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Choose from a menu of up to 2201 rentals na Slovensku

výhľad z obývačkyapartmányprivátna terasavýhľad z jacuzzialtánok, grilApartments Pemikasterasa k apartmánu Fitness raňajkyTradičné sladké raňajkyLiptovský tanier - raňajky
New wooden apartments in the heart of Liptov!
Liptovský Mikuláš - Iľanovo • 4 apartments, 20 persons, 8 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the ski resort, by the forest. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 5 reviews
from 90 € / apartment / night
Chata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata PanorámaChata Panoráma
Cottage on the bank of the Orava Dam, Kaďa + Sauna
Námestovo • 19 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the forest, by the lake, in a cottage settlement. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.6 15 reviews
from 210 € / cottage / night
Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 2
Kremnica • 5 apartments, 22 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.9 23 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
Panorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na BeskydePanorama Ranč na Beskyde
Specific secluded accommodation with the most beautiful view in the Beskydy!
Korňa • 2 cottages, 20 persons, 5 bedrooms. In a secluded place near the village, by the forest, in the mountains. Bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 14 reviews
from 250 € / cottage / night
Apartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri DunajciApartmány pri Dunajci
Newly opened luxury apartments near Dunajec in a beautiful, quiet environment
Spišská Stará Ves • 3 apartments, 18 persons, 6 bedrooms. Outside the village, when towing, by the forest, by the stream. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.8 14 reviews
from 120 € / apartment / night
Apartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány AliceApartmány Alice
Veľký Meder • 2 apartments, 11 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool. Hot tub. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 100 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťKuchynský kútInteriérInteriérInteriérInteriérSpálňa
A cottage in the middle of the beautiful nature of the Slovak Paradise!
Smižany • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreation area, by the forest, in a cottage settlement. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 120 € / cottage / night
Penzión Vachtár Zemianska kúriaPenzión Vachtár Zemianska kúriaPenzión Vachtár Zemianska kúriaPenzión Vachtár Zemianska kúriaPenzión Vachtár Zemianska kúriaPenzión Vachtár Zemianska kúriaIzba MichalIzba MichalIzba MichalIzba Michal
Bath tub, hot tub, cellar spaces, pizza oven...
Kráľova Lehota • 6 rooms, 1 apartment a  1 cottage, 33 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the village. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 5 reviews
from 17 € / person / night
Apartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt ZdravieApartmánový byt Zdravie
Apartment in the center of the High Tatras in Horny Smokovec in the forest
Vysoké Tatry • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, in the forest, in the mountains. Dog not allowed.
4.7 8 reviews
from 35 € / apartment / night
Drevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička VodníčekDrevenička Vodníček
Cozy wooden house Vodníček with a unique view of Liptovská Mara!
Liptovský Trnovec • 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the water. Dog not allowed.
5 7 reviews
from 55 € / cottage / night
Chalupa JostaKrytý altánok s posedením a krbomKrytý altánok s posedením a krbomObývacia miestnosť s krbomObývacia miestnosť s krbom a jedálenským posedenímObývacia miestnosťPlne vybavená kuchyňaDvojlôžková izba č. 1Dvojlôžková izba č. 2Dvojlôžková izba s prístelkou č. 3
Cottage with a capacity of 10 places, suitable for families and groups
Jezersko • 10 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, by the stream, in the mountains. Dog allowed.
4.9 3 reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
Vila BeliankaApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkovýApartmán 5-lôžkový
Children under 3 years free, great location and services in the village of Ždiar!
Ždiar • 2 rooms a  2 apartments, 17 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the ski resort, in the mountains. Dog not allowed.
5 24 reviews
from 20 € / person / night
Žltá chataŽltá chataŽltá chataŽltá chataŽltá chataŽltá chataŽltá chatachata žltáŽltá chataŽltá chata
Jelenec - Remitáž • 5 cottages, 73 persons, 22 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the forest, by the lake, in a cottage settlement. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.6 2 reviews
from 185 € / cottage / night
Chata Bully 242/B v leteExteriérAltánokChata Bully 242/BChata Bully 242/BSpoločenská miestnosť s krbominterierkuchyňaChata Bully 242/Bspálňa
Donovaly - Bully • 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, in the mountains. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
ExteriérExteriérExteriérParkoviskoObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaKuchyňaJedálenské posedenie
Accommodation suitable for families
Oravský Podzámok • 6 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village. Dog allowed.
