Richňavské jazerá
Izba č. 4
Villa Paradajs
Villa Paradajs
Villa Paradajs
Izba č. 1
Villa Paradajs
Apartmán č. 5
Izba č. 4
Izba č. 1
Villa Paradajs
Villa Paradajs
Villa Paradajs
Villa Paradajs
Villa Paradajs
Izba č. 1
Izba č. 1
Izba č. 1
Izba č. 1
Izba č. 1
Izba č. 1
Apartmán č. 2
Apartmán č. 2
Apartmán č. 2
Apartmán č. 2
Izba č. 3
Izba č. 3
Izba č. 4
Izba č. 4
Izba č. 4
Apartmán č. 5
Apartmán č. 5
Apartmán č. 5
Apartmán č. 5
Izba č. 6
Izba č. 7
Izba č. 7
Villa Paradajs exteriér
Richňavské jazerá
+37 photos

Villa Paradajs

Štiavnické Bane
4.9 - exceptional
24 reviews

Nataša:"Príjemné, čisté, skvelo vybavené, majitelia úžasní, milí."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 21 personsof which 5 extra beds
5 rooms, 2 apartments
9 bedrooms7 bathrooms, 7x WC
Dog allowedfor a fee

Villa Paradajs is located in the recreation area Štiavnické Bane by the forest and by the lake. 5 rooms a 2 apartments sleep 21 people (of which 5 are extra beds) in 9 bedrooms (7 bathrooms, 7x WC). Multiple independent groups can be accommodated. Staying with a dog is allowed for a fee. We offer breakfast. Outside you will find hearth, gazebo, outdoor seating, outdoor fireplace, terrace, kettle, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: children's playground, children's corner, toys, children's chair, baby cot, trampoline, climbing wall, slide, sandbox and children's swing are available. Parking is for 10 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Salamandra Resort (21,1 km), the nearest swimming is Thermal baths Glass Teplice (23,6 km). Nearby you can see the cave Körmendiho Cave (55,5 km) or New Castle Banska Štiavnica (7,7 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Izba č. 1
Izba č. 1

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 2x extra bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Apartmán č. 2
Apartmán č. 2

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 2x bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Izba č. 3
Izba č. 3

Total capacity: 2 persons

1. Bedroom: 2x bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Izba č. 4
Izba č. 4

Total capacity: 3 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x extra bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Apartmán č. 5
Apartmán č. 5

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 2x extra bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Izba č. 6
Izba č. 6

Total capacity: 2 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Izba č. 7
Izba č. 7

Total capacity: 2 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details


Common spaces

1x Community room
Equipment: Television, Couch

1x Kitchen
Equipment: Refrigerator, Electric oven, Electric stove, Microwave oven, Electric kettle, Dining area

Occupancy calendar

last update: 27/03/2025.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Villa Paradajs

4. Jan - 22. Dec
3 noci/550 Eur/noc, 4 noci/500/Eur/noc, 5 a viac nocí je 450 Eur za noc
min. 2 nights
600 € Object / night
Object / night
Christmas stay
23. Dec - 27. Jan
min. 2 nights
700 € Object / night
Object / night
New Year's Eve
28. Dec - 3. Jan
min. 3 nights
700 € Object / night
Object / night
4. Jan - 22. Dec
V prípade pobytu na jednu noc poplatok 20€/osoba.
min. 2 nights
29 € Person / night
Person / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
4. Jan - 22. Dec min. 2 nights 3 noci/550 Eur/noc, 4 noci/500/Eur/noc, 5 a viac nocí je 450 Eur za noc600 € / Object / night
Christmas stay
23. Dec - 27. Jan min. 2 nights 700 € / Object / night
New Year's Eve
28. Dec - 3. Jan min. 3 nights 700 € / Object / night
4. Jan - 22. Dec min. 2 nights V prípade pobytu na jednu noc poplatok 20€/osoba.29 € / Person / night

More details

Deposit for rental in advance: 0 %
The price also includes:
parking, WiFi internet, baby cot, towels
The price also includes:parking, WiFi internet, baby cot, towels


Discount for children: from 0 to 3 years without beddiscount 100%

Surcharges on the spot

Recreation fee: 0.7 € / person / day (persons from 6 years old apply)
Pet: 5 € / night (malé plemeno do 3 kg 5 Eur/noc, od 3 kg 10 Eur /noc)
Breakfast: 6 € / person / night (persons from 3 years old apply)

