Chata u Poľovníka
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Zimná záhrada
Zimná záhrada
Kúpacia kaďa
Svätý Anton s kaštieľom
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
Chata u Poľovníka
+67 photos

Chata u Poľovníka

Svätý Anton
4.8 - exceptional
14 reviews

Mária:"Všetko bolo veľmi dobré, nebol žiadny problém."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 10 personsof which 6 extra beds
1 cottage
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms, 2x WC
Dog allowedfree of charge

Only 2 km from Banská Štiavnica. Chata u Poľovníka is located in the village Svätý Anton by the forest and by the stream. Cottage sleeps 10 people (of which 6 are extra beds) in 3 bedrooms (2 bathrooms, 2x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a dog is allowed free of charge. This rental is equipped with outdoor pool, sauna and bath tub. Outside you will find outdoor seating, outdoor fireplace, terrace, kettle, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: children's playground, children's corner, toys, baby cot, trampoline and children's swing are available. The land is fenced. Parking is for 2 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Salamandra Resort (17,4 km), the nearest swimming is Watering Tepličky Krupina (13,6 km). Nearby you can see the cave Körmendiho Cave (51,8 km) or Historic Old Town (6 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Spoločenská miestnosť
Chata u Poľovníka

Total capacity: 10 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x extra bed
2. Bedroom: 4x extra bed
3. Bedroom: 1x double bed
Equipment: Living room, Community room, Kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 26/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chata u Poľovníka

New Year's stay
4. Jan - 10. Jan
min. 2 nights
330 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Winter season
10. Jan - 31. Mar
min. 2 nights
265 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Summer off-season
1. Apr - 30. Apr
min. 2 nights
260 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Summer season
1. May - 15. Sep
min. 2 nights
265 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Winter off-season
16. Sep - 27. Nov
min. 2 nights
266 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Christmas stay
20. Dec - 27. Dec
min. 2 nights
360 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
27. Dec - 4. Jan
min. 4 nights
400 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Winter season
28. Nov - 19. Dec
min. 2 nights
265 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
Short stay
30. Oct - 3. Nov
min. 2 nights
270 € Cottage / night
Cottage / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
New Year's stay
4. Jan - 10. Jan min. 2 nights 330 € / Cottage / night
Winter season
10. Jan - 31. Mar min. 2 nights 265 € / Cottage / night
Summer off-season
1. Apr - 30. Apr min. 2 nights 260 € / Cottage / night
Summer season
1. May - 15. Sep min. 2 nights 265 € / Cottage / night
Winter off-season
16. Sep - 27. Nov min. 2 nights 266 € / Cottage / night
Christmas stay
20. Dec - 27. Dec min. 2 nights 360 € / Cottage / night
New Year's Eve
27. Dec - 4. Jan min. 4 nights 400 € / Cottage / night
Winter season
28. Nov - 19. Dec min. 2 nights 265 € / Cottage / night
Short stay
30. Oct - 3. Nov min. 2 nights 270 € / Cottage / night

More details

Deposit for rental in advance: 30 %
The price also includes:
baby cot, wood for the fireplace, parking, sauna, towels, WiFi internet, bed linen
The price also includes:baby cot, wood for the fireplace, parking, sauna, towels, WiFi internet, bed linen
Detailed information on prices: Záloha : vždy dohodou, minimálne 30 % z ceny pobytu. Záloha je nevratná. Uhradením zálohy dávate súhlas s tým, aby v prípade, že z akýchkoľvek dôvodov nenastúpite na pobyt, resp. ho zrušíte , zaplatená záloha sa nevracia. Pri menšom počte ubytujúcich ako je kapacity chaty je možná dohoda na cene chaty za pobyt. Minim. počet dní ubytovania : 2 Domáce zviera je povolené ( poplatok za 1 domáce zviera je 10,-EUR / noc) V pripade dočasného obmedzenia príslušenstva chaty (bazén, kaďa, sauna..) počas pobytu má ubytujúci nárok na zľavu z ceny ubytovania vo výške 10 % z ceny pobytu.