5 11 reviews
from 57 € / apartment / night
Apartmanica Residence Apartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán TriangelApartmán Triangel
Apartments Apartmanica Donovaly also for families with children
Donovaly • 4 apartments, 31 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the recreation area, when towing, by the forest. Sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 9 reviews
from 100 € / apartment / night
Izba č.7Penzión HarmóniaPenzión HarmóniaPenzión HarmóniaJedáleňJedáleňJedáleňJedáleňIzba č.1Izba č.1
An ideal location for vacations throughout the year!
Liptovský Mikuláš - Liptovská Ondrašová • 9 rooms, 32 persons, 10 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the swimming pool. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 10 reviews
from 20 € / person / night
Apartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN DonovalyApartmán B13 TATRAN Donovaly
Donovaly • 6 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreation area, when towing, in the mountains. Dog not allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 60 € / apartment / night
Stay in Dedinky
Dedinky • 6 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Dog allowed.
5 7 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Apartmán ÚstieApartmán ÚstieBazénPohovka v spoločenskej miestnostiPohovka v spoločenskej miestnostiSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpoločenská miestnosť s krbom a biliardom
Trstená - Nové Ústie • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the lake. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 150 € / apartment / night
ExteriérObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťChalupa DunajovObývacia miestnosťChalupa DunajovChalupa DunajovSpálňa 1Spálňa 1
A quiet, secluded setting
Dunajov • 12 persons, 3 bedrooms. In a secluded place near the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
4.9 10 reviews
from 160 € / cottage / night
Vonkajšie posedenieSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaKuchyňaKuchyňaKúpeľňaVonkajšie posedenieExteriér
Accommodation only 30 m from the swimming pool!
Bešeňová • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the swimming pool, by the lake. Dog allowed.
5 7 reviews
from 90 € / cottage / night
Spoločenská miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Cottage with fireplace, pets welcome
Štrba • 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the forest, in the mountains, in a cottage settlement. Dog allowed.
4.8 8 reviews
from 190 € / cottage / night
bazénExteriérExteriérApartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Štúdio 2
Liptov Region Card and other card GoPass up to 30%
Pavčina Lehota • 3 apartments a  5 studios, 43 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.7 18 reviews
from 10 € / person / night
In the center with guaranteed parking
Bratislava - Ružinov • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.7 4 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
Spoločenská miestnosťExteriérDetské ihriskoExteriérSpoločenská miestnosťApartmán - prízemieApartmán - prízemieApartmán - prízemieApartmán - prízemieDvojložková izba s kuchynkou
Pension suitable for stays with children!
Liptovský Ján • 2 rooms a  2 apartments, 18 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreation area, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
4.8 7 reviews
from 23 € / person / night
Vila AuroraTenisový kurtBazénJacuzzíBazénVírivkaAltánok s posedením a krbomAltánok s posedením a krbomVonkajšie posedenieVila Aurora
Comfortable accommodation with indoor pool and wellness
Mlynčeky • 2 rooms a  3 apartments, 14 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, in the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.8 4 reviews
from 460 € / cottage / night
Chata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata BrotnicaChata Brotnica
Necpaly • 10 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
4.8 25 reviews
from 120 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve!!
ExteriérDrevenica Mak KristiánObývacia miestnosťSpálňaKuchynský kút s lôžkamiKuchynský kútSpálňaKuchynský kút s lôžkamiSpálňaSpálňa
Beautiful environment in Liptov
Kvačany • 2 apartments, 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village. Dog not allowed.
5 6 reviews
from 16 € / person / night
Chalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potoka
Staré Hory • 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, in the mountains. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.8 7 reviews
from 170 € / cottage / night
Drevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice OščadnicaDrevenice Oščadnica
Quiet environment under the forest
Oščadnica • 3 cottages, 27 persons, 9 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the ski resort, in the forest, by the stream. Bathtub. Dog allowed.