Basic information

rental usable:Year-round
Arrival for stay:from 15:00 - to 22:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:10 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?YES, the owner (manager) stays/lives in the property during the stay
Staying with a pet?PERMITTED, without restrictions, for a fee (by agreement with the owner)
Is the rental fenced?NO, the property is not fenced.
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
Mobile coverage:Telecom, Orange, O2, 4ka
Dining options:With breakfast, Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Štiavnické Bane 724, 969 81 Štiavnické Bane
GPS location:48.4313082, 18.8425545 Show the map
Regions:Štiavnické vrchy, Hont, Chránené územie Štiavnické vrchy , Tekov, Stredné Slovensko, okres Banská Štiavnica, Banskobystrický kraj
Location of the rental:In the recreation area
Refinement of location:By the forest, By the water, By the lake
The shop:3,2 km
A restaurant:120 m
Train (railway station):10,1 km
Bus (stop):1 km
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Salamandra Resort (by car 21,1 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Thermal baths Glass Teplice (by car 23,6 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the facility / on the premises of the facility:Gazebo, Kettle, Terrace, Outdoor seating, Outdoor fireplace, Grill, Garden swing, Hearth
Options for children in the building / on the premises:Children's playground, Sandbox, Trampoline, Children's swing, Baby cot, Children's chair, Children's corner, Toys, Climbing wall, Slide
Additional services in the facility:Bicycle storage, Iron
Social areas in the building / on the premises of the building:Bar, Dining room, Terrace to the restaurant
The accommodation is suitable for:For cyclists, For two, For families with children, For seniors, For groups, For tourists, For four, For fishermen, For workers, For bikers, For business travelers, For students
The accommodation is suitable for:Active holiday, Children's camp, Long-term accommodation, Corporate events, For spring break, For the summer, For skiing, For winter vacation, Celebration, Wedding, Honeymoon, Team building, Weekend stays, Outdoor school, Trainings and seminars, School trip, Holiday vouchers, Relaxation stays, Sports camp


