Zoological and botanical gardens Slovakia
(25 attractions)
The mission of the Botanical Garden in Bratislava is to maintain and expand the collection of living plants,...
Banská Belá
Arboretum Kysihýbel is also called Feistmantelova garden. Botanical Garden is situated in Banská Štiavnica, about 1 kilometer from the housing estate...
Vieska nad Žitavou
Dr. Stephen Ambrózy-Migazzi late 19th century arboretum founded in Mlynany. Arboretum includes 2,300 kinds of plants, among which are the rarest spec...
Liptovský Hrádok
Založenie arboréta v Liptovskom Hrádku súvisí so založením lesníckej školy. V roku 1796 sa začal pri budove školy budovať dekoratívny anglický park s ...
Banská Štiavnica
Botanical Garden covers an area of 3.5 hectares. It consists of two parts - upper and lower, which are separated by roads. The public is currently ...
Botanical Garden in Nitra, Slovak Agricultural University belongs. There are 2,000 kinds of greenhouses, 3,000 orchids from different parts of the wo...
Košiciah Botanical Garden is the largest expanse in Slovakia. Occur as 4,000 kinds of plants, of which 1,200 kinds are cacti. Among the biggest attra...
Lednické Rovne
Botanical Park is located near Renaissance palace. It is built on the model of English gardens. It also features Canadian poplar, linden, chestnut, p...
Dinopark in Košice is located in the ZOO in Kosice. It is situated in a picturesque area that is covered by mature trees and visitors can see dozens ...
Neďaleko obce Modrová sa nachádza "slovenský Nový Zéland", ktorý je unikátnym projektom, ktorý spája zoofarmu, etnografický a filmovo - fantazijný ska...
Hrubý Šúr
Pri obci Kostolná pri Dunaji je situovaná jedinečná minizoo, ktorá sa volá Oáza sibírskeho tigra, ktorej cieľom je pomáhať prežiť šelmám, ktoré by moh...
Liptovské Revúce
V Revúckom údolí sa nachádza jedinečný ekodvor, ktorý je známy ako "Rozprávková vtáčia záhradka" alebo "Vtáčí raj". Počas celého roka môžete obdivovať...
Zoo Park Stropkov exhibits many interesting exotic animals. In addition, there are rare species of flora. In the petting zoo you can feed the animals...
Liptovský Trnovec
Nielen rodinám s deťmi odporúčame spestriť si relax v aquaparku Tatralandia návštevou kontaktnej zoologickej záhrady Zoo Kontakt pri Liptovskom Mikulá...
Zoo Bojniciach is the most visited and largest in Slovakia. Located in an attractive...
Zoo Bratislava is one of the largest in Slovakia. Includes up to 1,000 individuals. Attraction is the only dinopark in our area with displays of dino...
Kosice Zoo is one of the largest in Europe. It includes 142 kinds of animals. It also boasts the largest area of brown bears in Central Europe. Amo...
Spišská Nová Ves
Zoo Ves is the youngest zoo in Slovakia. That is why there is a smaller number of animals. There are mostly 180 kinds of exotic animals. Examples inc...
Zlatno (okres Zlaté Moravce)
European bison is the largest mammal living on the territory of Europe. Disciplines in Topolčianky is the only place...
Kontaktná MiniFarma Vám ponúka miesto, kde sa zoznámite so zvieratkami, obzriete si ich a dozviete sa ako žijú a čo všetko papajú....
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Priamo v areáli Slnečných jazier pri Senci vás spolu s vašimi ratolesťami od júna do septembra s radosťou privíta ZOO – mini. V nej vás čakajú škrečko...