4.8 24 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Villa AspenVilla AspenVilla AspenVilla AspenVilla AspenVilla AspenTerasaVilla AspenVilla AspenTerasa
By the chairlift Biela Púť, on skis right in front of the villa!
Demänovská Dolina • 4 apartments, 51 persons, 16 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, by the forest, in the mountains. Dog not allowed.
4.7 20 reviews
from 61 € / apartment / night
Piknik v záhradeObjekt II. v letePosedenia v záhrade s ihriskom a grilom Záhrada s ihriskom a grilomObjekt I. + objekt II. v záhrade na okraji obceLiptovské Matiašovce obecApartmán VIPApartmán VIP krbApartmán VIPApartmán VIP
Apartments for families, Bešeňová, Tatralandia, Liptov, hiking, swimming
Liptovské Matiašovce - Nižné Matiašovce • 6 apartments, 32 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, at the swimming pool, by the lake. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 80 € / apartment / night
ExteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaObývacia časťGaučPosedenieGaučKuchynský kútKúpeľňa
Family relaxation in a wooden cottage in Petra
Terchová • 2 apartments, 12 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
4.9 82 reviews
from 75 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérAltánokKúpacia kaďaKúpacia kaďaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Experience the tale of SRCI Orava! Near Fatra & Kubínska hoľa
Istebné • 12 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, in the mountains. Hot tub, bathtub. Dog allowed.
4.8 20 reviews
from 16 € / person / night
ExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoAltánokSpoločenská miestnosťKuchyňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Trampoline in the garden
Zuberec • 16 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, by the stream, in the mountains. Dog allowed.
5 8 reviews
from 11 € / person / night
budovaExteriérKúpeľňaObývacia izbakúpeľňaObývacia miestnosťspálňaKuchynský kútSpálňaKuchynský kút
Feel the Tatra scenery, free parking
Nová Lesná • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.3 18 reviews
from 60 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérVeľká chataMalá chataMalá chataTerasa veľkej chatyMalá chataMalá chataExteriérSauna
Finnish sauna and quality accommodation standard in the forest under the Tatras!
Štrba • 2 cottages, 32 persons, 14 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the forest, in the mountains, in a cottage settlement. Sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.7 6 reviews
from 275 € / cottage / night
Apartmán SepareApartmán SepareApartmán SepareApartmán SepareApartmán SepareWellnessDetské ihriskoExteriérApartmán SepareApartmán Separe
Apartment right next to the ski resort
Martin • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreation area, when towing, by the forest, in the mountains. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 90 € / apartment / night
Chata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské holeChata MartinSki Martinské hole
Save money and, upon agreement, divide the cottage into a 20-person part and a 4-person part
Martin • 24 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreation area, when towing, by the forest, in the mountains. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 91 reviews
from 490 € / cottage / night
Chata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská OsadaChata Daniela Liptovská Osada
Cottage with billiards in a quiet environment!
Liptovská Osada • 14 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.8 11 reviews
from 50 € / room for two / night
AD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 DonovalyAD Kamzík, apartmán 7 Donovaly
*** Family apartment, excellent accessibility in winter and summer ***
Donovaly • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreation area, when towing, by the forest, in the mountains. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 14 reviews
from 85 € / apartment / night
Chalet MIAChalet MIAChalet MIAChalet MIAChalet MIAExteriérChalet MIAExteriérExteriérExteriér
Modern chalet with a bathtub
Mýto pod Ďumbierom • 11 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Bathtub. Dog not allowed.
4.9 9 reviews
from 200 € / cottage / night
chalúpkakuchyňaspálňaspálňajedálenské sedeniejedálenské sedenieobývací priestorkuchyňadekoráciedekorácie
Trstené • 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
ExteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaKuchyňaKuchyňaGaučkuchyňaJedálenské posedenie
For families with children
Habovka • 4 rooms, 15 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
ExteriérAltánokHojdačkaJedálenské posedenieExteriérSpálňaSpálňaKúpeľňaKúpeľňaSpálňa
For families with children
Habovka • 6 rooms a  1 apartment, 27 persons, 7 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
4.9 9 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
Apartmán LeJa TáleObývacia miestnosť s kuchynským kútomExteriérExteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaInteriérObývacia miestnosťTerasa
New modern apartment
Bystrá (okres Brezno) - Tále • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
5 16 reviews
from 110 € / apartment / night
Ubytovňa FezanovaUbytovňa FezanovaUbytovňa FezanovaExteriérUbytovňa FezanovaUbytovňa FezanovaJednolôžkový apartmánJednolôžkový apartmánJednolôžkový apartmánRodinný apartmán
Short-term and long-term stays
Veľký Šariš • 5 apartments a  21 rooms, 53 persons, 27 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.6 11 reviews
from 25 € / person / night
ExteriérApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňou
Kežmarok • 7 apartments a  2 studios, 43 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village, at the swimming pool, by the river. Dog not allowed.
