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Autor: Jerzy Opioła – Vlastné dielo, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4479990
Autor: Jerzy Opioła – Vlastné dielo, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4479990
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťChata JakobinaSpálňaKuchynský kútKuchynský kút
14,0 km
Cozy cottage in Račkova dolina
Jamník • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the forest, on the mountains. Without internet. Dog not allowed.
4.7 3 reviews
from 170 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Kuchynský kútBalkónObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaPracovný stôl
14,0 km
Superiorly furnished apartment with sauna
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 4 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, close to river. Sauna. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 112 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 1960 € / 7 nights
Chata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata BlavaChata Blava
14,0 km
Pool, saunas, jacuzzi, billiards, recreation vouchers welcome!
Nižná • 17 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, close to river. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 19 reviews
from 140 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExterierExteriérSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťWellnessSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
14,1 km
The perfect place for a family holiday or a corporate event
Pribylina • 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest, on the mountains. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 450 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve is not rented
Apartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňami
14,1 km
Apartments designed in a modern glamor style
Liptovský Mikuláš • 2 apartments, 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 130 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
14,2 km
Apartments with sauna and convenient location
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 1 studio a  4 apartments, 23 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the village. Sauna. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 43 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
SpálňaSpálňaObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťKuchyňaKuchyňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
14,3 km
Luxurious and stylish apartment
Liptovský Mikuláš • 6 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 130 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 171 € / 3 nights
Exteriér2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba s prístelkou2-lôžková izba s prístelkami2-lôžková izba s prístelkami2-lôžková izba s prístelkami3-lôžková izbaApartmánApartmán2-lôžková izba
14,3 km
Nižná • 9 rooms a  1 apartment, 36 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the village, close to river. Dog allowed.
4.8 8 reviews
from 14 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Apartmán 1ExteriérAltánokDetské ihriskoApartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1
14,4 km
Cozy apartments, gazebo, playground
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 2 apartments, 11 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village. Dog not allowed.
5 4 reviews
from 65 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
KempIzbaReštauráciaReštauráciaReštauráciaSociálne zariadenieSociálne zariadenieExteriérKempBufet
14,4 km
Quiet place
Pribylina • 17 rooms, 63 persons, 17 bedrooms. Outside the village. Without internet. Dog allowed.
4.5 14 reviews
from 12 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 250 € / 4 nights
Apartmán 1Apartmány NÁMESTIEApartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 2
14,4 km
Apartments in the city center
Liptovský Mikuláš • 2 apartments, 6 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
5 31 reviews
from 13 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaKuchyňaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaInteriérKuchyňaKuchyňaKúpeľňa
14,4 km
Good prices, short-term and long-term accommodation
Nižná • 12 rooms, 24 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the village, close to river. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 13 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérExteriérNáhľad do interiéruKuchyňa + jedáleňKuchyňa + jedáleňObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpáleň č. 1Kúpeľňa
14,5 km
Peace, relaxation, mountains, simply Liptov
Liptovská Anna • 7 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 230 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérBazénVonkajšie posedenieSpálňaSpálňaKuchyňaKuchyňaKúpeľňaKúpeľňaSpálňa
14,5 km
Accommodation in a quiet location.
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 2 apartments, 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 13 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
14,5 km
Cozy apartment in privacy
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 10 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, close to river. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 90 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Penzión BowlingBowlingBowlingBiliardJednolôžková izbaJednolôžková izbaJednolôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izba
14,6 km
Cafe, restaurant, 4 bowling alleys, billiards
Liptovský Mikuláš • 8 rooms a  3 apartments, 25 persons, 11 bedrooms. In the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 70 € / room for two / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 120 € / 3 nights
ExteriérExteriérOkolieApartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 3Apartmán č. 3Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2
14,6 km
Comfortable apartments in the city center
Liptovský Mikuláš • 4 apartments, 18 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.8 4 reviews
from 30 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Villa Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská MaraVilla Liptovská Mara
14,7 km
Newly built villa near Liptovská Mary!
Liptovská Anna • 10 persons, 4 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest, on the mountains. Dog allowed.
5 9 reviews
from 150 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 70 €
14,7 km
Hotel PALAZZO is located right in the center of Liptovský Mikuláš
Liptovský Mikuláš • 9 rooms a  1 apartment, 24 persons, 11 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Dog allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 40 € / room for two / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 1080 € / 6 nights
ExteriérExteriérApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán AApartmán B
14,7 km
Cozy apartments
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 2 apartments, 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the water. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 20 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata SamiKrb v spoločenskej miestnostiSchody do podkroviaKúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútomChata SamiBicykle na prenájom Chata SamiChata SamiChata SamiChata Sami
14,7 km
Pleasant accommodation for a good price
Liptovská Anna • 8 persons, 1 bedroom. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Hot tub. Dog allowed.