Surcharges on the spot

Recreation fee: 0.5 € / person / night (Vyberá sa na mieste)
Pet: 10 € / night
Bath tub: 55 € / stay (Potrebné ohlásiť vopred. /najmenej 2 dni pred nástupom na pobyt)

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 15:00 - to 00:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:2 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the owner (manager) does not stay / does not live in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?PERMITTED, without restrictions, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?YES, the property is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Orange, O2, 4ka, Telecom
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms
We do not accept:Noisy celebrations and parties, Smokers

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Svätý Anton 134, 969 72 Svätý Anton
GPS location:48.4099014, 18.9392931 Show the map
Regions:Pohronie, Štiavnické vrchy, Hont, Chránené územie Štiavnické vrchy , Tekov, Dolná Nitra, Stredné Slovensko, okres Banská Štiavnica, Banskobystrický kraj
Location of the rental:In the village / in the city
Refinement of location:By the forest, By the stream
The shop:20 m
A restaurant:150 m
Train (railway station):3 km
Bus (stop):50 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Salamandra Resort (by car 17,4 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Watering Tepličky Krupina (by car 13,6 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Grill, Kettle, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Outdoor fireplace, Garden swing
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's swing, Baby cot, Children's playground, Children's corner, Toys, Trampoline
Sports facilities in the building / on the premises:Badminton, Basketball, Billiards, Electronic darts, Table football, Outdoor pool
Wellness and relaxation in the building / on the premises of the building:Bath tub, Sauna
Social areas in the building / on the premises of the building:Dining room
Accommodation theme:Wellness
The accommodation is suitable for:For cyclists, For the demanding, For families with children, For groups, For tourists
The accommodation is suitable for:Active holiday, For spring break, For the summer, For skiing, For winter vacation, Holiday vouchers, Relaxation stays, Weekend stays


4.8 - exceptional
14 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Miroslava Ťapáková  02/03/2025
Čistota bolo výborná, izby pekne zariadené a nič nechýbalo, vybavenosť tiež výborná na malé nedostatky ktoré sa odkomunikovali. Akurát jedna podstatná vec ktorú sme pravdepodobne nezaregistrovali alebo jej nevenovali dostatočnú pozornosť a to tá že toto ubytovanie by som vôbec nenazvala chatou ale skôr ,, Dom na pranájom v obci” . Pred nástupom sme boli upozornený že po 22:00 nemáme byt vonku a máme sa presunúť do vnútra kvôli susedom 😕 Poloha ani prostredie nezodpovedajú na chatu, ale to bola skôr naša nepozornosť, že sme na to pozabudli.
The host's answer:

Upozornenie o možnosti využívať terasu, je uvedené pri popise samotného ubytovania a sú to štandardné podmienky vyžadované obcou u všetkých poskytovateľov ubytovania ( v intraviláne a v extraviláne obce). Označenie " Chata" je názvom ubytovania pričom z fotodokumentácie ponuky je jeho charakter zrejmý, ako aj situovanie v obci je zistiteľné z umiestnenia na mape.

Mária  20/12/2024
Všetko bolo veľmi dobré, nebol žiadny problém.
Peter  29/11/2024
Všetko bolo v poriadku, s chatou sme boli spokojní.
Alena  20/11/2024
Všetko bolo super. Ďakujeme.
Mária  14/11/2024
S chatou aj jej vybavením sme boli spokojní. Pán majiteľ sa staral o nás dobre.
Marianna  05/11/2024
Veľmi sa nám páčilo, chalupa je krá možné využívať bazén, ako aj kúpaciu kaďu...určite si pobyt zopakujeme :)
Monika  31/10/2024
S chatou a jej vybavením sme boli spokojní.
Jakub  27/10/2024
Veronika  25/10/2024
Nebol tu žiadny problém, bolo tu super.
Dominika  26/09/2024
S chatou sme boli nadmieru spokojní. Všetko bolo v poriadku.
Zuzana  06/08/2024
Ivana  29/07/2024
Lucia  25/07/2024
S chatou sme boli spokojní. Bola veľmi pekne vybavená v exteriéri aj v interiéri.
Katka  27/05/2024

