Museums and galleries Slovakia

(419 attractions)
Orava Forest Railway
Oravská Lesná
Orava Logging Railway Vineyard in the past for zvážanie timber from the mountains. This popular tourist attraction manages Orava Museum of PO Hviezdo...
Kunnsthalle Košice (Art Hall)
Kunsthalle - Hall of Art is located in Kosice in the building, which is sometimes found itself swimming pool. The hall is presenting the work of cont...
The manor Rákoczi in Borsi
Francis II. Rákoczi one of the most famous rebels of our history. At the beginning of the 18th century it led the latest and greatest anti-Habsburg u...
Zamagurie Village Museum
Stará Ľubovňa
The entire museum consists of a set of folk buildings from the surrounding villages and castle. The exposition except housing culture as well: smithy...
House music Mikuláš Schneider Trnavský
House music Mikuláš Schneider Trnavský reflects the creation and work of the important Slovak musician. There is a memorial room to maintaining emplo...
Medieval Military Camp Stará Ľubovňa
Stará Ľubovňa
Stara Lubovna there are medieval military camp, which is situated below the Ľubovňa castle. The camp shows the life of a soldier in the late Middle A...
AG Gallery Prešov
Private Prešov AG Gallery is a place where there are regularly held exhibitions, open air and fashion shows. It is based in the city center and suppo...
Apponyi House Museum of Viticulture and Museum of Historical Interiors
In the exhibition historical building Apponyi House are branches of the Bratislava City Museum, the Museum of Viticulture and Museum of Historical In...
Archaeological Museum Bratislava
SNM - Archaeological Museum in Bratislava focuses on the acquisition, registration, restoration, preservation, conservation, presentation and publish...
Archaeological Museum of Great Moravia Bojná
Bojná village is situated on the territory where, prior to the Great Moravia was located economic - political center Pribinov Principality of Nitra. ...
Art gallery Schürger
Private Art Gallery Schürger aims to create modern Slovak. Here regularly hosts exhibitions and openings, organize courses, workshops, workshops, wor...
Mining Museum Kremnici
Mining Museum is located in the basement of the gallery authentic Andrej. Museum brings hard work of miners, mining machinery, mining equipment and f...
Mining Museum
Banská Štiavnica
In addition to the exhibits is part inspections and descent underground. Tourists with tour groups and after they enter the table Bartholomew and the...
Mining Museum Gelnica
Mining Museum specializes in mapping the history and development of mining from the time of Maria Theresa to the present. The collection comes mainly...
Mining Museum
Mining Museum in Rožňava specialized in mining and metallurgy documentation and also to collect works of art by artists from Gemera. The first exhibi...
Miners' House Vysna Boca
Vyšná Boca
Mining house ethnographic monument is administered by the Museum in Ruzomberok. It is a log house with original interior. The house comes with the ca...
Creative Design Gallery Prešov
Creative Design Gallery in the Presov presents modern design and architecture. This cultural institution is located near the city center. Here regula...
JC Hronského house in Martin
House Carpathian Society in Handlovej
The Dome of the Carpathian Association visitor can see the exposure of Carpathian German Culture Museum, which displays traditional materials, spirit...
Craft House in Kosice
Dom remesiel je pobočkou Východoslovenského múzea, ktoré prezentuje verejnosti expozíciu, ktorá sa venuje historickým remeslám v Košiciach. Košice bol...
House Ľubovňa burgher
Stará Ľubovňa
Ľubovňa burgher house is a "living museum" on the square in the Old Lubovna. In this house you will find samples of middle-class life in th...
House of Folk Dwelling Matúškovo
The house dates from 1847. It is an example of folk living inhabitants. It contains the original inventory. Part of the House presents the living cul...
House of Folk Dwelling Velke Lovce
Veľké Lovce
In Headhunter is reconstructed earthen gazdovský house, which represents the traditional folk architecture of Požitavia. It is a small private museum...
House of Folk Dwelling Velke Úľany
Veľké Úľany
The house dates from the early 20th century. It represents folk architecture and housing culture of the local people. It is part of the Museum in Gal...
House of Folk Dwelling Sala
Building a farmer's house in Saline is characterized by the statue's construction of the roof, thatched roofs and woven walls of residential ...
Dom folk traditions and Archaeological Museum Svodín
In the south western Slovakia is Svodín village, where you will find extended exp...
Wooden church in Košice
Rustic church is part of the national cultural heritage. The church was built in the 18th century Greek Catholic believers in the village Kožuchovce,...
Cooperative Museum Samuel Jurkovic
Cooperative Museum Samuel Jurkovic is located in the Renaissance - Baroque manor house in Sobotište. Exposure is drawn to the history of the cooperat...
Dúbravský Museum
V Dúbravskom múzeu, ktoré je pobočkou Múzea mesta Bratislavy nájdete historické predmety, ktoré dokumentujú tradičný život v mestskej časti Dúbravka p...
The Ethnographic Museum Cracow Gate
Ethnographic Museum "The Cracow Gate" is part of the village Krakovany, which is located near Piestany. Museum displays traditional life, h...
Ethnographic Museum in Martin
Part of the Slovak National Museum, the Ethnographic Museum in Martin. It is the largest and oldest museum work in Slovakia. You will find a collecti...
F. exposure Coburg Predná Hora
Muránska Huta
The museum is housed in a small wooden hunting lodge recreation center at Predná Hora. This museum is dedicated to the former owners of the building ...
Exposition of skiing history Kremnica
In cooperation with the Ministry of Physical Culture and Kremnica in 2003 a permanent exhibition of skiing history in Slovakia. Located on the second...
Exposure to residential bourgeois culture Kežmarku
Kežmarské museum has a protruding Slovak objedinelú permanent exhibition - an exhibition of bourgeois culture in the building Kežmarok. Cross-section...
Exposure Kremnica Mint
Famous mint in Kremnica offers visitors visit exposures to which they are exposed to different machines for minting coins and exhibits of coins, toke...
Exposition of folk architecture
Pre tých čo zavítajú na toto miesto je prichystaná prehliadka zameraná na oboznámenie sa s architektonickým citom, tradíciou a zručnosťou obyvateľov r...
Florin house in Dolny Kubin
Dolný Kubín
In the historical center of Dolny Kubin is originally a dyeing house, which was inhabited in the years 1953 - 1973 Slovak poet, journalist, diplomat ...
Gallery 4u Trenčín
Gallery 4u in Trencin exhibits works mainly Slovak authors who worked from the late 19th century to the present. You will find rare paintings, sculpt...