dve rodiny s detmi a boli sme so vsetkym spokojni. Majitelia su velmi mili a ochotni, prostredie je na nezaplatenie. Vsade klud a cerstvy vzduch. Aj hribiky nam rastli na dvore:). jedine nas prekvapilo zatvaranie okenic pri kazdom odchode, ale zasa chapem.. chata sa nam pacila, vrelo ju doporucujem! este chcem doplnit, ze v spolocenskej miestnosti nie je lavica (ako na fotkach), ale gauc, co nam vyhovovalo ovela viac:)
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za hodnotenie, sme radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo Milan a Marcela Vrabelovi

Daniela (Family with older children)  12/09/2014
super oddych,tichučko,pokoj
počasie-ovplyvniť sa nedá

Object description

Accept the invitation to a quiet and peaceful place in the forest, where you can forget about civilization for a while and relax. At the same time, you are under Štrbský Pleso and a tourist paradise is within your reach. Chalet Marcella has been completely renovated and will meet the needs of families with children as well as active tourists. For 10 guests, we have three and five-bed rooms, both of which have a balcony with a view of the forest. Two more beds in the form of an extra bed are available in the spacious common room with a sitting area and a TV with satellite reception. Wifi connection to the Internet is also a matter of course. A cozy atmosphere is provided by the fireplace and the dining room leading into the kitchen. In it you will find a refrigerator, an electric stove and oven, a microwave and kitchen utensils with a million small things needed for cooking. The cottage also has a bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet. You will be warm in the cottage during the winter months thanks to the electric central heating system, electronic temperature regulator and electric boiler. The outdoor equipment of the building includes a covered terrace, a fireplace with seating, a grill and a grassy area that can be used for various ball games. Children will find their swings and trampoline here. to go crazy. Three parking spaces are available right next to the cottage.

The Marcella cottage is part of the Lieskovec cottage area on the border between the villages of Štrba and Tatranská Štrba, where it is surrounded by deep forests on all sides. Thanks to this, it calls out for walks in the environment of the High Tatras, and it depends only on you which of the many hiking trails you prefer. The Štrbské pleso awaits you nearby, on which you can boat, and its area is popular with fans of cross-country and downhill skiing. Winter sports can also be enjoyed at the Snowpark Lučivná resort, where guests of the chalet can also purchase discounted ski passes. Well, you can relax, gain new strength and undergo wellness procedures in the Aquacity Poprad water park.

Frequently asked questions

What makes your accommodation special? Why should a potential guest choose your accommodation? Our cottage is exceptional due to its location in the forest and away from the main driveway, so you won't have cars driving past your windows, and people walking by and "looking into your plate". You are in a quiet and peaceful place and you can forget about civilization for a while and relax. At the same time, you are under Štrbský Pleso and a tourist paradise is within your reach.
What program would you recommend to your guests in case of rain? In case of rain, we recommend guests to spend the day in Aquacity Poprad, relax in wellness and relax - 20 km. If you don't want to go that far, the swimming pool in Svit is ready for you. One of the best wellness centers is at the Permon hotel in Podbánské, they have a great pool at the Trigan hotel in Štrbské Pleso. Geothermal water in Vrbovo is also priceless, at unbeatable prices.
What activities do you recommend to your guests around the cottage? You can pick mushrooms, wander through the forest, bike, or grill, cook stew and relax.
What activities do you recommend for children around the cottage? In front of the cottage in the summer season there is a trampoline, two swings for small and large children. For adventurers, there is an opportunity to build your own bunker, throw cones, hide, or play your favorite game.
How far is the Chata Marcella from the nearest swimming spot? The swimming pool at Hotel Trigan in Štrbské Pleso is approx. 7 km, the swimming pool in Svita is 10 km.
How far is the NAZOVUBOTOVANIA from the ski slope? The large ski resort Park Snow in Štrbské Pleso is approx. 7 km away, the smaller ski lift is approx. 7 km in Lučivna. Lopusná dolina near Svita is 10 km away.
How does it work when checking in? We will come to accommodate you in person, meeting at the cottage at the agreed time.
When and how is accommodation paid for? Accommodation is paid upon arrival.
Can I drive directly to the accommodation in case of bad weather? We plow the driveway, snow chains are only needed in exceptional cases.
When is the accommodation? Chata Marcella free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chata Marcella? Cottage sleeps 10 persons (of which 2 extra beds). No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee.
Allows accommodation Chata Marcella stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a small dog is allowed for a fee. Find the rates here.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chata Marcella? Accommodation prices Chata Marcella may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chata Marcella? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chata Marcella varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.