4.8 31 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
Vila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké TatryVila Ema Vysoké Tatry
Discounts for children, great location for hiking in the Tatras!
Vysoké Tatry - Tatranská Lomnica • 3 apartments, 12 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, at the ski resort, by the forest, in the mountains. Dog allowed.
4.9 20 reviews
from 20 € / person / night
ExteriérPenzión KrištofPenzión KrištofBazénZáhradaWellnessWellnessSpoločenská miestnosťRodinná izbaRodinná izba
Comfortable accommodation for demanding clients with own relax center
Terchová - Nižné Kamence • 21 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village, in the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.2 12 reviews
from 20 € / person / night
Luxury wooden house in Mala Fatra
Varín • 14 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, when towing, by the forest, in a cottage settlement. Dog not allowed.
4.9 40 reviews
from 275 € / cottage / night
ExteriérAltánokOhniskoSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťJedálenské posedenieSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Cottage in a forest area near Duchonka
Prašice - Duchonka • 15 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, in the forest, by the lake, in a cottage settlement. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 260 € / cottage / night
Luxurious accommodation with a bathtub and sauna!
Oravská Lesná - Lehotská • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. In a secluded place near the village, by the forest. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 20 reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
3 nights for the price of 2 nights, €360 for 3 nights :) for stays from 1.9.2024 to 20.12.2024 :)
Chalet PrestigeChalet PrestigeChalet PrestigeChalet PrestigeChalet PrestigeKúpeľňaChalet PrestigeChalet PrestigeChalet PrestigeChalet Prestige
New cottage near Snowland at great prices!
Valča • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreation area, when towing, by the forest, in the mountains. Hot tub. Dog allowed.
5 41 reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
ExteriérExteriérPieskoviskoObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťKuchyňaSpálňaKúpeľňaInteriérExteriér
Oravský Biely Potok • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, by the stream, in the mountains. Dog not allowed.
5 4 reviews
from 12 € / person / night
Jacuzzi/bathtub with trikes for the entire stay at the cottage!
Detské ihrisko a terasaChata 554ObývačkaNové terasové sedenieChata 554Stolný futbalNočná terasaChata 554privítanie a manuálKrb
New, spacious cottage in Valkova for family stays and meetings
Bžany - Valkov • 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreation area, by the forest, by the lake, in a cottage settlement. Hot tub, bathtub. Dog allowed.
4.7 5 reviews
from 160 € / cottage / night
Zrub LauraZrub Lauraobývačkachodbaschodiskovchod vchodZrub LauraZrub LauraZrub Laura
Bystrá (okres Brezno) • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Dog allowed.
4.8 9 reviews
from 170 € / cottage / night
Rodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata HybeRodinná chata Hybe
Stylish and above-standard equipped cottage in the beautiful surroundings of Liptov!
Hybe • 15 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Dog allowed.
4.9 58 reviews
from 210 € / cottage / night
Wellness & Spa Hotel ČertovWellness & Spa Hotel ČertovWellness & Spa Hotel ČertovWellness & Spa Hotel ČertovWellness & Spa Hotel ČertovWellness & Spa Hotel ČertovDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izba
Spring and summer holidays with a large wellness center and swimming pools in the mountains
Lazy pod Makytou • 25 rooms, 1 studio a  10 apartments, 142 persons, 50 bedrooms. In the recreation area, at the ski resort, by the forest, by the stream. Swimming pool, hot tub, bathtub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.5 17 reviews
from 60 € / person / night

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