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Synagogue Šuranoch
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérBazénBazénZáhradaSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťKuchyňaKrbSpálňa
19,0 km
Holiday home with swimming pool and sauna
Kolta • 16 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 200 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Apartman 1-2Apartman 1-2ApartmanApartman 3-4Apartman 3-4ExterierJedálenské posedenieKuchyňa s jedálenským posedenímChodbaSpálňa
19,6 km
In the recreation area of the Thermál Nesvady thermal swimming pool
Nesvady • 4 apartments, 20 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool. Hot tub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 13 reviews
from 65 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Spálňa (A/B)Exteriér (A)Exteriér (A)Obývacia miestnosť (A/B)Obývacia miestnosť s kuchynským kútom (A/B)Kuchynský kút (A/B)Spálňa (A/B)Spálňa (A/B)Kúpeľňa (A/B)Kúpeľňa (A/B)
19,6 km
Newly built holiday house near the Nesvady thermal swimming pool.
Nesvady • 2 apartments, 10 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
5 4 reviews
from 60 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 180 € / 3 nights
Vonkajšie posedenieExteriérKúpaliskoDovolenkový dom pre 2 osobyDovolenkový dom pre 11 osôbDovolenkový dom pre 11 osôbDovolenkový dom pre 11 osôbDovolenkový dom pre 11 osôbDovolenkový dom pre 11 osôbDovolenkový dom pre 11 osôb
19,6 km
Near the thermal swimming pool
Nesvady • 2 holiday homes, 13 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 20 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Exteriér Vonkajšie posedenieSaunaŠtúdio HortenziaŠtúdio HortenziaŠtúdio HortenziaŠtúdio HortenziaŠtúdio HortenziaŠtúdio HortenziaŠtúdio Hortenzia
19,7 km
A welcome bottle of wine
Nesvady • 2 studios a  1 apartment, 13 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool. Hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 12 reviews
from 50 € / room for two / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérVeľkorysý apartmán č.7Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7 Veľkorysý apartmán č.7Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7 Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7 Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7Veľkorysý apartmán č. 7
19,7 km
New guesthouse only 500m from the thermal swimming pool, Nesvady-Naszvad
Nesvady • 4 studios a  2 apartments, 18 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool, by the lake. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 11 reviews
from 65 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérTerasaŠtúdio 3Štúdio 3Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2Štúdio 2
19,7 km
Comfortable apartments near the thermal swimming pool
Nesvady • 2 studios, 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool, by the lake. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Apartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány CatalinaApartmány Catalina
19,8 km
Modern apartments near the thermal swimming pool
Nesvady • 3 apartments, 16 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool, by the lake. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 11 reviews
from 25 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 210 € / 3 nights
Apartmán LosonciŠtúdio 2Štúdio 2 spáľňaŠtúdio 2 kuchyňaKúpeľňa štúdio 2Štúdio 3 kuchyňaŠtúdio 3 spáľňaŠtúdio3Štúdio3Štúdio 3 kúpeľňa
19,8 km
Thermal Nesvady 25% discount on entry, 3 times outside the area
Nesvady • 2 studios a  1 apartment, 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool, by the water. Dog allowed.
4.9 17 reviews
from 24 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Ahoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouApartmán s 1 spálňouAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán OceanAhoy Relax Apartmán Ocean
19,8 km
Modern new building within 500 m of pools with geothermal water
Nesvady • 3 apartments, 12 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérTerasaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán FréziaApartmán Frézia
19,8 km
Only 500 m from pools with geothermal water
Nesvady • 2 apartments a  1 studio, 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night

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