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Choose from a menu of up to 6 rentals Čadca

Izba 104 MunchenPenzión MedeaIzba 103 ViennaIzba 202 New YorkIzba 204 LuxorIzba 204 LuxorIzba 102 MonastirIzba 101 PragIzba 201 LondonIzba 101 Prag
Čadca • 8 rooms a  1 apartment, 19 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the center of the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.8 11 reviews
from 50 € / room for two / night
Penzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión CentrálPenzión Centrál
Comfortable accommodation near the ski resort Veľká Rača!
Oščadnica • 19 rooms, 53 persons, 19 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, at the swimming pool, by the forest. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.5 8 reviews
from 34 € / room for two / night
Penzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión Alpinka
Oščadnica • 5 apartments, 22 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village, at the ski resort, by the forest, by the stream. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.6 23 reviews
from 22 € / person / night
ExteriérReštauráciaPenzión Rami2-lôžková izba s prístelkami2-lôžková izba s prístelkami2-lôžková izba s prístelkami2-lôžková izba s prístelkamiKúpeľňaMasážeSauna
Children under 4 years without bed 100% discount
Oščadnica • 15 rooms, 60 persons, 15 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.8 7 reviews
from 40 € / room for two / night
ExteriérDetské ihriskoWellnessSpoločenská miestnosťReštaurácia3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba
Right in the area of ​​the ski resort Športcentrum Oščadnica
Oščadnica • 13 rooms, 53 persons, 13 bedrooms. In the recreation area, when towing, in the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.8 10 reviews
from 35 € / person / night
ExteriérExteriérBazénSpoločenská akciaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzba
Oščadnica • 10 rooms, 33 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 55 € / room for two / night
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