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Choose from a menu of up to 6 rentals Zlaté Hory

ExteriérApartmán BorůvkaApartmán BorůvkaApartmán BorůvkaApartmán BorůvkaApartmán BorůvkaApartmán BrusinkaApartmán BrusinkaApartmán BrusinkaApartmán Brusinka
A magical place in the heart of Jeseníky with wellness
Zlaté Hory - Rejviz • 2 apartments, 10 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest. Bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 2 reviews
from 4750 Kč / apartment / night
ExteriérVekovní posezeníLehátkaKuchyňKuchyňKuchyňLožniceInteriérKoupelnaPůdorys
Apartment with beautiful views
Zlaté Hory - Rejviz • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. In the village, by the forest. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 2800 Kč / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán VyhlídkaApartmán Vyhlídka
The best family vacation
Zlaté Hory - Rejviz • 1 apartment a  1 room, 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 3400 Kč / apartment / night
Accommodation price list Accommodation 600 CZK/person/night (for accommodation of two or more nights) 150/dog/night We make individual offers for group events. discounted price Rental of the entire cottage for 7 days 45,000,- (per night 195 CZK) Rental of the entire cottage for 2 days 20,000,- (per night 300 CZK)
The best place for family vacations, corporate events and school trips.
Zlaté Hory - Rejviz • 6 rooms, 29 persons, 8 bedrooms. In a secluded place near the village, in the forest, in the mountains. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 10000 Kč / cottage / night
Penzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion RejvízPenzion Rejvíz
Great vacation in Rejvíz!
Zlaté Hory - Rejviz • 5 rooms, 18 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreation area. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.6 1 review
from 450 Kč / person / night
A cottage with a sauna in the heart of the Jeseníky Mountains
Heřmanovice • 13 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the stream, in the mountains. Hot tub, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 3900 Kč / cottage / night
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