4.9 27 reviews
from 95 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 740 € / 5 nights
Privát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u ZdenkyPrivát u Zdenky
14,7 km
Attractive discounts, sitting by the fireplace and a great location in the heart of Orava!
Tvrdošín • 2 rooms a  1 apartment, 13 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, close to river. Bathtub. Dog not allowed.
4.7 13 reviews
from 24 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérSpálňaSpálňaObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťDetský kútikKuchynský kút
14,7 km
Accommodation only 400 meters from Liptovská Mary, in a semi-secluded area
Bobrovník • 5 persons, 1 bedroom. On the outskirts of the village, by the lake. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérPoloha objektuExteriérObývací priestorKuchynský kútKuchynský kútKuchynský kútObývací priestorObývací priestorObývací priestor
14,8 km
Right on the beach
Liptovská Sielnica • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the lake. Without internet. Dog allowed.
4.6 3 reviews
from 169 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
14,9 km
Suitable for groups
Tvrdošín • 26 rooms, 65 persons, 26 bedrooms. In the village. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 24 € / room for two / night
New Year's Eve busy
záhrada v zimeExteriér - pohľad zo záhradypohľad od ulicegarážizba č.1izba č.2izba č.2 s detskou postieľkouizba č.3izba č.4izba č.5
14,9 km
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 10 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the village. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 20 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 1260 € / 3 nights
Villa DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla DamVilla Dam
14,9 km
Comfortable Villa Dam only 300 meters from Liptovská Mary!
Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka • 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the lake. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 300 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Celoročná vírivkaChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkouChata Nella so saunou a vírivkou
15,0 km
A cottage in a peaceful environment in Liptov, but at the same time not far from Tatralandia!
Bukovina • 9 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, on the mountains. Hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 11 reviews
from 80 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérBazénExteriérObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosť
15,0 km
Great accommodation with a pool
Tvrdošín • 9 persons, 2 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 59 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Kuchynský kútKuchynský kútObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
15,1 km
Apartment in a picturesque village near beautiful nature
Bukovina • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest. Without internet. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 100 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata CynthiaChata Cynthia
15,1 km
Cottage Cynthia with Finnish tub-whirlpool and sauna
Bukovina • 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 20 reviews
from 115 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 400 € / 4 nights
ubytovanie Pravnáčubytovanie Pravnáčubytovanie Pravnáčaltánok pred budovourodinný apartmánrodinný apartmánrodinný apartmánrodinný apartmánrodinný apartmánrodinný apartmán
15,2 km
Liptovská Anna - Bukovina • 2 apartments, 12 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the stream, on the mountains. Dog allowed.
4.6 2 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 90 € / 3 nights
Ubytovanie u Rezbáraapartmán menšíapartmán menšíapartmán väčšíapartmán väčšíapartmán väčšíapartmán väčšíapartmán väčšíapartmán väčšíapartmán väčší
15,2 km
Comfortable accommodation in the wonderful surroundings of Orava!
Podbiel • 2 apartments, 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the village, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
5 18 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérJedálenské posedenieKrbSpálňaJedálenské posedenieJedálenské posedenieJedálenské posedenieJedálenské posedenieJedálenské posedenie
15,4 km
Separate new cozy house for max. 6 persons
Liptovský Mikuláš - Okoličné • 6 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the ski resort, by the swimming pool, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
5 5 reviews
from 80 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 1400 € / 4 nights
ExteriérKúpacia kaďaZáhradaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosť
15,5 km
A cottage with a bathtub and a large garden with a sitting area
Malatiná • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village. Bathtub. Dog allowed.
4 1 review
from 120 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Drevenica ZlatkaExteriérExteriérDrevenica ZlatkaExteriérDrevenica ZlatkaExteriérlavička pod oknomexteriérvonkajšie sedenie
15,5 km
Cozy traditional wooden house
Podbiel • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village. Dog allowed.
4.9 12 reviews
from 45 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérExteriérExteriérApartmán 2KuchyňaApartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1
15,5 km
Pension with a good location, possibility of driving on a tank
Podbiel • 3 apartments, 13 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the village. Dog not allowed.
5 6 reviews
from 18 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka PaľkaChata u pltníka Paľka
15,8 km
A cottage suitable for families with children with a bathtub and a sauna.
Podbiel • 12 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, close to river. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 79 reviews
from 160 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérPenzión SileoPenzión SileoReštauráciaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzba
15,9 km
Quiet place.
Pribylina • 9 rooms, 18 persons, 9 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, in the forest, close to river. Bathtub, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 6 reviews
from 50 € / room for two / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérVýhľadSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťKuchyňaInteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
15,9 km
200 m from the banks of the Liptovská Mara dam
Bobrovník • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the lake. Dog allowed.
5 5 reviews
from 12 € / person / night
Christmas - from Friday 20 December to 28 December - 130 euros/cottage/night - min. 3 nightsNew Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérExteriérAltánokHojdačkaSpoločenská miestnosťKuchyňaIzbaSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosť
15,9 km
Not far from Liptovská Mara
Bobrovník • 9 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, by the lake. Dog allowed.