4.9 - exceptional
24 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Sylvia  03/11/2024
Nataša  03/11/2024
Príjemné, čisté, skvelo vybavené, majitelia úžasní, milí.
Ivan  12/09/2024
Skvelí personál, ĎAKUJEME
Monika  09/09/2024
Tomas  10/07/2024
Na pobyte bolo všetko v poriadku.
Ivan  09/10/2023
Úžasný trojdňový pobyt v krásnej scenérii Sitnianskej vrchoviny nad Malým a Veľkým Richňavským tajchom. Výhľad priamo na vrchol Sitna, príjemné čisté prostredie interiéru aj exteriéru (spoločenská miestnosť/terasa), vkusne zariadené izby s plným vybavením. Majitelia a personál príjemný, profesionálny, maximálne ústretový. Jedlá úžasné a chutné ako od “maminky”. Okolie možno ešte krajšie a zaujímavejšie než sa podarilo hostiteľom vtesnať do pár riadkov popisu na internetovej stránke (historické mesto Banská Štiavnica, tajchy (banské jazerá), vrch Sitno … Okrem iného priamo pri penzióne začína cyklistický raj značených cyklotrás pre náročných ale aj začínajúcich bikerov ale aj cestných cyklistov. Už dnes sa teším na október 2024, kedy sa sem vrátim opäť.
Pepa a Maruška Laurovi  08/10/2023
Krásné prostředí,absolutně příjemní a ochotní majitelé vynikající strava všude čisto a pěkné ubytování
Eva  02/10/2023
Páčilo sa nám čisté, moderné zariadenie a krásna vonkajšia terasa, kde sa dalo naraňajkovať a posedieť na čerstvom vzduchu.
Katarína  21/09/2023
Skvelé jedlo, ochotní majitelia, ktorí Vám vždy radi pomôžu, parádne ihrisko pre deti a kopec hračiek :) Radi sa vrátime znovu :)
Sisa  10/04/2023
S ubytovaním sme boli veľmi spokojní, určite sa ku Vám radi vrátime.Milí a ústretoví majitelia.
Dr. (Family with young children)  19/02/2023
Juliana (Friends)  09/09/2022
Veľmi príjemní majitelia, izba čistučkú, útulná. Raňajky bohaté v príjemnom prostredí. Okolie ideálne na krátke prchádzky alebo turistiku. Žiaľ nám od príjazdu neustále pršalo tak sme pobyt skrátili iba na 2 dni keďže predpoveď nebola priaznivá a náš pobyt bol zameraný na e-bajkovanie :-( ale určite vrele odporúčame, je to príjemný penzión v peknom prostredí.
Mariana (Family with young children)  23/08/2022
Veľmi čisté a pekné ubytovanie s prijemnými majiteľmi
Mária (Family with older children)  18/07/2022
Ubytovanie bolo úžasné, tiché, čisté, stravovanie bolo perfektné, všetko bolo chutné, veľmi šikovný kuchár, majitelia sú ústretoví, ochotní a milí. Bola to skvelá dovolenka. Ďakujeme.
Angelika (Friends)  09/07/2022
Boli sme veľmi spokojní s úrovňou ubytovania, výbornou stravou ako aj s krásnym prostredím Štiavnických hôr, priateľskí majitelia penziónu sa o nás starali mali sme sa naozaj ako v raji. ďakujem Zuzka a Boris Šebeňový za starostlivosť a že ste veľkou mierou prispeli k našej peknej dovolenke.Radi sa k Vám opäť vrátime. Angelika a Ľuboš z Košíc
Jana (Family with young children)  03/07/2022
My sme boli nadmieru spokojní nič nám nechýbalo a i atmosféra toho miesta bola veľmi príjemná
Gabriel  (Young couple)  17/01/2022
Ubytovanie sa nachádza vo veľmi peknej lokalite vhodnej na rozne športové aktivity.
Patrícia (Friends)  04/10/2021
Čisté, novým nábytkom vybavené izby, príjemní majitelia, pokojné prostredie na úplnom konci Štiavnických baní s dostatkom súkromia, blízkosť tajchov a Banskej Štiavnice.
Zatiaľ bez možnosti stravovania priamo v objekte, no blízko je táto možnosť v inom objekte.
Zuzana (Family with older children)  26/08/2021
poloha, výhodná hlavne v lete - kopce aj voda. Domáce prostredie, veľmi príjemné.
Petra (Family with young children)  19/08/2021
Penzionik pekný, útulný, čistý. Majitelia sú výborní, zhovievaví, ústretoví, priateľskí. Jediný maličký nedostatok bol chýbajuca možnosť stravovania sa. Ale pokiaľ viem aj na tomto majitelia pracujú. Za nás môžem povedať veľká spokojnosť.
Tomáš (Young couple)  03/08/2021
Krásne a tiché miesto na dovolenku , s veľmi milými majiteľmi , izby sú čisté ,pekne a útulne , prostredie ponuka veľa možnosti na turistiku , určite sa tam ešte vrátime 😀
Agáta (Elderly couple)  02/08/2021
Ubytovanie je na veľmi peknom a tichom mieste. Izba bola čistá a útulne zariadená. Majitelia sú milí a ochotní ľudia. Cítili sme sa ako doma :) Odporúčam.
Marcela (Friends)  29/07/2021
Pekné, čisté ubytovanie, ústretová majiteľka, ubytovanie blízko tajchov, veľa cyklo trás, turistika, krásna príroda
Kateřina (Family with young children)  09/07/2021
Ubytovanie je v tichej lokalite, ideálne na kľudnú dovolenku. Blízko Malej aj Veľkej Richňavy. Veľmi milí majitelia aj personál. Starajú sa o čistotu aj príjemnú atmosféru penziónu.

Object description

Villa Paradajs accommodates you in five rooms and two suites with a total capacity of 21 people. The rooms are equipped with double and single beds and extra beds. The rooms and apartments also have a TV, a refrigerator and a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. To room no. 7 it is possible to add an extra bed in case of interest. There is also a common room with a seating area and a TV, as well as a fully equipped kitchen with a dining area. From 1.5.2022, breakfast will be part of the accommodation. You will connect to the WiFi network in the whole building. The exterior offers a terrace with seating and parking right next to the property.

Villa Paradajs is located in Štiavnické Bany, just a few meters from the Richňava Lakes. You can walk through the forest to the Small and Large Richňava Lake. You can also visit other lakes and secrets in the area. These are Lake Evičkina, Vindšachtské Lake, Tajch Klinger or Hodrušské Lake. The lakes are suitable for recreation and are sought after on hot summer days. If you like hiking, a hiking trail to Sitno Hill starts at Počúvadlian Lake, where you can refresh yourself after climbing. Be sure not to visit Banská Štiavnica and its center. Here you will find the Old and New Castles, the Bank of Love and various interesting cafes and restaurants. There is also a pleasant walk to Calvary, from where you will have a view of the whole city. In winter, the famous Salamandra Ski Resort opens.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Villa Paradajs free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Villa Paradajs? 5 rooms a 2 apartments sleep 21 persons (of which 5 extra beds). It is possible to accommodate several independent groups in the building. Staying with a dog is allowed for a fee.
Allows accommodation Villa Paradajs stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Staying with a dog is allowed for a fee. Find the rates here.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Villa Paradajs? Accommodation prices Villa Paradajs may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Villa Paradajs? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Villa Paradajs varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.