Dvojlôžková izba
Dvojlôžková izba
Štvorlôžková izba
Trojlôžková izba
Kúpeľňa s toaletou
Spoločné priestory
+11 photos

Penzión Ivana Bardejov

4.3 - very good
20 reviews

STANISLAV:"Ubytování bylo dobré, avšak vadily nám měkké a malé postele. Služby jsme nevyužili žádné."

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 29 persons
12 rooms
12 bedrooms12 bathrooms, 12x WC
Dog allowedonly small, free of charge

Near the city center, possibility of eating! Penzión Ivana Bardejov is located in the city center Bardejov. 12 rooms sleep 29 people in 12 bedrooms (12 bathrooms, 12x WC). Multiple independent groups can be accommodated. Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge. We offer Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Half board and Full board. The plot is fenced. Parking is for 10 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Fričkovce (14,9 km), the nearest swimming is Summer swimming Bardejov (1,4 km). Nearby you can see the cave Bad Hole Cave (72,7 km) or Castle Bardejov (900 m).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

3x Jednolôžková izba

Total capacity: 1 person

1. Bedroom: 1x a bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Dvojlôžková izba
3x Dvojlôžková izba

Total capacity: 2 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed (possibility to separate into single beds)
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Trojlôžková izba
4x Trojlôžková izba

Total capacity: 3 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed (possibility to separate into single beds), 1x a bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Štvorlôžková izba
2x Štvorlôžková izba

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed (possibility to separate into single beds), 2x a bed
Equipment: Bathroom with toilet

Show details


Common spaces

1x Dayroom
Equipment: Board games, Television, Satellite

1x The kitchen
Equipment: Refrigerator, Electric oven, Microwave oven, Instant kettle, Dining room, Gas stove

Occupancy calendar

last update: 18/12/2024.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Penzión Ivana Bardejov

1. Jan - 1. Jan
1 - 2 noci
19 € 1 bed room / night
1 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
1 - 2 noci
26 € 2 bed room / night
2 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
1 - 2 noci
35.5 € 3 bed room / night
3 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
1 - 2 noci
40 € 4 bed room / night
4 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
3 - 6 nocí
min. 3 nights
18 € 1 bed room / night
1 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
3 - 6 nocí
min. 3 nights
25 € 2 bed room / night
2 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
3 - 6 nocí
min. 3 nights
35 € 3 bed room / night
3 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
3 - 6 nocí
min. 3 nights
39 € 4 bed room / night
4 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
7 a viac nocí
min. 7 nights
17.5 € 1 bed room / night
1 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
7 a viac nocí
min. 7 nights
24.5 € 2 bed room / night
2 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
7 a viac nocí
min. 7 nights
34.5 € 3 bed room / night
3 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
7 a viac nocí
min. 7 nights
38.5 € 4 bed room / night
4 bed room / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
1. Jan - 1. Jan 1 - 2 noci19 € / 1 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan 1 - 2 noci26 € / 2 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan 1 - 2 noci35.5 € / 3 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan 1 - 2 noci40 € / 4 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 3 nights 3 - 6 nocí18 € / 1 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 3 nights 3 - 6 nocí25 € / 2 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 3 nights 3 - 6 nocí35 € / 3 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 3 nights 3 - 6 nocí39 € / 4 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 7 nights 7 a viac nocí17.5 € / 1 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 7 nights 7 a viac nocí24.5 € / 2 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 7 nights 7 a viac nocí34.5 € / 3 bed room / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 7 nights 7 a viac nocí38.5 € / 4 bed room / night

More details

The price also includes:
parking, bed sheet, towels, WiFi internet
The price also includes:parking, bed sheet, towels, WiFi internet


Discount for children: from 0 to 5 years for rentaldiscount 30%

Surcharges on the spot

Tourist tax: 1 € / person / day (persons from 18 years old apply)

Basic information

rental usable:Yearly
Arrival for stay:from 14:00 - to 20:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:10 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the host does not stay / live in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, only small breed, free of charge (by agreement with the host)
Is the rental fenced?YES, the rental is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible
Heating:Gas, Centrally
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:Telekom, Orange, O2, 4ka, Vodafone
Dining options:Without food, With lunch, With full board, With half board, With breakfast, With dinner
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Kacvinského 3355, 085 01 Bardejov
GPS location:49.2996123, 21.2829388 Show the map
Regions:Čergov, Šariš, Smrekovica, Ondavská vrchovina, Východné Slovensko, Chránené územie Východné Karpaty , okres Bardejov, Prešovský kraj
Location of the rental:In the center of the village / city
Refinement of location:not listed
The shop:50 m
A restaurant:30 m
Train (railway station):100 m
Bus (stop):100 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Fričkovce (by car 14,9 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Summer swimming Bardejov (by car 1,4 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
Additional services in the building:Reception, Bicycle storage
Social spaces in the building / in the area of the building:Bar, A restaurant
rental is suitable for:For cyclists, For two, For bikers, For business travelers, For workers, For fishermen, For seniors, For groups, For tourists, For students, For four
rental is suitable for:Active holiday, For spring break, For summer, For winter vacation, Party, Weekend stays


