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New Year's Eve busy
Chata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata ZafírChata Zafír
19,5 km
Klokočov (okres Čadca) • 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, in the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 300 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérExteriérKrbObývací místnostObývací místnostObývací místnostKitaraObývací místnostKnihy
19,5 km
Cottage in a quiet environment
Dolní Lomná • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 1140 Kč / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata SalviusChata Salvius
19,6 km
We believe, that you will feel better than home
Terchová • 22 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
4.9 6 reviews
from 16 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 900 € / 5 nights
AreálBazénChata TamarkaChata TamarkaChata BarborkaChata BarborkaChata BarborkaChata BarborkaChata BarborkaChata Barborka
19,8 km
Cottages with a pool in a quiet environment
Belá • 3 cottages, 35 persons, 10 bedrooms. Outside the village, by the forest, on the mountains, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.7 11 reviews
from 120 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérSpoločenská akciaSpoločenská akciaSpoločenská akciaJednolôžková izbaJednolôžková izbaJednolôžková izbaJednolôžková izbaJednolôžková izbaDvojlôžková izba
19,8 km
Accommodation in the city center
Žilina • 6 rooms a  1 apartment, 15 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the center of the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.7 7 reviews
from 28 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata DolinkyChata Dolinky
19,9 km
Veľké Rovné • 15 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest. Sauna. Dog allowed.
4.6 2 reviews
from 110 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve 30.12.2024 - 1.1.2025 ... EUR 750 / night. Min. rent 3 nightsNew Year's Eve busy
Chata Gazdovský dvorKúpacie kade v zimeGazdovský dvor v leteDetské ihriskoGazdovský dvor v leteGazdovský dvor v leteGazdovský dvor v leteTerasaGazdovský dvor v zimeTerasa
20,0 km
Wooden house in nature - 18 places /5x bedroom, 4x Kitchen, 1x social room/
Klokočov (okres Čadca) • 3 apartments a  2 rooms, 18 persons, 5 bedrooms. Outside the village, by the forest, on the mountains, in a cottage settlement. Bathtub, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 22 € / person / night

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