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Choose from a menu of up to 10 rentals v Hornej Nitre

Penzión ZefirTerasa s posedenímRodinná suita KLASIKRodinná suita KLASIKDvojlôžková izba STANDARDDvojlôžková izba STANDARDDvojlôžková izba SIMPLERodinná suita MEZONETRodinná suita MEZONETPenzión Zefir
Own wellness, near the Bojnice Castle and the ZOO!!!
Bojnice • 8 rooms, 30 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Sauna. Dog allowed.
4.3 5 reviews
from 48 € / room for two / night
Penzión pod ZámkomPenzión pod ZámkomPenzión pod ZámkomBojnický ZámokPenzión Pod ZámkomPenzión Pod Zámkom2-ložkovákúpeľňakúpeľňaKúpeľňa
Bojnice • 11 rooms, 36 persons, 11 bedrooms. In the center of the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.6 21 reviews
from 21 € / person / night
ExteriérExteriérOkolieDetský kútikJedáleňKuchyňa1-lôžková izba bez kúpeľne2-lôžková izba s kúpeľňou3-lôžková izba s kúpeľňou4-lôžková izba s kúpeľňou
Čičmany • 29 rooms, 91 persons, 29 bedrooms. In the center of the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.7 12 reviews
from 33 € / person / night
Apartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 1. poschodieApartmán - 2. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodieApartmán - 3. poschodie
Modernly furnished apartments
Bojnice • 3 apartments, 14 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
5 11 reviews
from 89 € / apartment / night
Apartmány HujerApartmány HujerApartmány HujerApartmán s jednou spálňouRodinné štúdio s balkónomApartmány HujerApartmán s jednou spálňouApartmány HujerApartmány HujerApartmány Hujer
Amazing view of the castle BOJNICE
Bojnice • 1 room, 2 studios a  2 apartments, 21 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the center of the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 37 reviews
from 45 € / room for two / night
ExteriérZáhradaAltánokKuchyňaIzba 1Izba 1Izba 1Izba 1Izba 1Izba 1
Bojnice • 5 rooms, 12 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog allowed.
4.6 7 reviews
from 13 € / person / night
Čičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenicaČičmanská drevenica
Čičmany • 6 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the ski resort, by the forest, by the stream. Without internet. Dog not allowed.
4.9 23 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Luxurious apartment for two with private wellness (sauna + hot tub)!
Bojnice • 2 persons, 1 bedroom. In the center of the village, by the forest. Hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 9 reviews
from 119 € / apartment / night
ExteriérTerasaRaňajkyWellnessSvadobný apartmánSvadobný apartmánDvojlôžková izba ClassicDvojlôžková izba ClassicDvojlôžková izba ClassicDvojlôžková izba Mezonet
Hotel in the center of Bojnice
Bojnice • 61 rooms a  3 apartments, 151 persons, 64 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the swimming pool. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 119 € / room for two / night
Penzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión AliPenzión Ali
Stylish accommodation in the center of Bojnice
Bojnice • 5 studios a  2 apartments, 17 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.9 72 reviews
from 25 € / person / night
Don't have time to look for rental? Send an inquiry!