4.3 - very good
20 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
STANISLAV  04/10/2024
Ubytování bylo dobré, avšak vadily nám měkké a malé postele. Služby jsme nevyužili žádné.
Tibor  26/09/2024
Všetko bolo v poriadku, radi prídeme aj budúci rok.
Adrian  24/09/2024
S penziónom som bol spokojný, rád sa sem ešte vrátim.
Kamil  15/09/2024
Melania  27/07/2024
Ildikó  25/07/2024
Bolo všetko v poriadku.
Ján  04/07/2024
V penzióne bolo všetko v poriadku. Ďakujeme.
Zoja  26/05/2024
Slavomíra  14/05/2024
Anna  13/05/2024
Elena  17/04/2024
Penzión sa nachádza blízko železnice, kúpeľov - má dobrú polohu. S vybavením som však nebola spokojná - chýbala spongia, jar ani káva sa nedala spraviť. Po sťažnosti majiteľ dané veci priniesol. Problém bol aj s televízorom - mal iba 2 programy a bolo potrebné po určitom čase zadávať heslo.
Erika  07/04/2024
Miroslav  07/02/2024
Maria  28/07/2023
Marta (A family with small children)  01/08/2022
Nespĺňa základný štandard, pach, zlé okno, chrobáci...
Simona (A family with small children)  27/10/2021
Veľmi krásne sa nám tam bývalo . Veľmi krásne Ubytovanie. O rok zopakujeme.
oliver (A family with older children)  25/09/2017
len poloha penzionu, ale iba kvoli nej by sme sa v nom druhykrat neubytovali
neprimerane vybavenie k cene zariadenia, personal sme videli len pri ubytovani, pri odchode sme kluc od izby vhodili (podla pokynu) do postovej schranky ziadne sluzby
Jozef (Friends)  22/02/2017
Pekné izby, príjemný personál, no a bazén a sauna grátis...určite odporúčam...Jožo
Zuzana (Young couple)  04/04/2014
Blízko do centra a reštaurácie
Dosť zanedbané soc. zariadenie a prašná izba, čo mne ako alergikovi robilo problémy.Toaleta bola špinavá, mydlo asi po 20tich ubytovaních a preražala tam kanalizácia. Za tú cenu, sme boli trochu sklamaní.
Daniela  05/08/2013
Výborná poloha,příjemný personál,přijatelná cena,doporučuji
Vyložene nie sú

Object description

Penzión Ivana is an accommodation that wins the affection of its guests thanks to its perfect location near the center of Bardejov and favorable prices. The guesthouse consists of one, two, three and four-bed rooms, each of which has not only a bathroom and a toilet, but also a clock radio and a television with satellite reception. You will also find a kitchenette equipped with a gas stove, fridge with freezer, microwave and electric kettle. If you don't feel like cooking, you can have breakfast or eat in a local pizzeria and restaurant. There is WIFI internet connection and a lockable parking lot with a capacity of 10 spaces. The reception is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Penzion Ivana stands out due to its convenient location in the immediate distance from the bus and train station, as well as the historical center of Bardejov, registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Among the numerous sights, we can mention the Basilica of St. Egídia, the City Hall building, the City Fortification or the Executioner's House. A visit to the Šariš museum will bring you closer to the region, and in Hervatov, Kriv and Tročany you will come across unique wooden churches, Bardejov is home to sought-after spas and you can also relax in the summer swimming pool. Skiing can be done, for example, in the Stebnícka Huta resort, and a nice trip awaits you at the ruins of Zborovské hrad.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Penzión Ivana Bardejov free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Penzión Ivana Bardejov? 12 rooms sleep 29 persons. It is possible to accommodate several independent groups in the building. Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
Allows accommodation Penzión Ivana Bardejov stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Penzión Ivana Bardejov? Accommodation prices Penzión Ivana Bardejov may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Penzión Ivana Bardejov? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Penzión Ivana Bardejov varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.