Object description

The cottage at Poľovník is located in the village of Svätý Anton, where there is also a manor house, near the forest and by the stream with the possibility of hiking, cycling, swimming in the tajches, skiing on the Salamander and cultural events in the area (also thanks to its immediate proximity to Banská Štiavnica- only 2 km). The cottage accommodates 8-10 people in 3 bedrooms (2 bathrooms, 2 toilets), a cot is part of the equipment. Accommodation is available only for you. Staying with a dog is allowed after agreement with the accommodation provider. There is an outdoor indoor pool, a sauna and a bathtub (the tub is available for a fee and must be registered 3 days in advance before boarding). Outside there is a covered outdoor seating area with a terrace, fireplace, grill, kettle, garden swing, basketball. basket, badminton is available. equipment. The accommodation is suitable for families with children as well as for couples, with the possibility of relaxation, there are board games, billiards, air hockey, el. darts, table football, toys, in the garden there is a children's garden house, swings. The plot has a garden with a children's house, it is fenced. Parking is possible for 2 cars in front of the building. There are local groceries right across the street.

Frequently asked questions

What makes your accommodation special? Why should a potential guest choose your accommodation? The accommodation offers above-standard equipment such as (chalet wellness with a swimming pool and a well-equipped game room) in beautiful nature, one can relax wonderfully here..
What program would you recommend to your guests in case of rain? In Svät Anton there is a manor house (a national cultural monument), with an exhibition available and a hunting museum. The cottage has billiards in a room with a fireplace, air hockey, an outdoor indoor pool that can be used even in bad weather, a sauna, a hot tub by the stream, a covered terrace with the option of closing it with seating and a grill. In Banská Štiavnica, for a change, a visit to the mining museum, tunnel, castles.
What activities do you recommend to your guests around the cottage? Hiking, cycling, horse riding in a nearby stable in Sv. Anton, swimming in thermal springs and in natural tajs, walking around Banská Štiavnica, skiing on Salamander, visiting the mining tunnels, the mining museum, the Bank of Love, Calvary, visiting the Old and New Castles, sitting with coffee, chocolate or cookies in Banská Štiavnica.
What activities do you recommend for children around the cottage? Hiking, cycling, horse riding in the nearby stables in St. Anton, walking in the forest, swimming in tajá, skiing at Salamander, activities in Banaska Štiavnica (visiting the bank tunnels, the natural mining museum, the wooden Bethlehem, Klopacka, the Old and New Castles, creative workshops Terra Permonia, Avespark (there are raptors, owls, caimans), forest park Belian (Banská Belá), a trip with an ascent to Sitno, Kalvária, and sitting with chocolate or ice cream in Banská Štiavnica.
How far is the Chata u Poľovníka from the nearest swimming spot? Directly at the cottage is an outdoor indoor pool (from 1.5-15.9), a public pool up to 15 km, natural taichs up to 5 km.
How far is the NAZOVUBOTOVANIA from the ski slope? 15 km Salamander
How does it work when checking in? The keys are in the lock box by the door, we send the code by SMS/email at check-in.
When and how is accommodation paid for? On account in advance
Can I drive directly to the accommodation in case of bad weather? Yes
What else should a guest know before arriving? Pets are allowed free of charge with prior notice.
Washing machine and dryer are not available for a 1-night stay.
When is the accommodation? Chata u Poľovníka free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chata u Poľovníka? Cottage sleeps 10 persons (of which 6 extra beds). No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Staying with a dog is allowed free of charge.
What wellness equipment does the accommodation offer? Chata u Poľovníka? Chata u Poľovníka offers bathtub, sauna, outdoor pool.
Allows accommodation Chata u Poľovníka stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chata u Poľovníka? Accommodation prices Chata u Poľovníka may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chata u Poľovníka? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chata u Poľovníka varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.