4.9 11 reviews
from 80 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chalupa Mia Jamník LiptovExteriérChalupa Mia Jamník LiptovPosedenie pri krbeObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
16,1 km
Cozy newly renovated cottage
Jamník • 5 persons, 1 bedroom. In the village, by the forest. Dog allowed.
5 6 reviews
from 59 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Rezort pod RoháčmiRezort pod RoháčmiRezort pod RoháčmiRezort pod RoháčmiKuchyňaKuchyňaSpálňaSpálňaKuchyňaKúpeľňa
16,3 km
Cozy apartment houses
Vitanová • 4 cottages, 20 persons, 8 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the ski resort, by the forest, by the stream. Dog not allowed.
5 8 reviews
from 90 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérRecepciaInteriérBar2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba3-lôžková izbaIzbaIzbaReštaurácia
16,3 km
Vital world, restaurant, fitness, billiards, playground and terrace!
Vitanová • 22 rooms, 69 persons, 22 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the lift, by the stream, on the mountains. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.7 22 reviews
from 86 € / room for two / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
DvorExteriérJazierkoVchod do penzionuBezbariérový apartmán č.1Bezbariérový apartmán č.2 vchod z dvoraPosedenie pre apartmán č.2Bezbariérový apartmán č.3 vchod z dvoraVchod do apartmánu č.3ExteriérApartmán rodinný 2+2 s terasou č. 4 , Vchod s terasou do rodinného apartmánu č.4Exteriér
16,4 km
The pleasant Orava environment of the Western Tatras
Vitanová • 7 rooms a  3 apartments, 20 persons, 10 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the lift, by the swimming pool, by the forest. Dog allowed.
4.8 33 reviews
from 12 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérExteriérKúpacia kaďaKuchynský kútJedálenské posedenieSpálňaObývací priestorKuchynský kútJedálenské posedenie
16,4 km
Relaxation cottages with a bathtub
Pribylina • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Bathtub. Dog not allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 70 € / cottage / night
The price for New Year's Eve is 130,-Eur/cottage/night. The price includes all fees.Free New Year's Eve: from 520 € / 4 nights
Zimna romantikaChatka SovičkaChatka SovičkaChatka SovičkaChatka SovičkaChatka SovičkaSpálňaDetská izbaDetská izbaDetská izba
16,5 km
New Year's Eve free - Cozy cabin in Liptov - relaxation for families.
Liptovský Mikuláš - Benice • 4 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, on the mountains. Dog not allowed.
4.7 11 reviews
from 90 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
chata Adam - obývacia časťchata Adam  - kuchyňa chata Adamchata Adamchata Adam - spalňa chata Adam - spálňachata Adamchata Adam - poschodiechata Adam - poschodiechata Adam - predna terasa
16,5 km
For families with children
Liptovský Mikuláš - Benice • 2 cottages, 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the lake. Dog allowed.
4.8 7 reviews
from 80 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérWellness villa BobrikKúpacia kaďaObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
16,6 km
Superior accommodation with private sauna and whirlpool
Pribylina • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest, by the stream, on the mountains. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 15 reviews
from 170 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 100 € / 2 nights
ExteriérExteriérApartmán QueenApartmán QueenApartmán Queen1-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba
16,6 km
Bedding is always wearing clean, fragrant and warm Perinka :)))
Liesek • 6 rooms a  2 apartments, 27 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.7 3 reviews
from 18 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
16,8 km
Pribylina • 12 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 8 reviews
from 160 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoExteriérTerasaBazénTrampolínaBiliardApartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 2
16,8 km
Vacation in a quiet environment
Liptovský Mikuláš - Benice • 6 apartments, 38 persons, 10 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 2 reviews
from 66 € / apartment / night
Christmas stay, 22.12-28.12 min. 3 nights €200 night / objectNew Year's Eve busy
Ubytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie AnastasiaUbytovanie Anastasia
17,0 km
Private accommodation with swimming pool, sauna and hot tub
Pribylina • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, by the stream. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 8 reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
izba č.1izba č.2izba č.1izba č.3kuchyňobyvačkaizba č.3obyvačkaChata pod lipou Bobrovníkihrisko
17,0 km
Cozy cottage near Liptovská Mary!
Bobrovník - Tvarožná • 11 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest, by the water, in a cottage settlement. Dog allowed.
4.8 11 reviews
from 200 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Privát PalloPrivát PalloPrivát PalloŠtúdioŠtúdioŠtúdioŠtúdio - 3 osobyŠtúdio - 3 osobyŠtúdio - 3 osobyŠtúdio - 3 osoby
17,0 km
Pleasant environment, nice owners, new, clean, comfortable rooms
Pribylina • 9 studios, 25 persons, 9 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, on the mountains. Sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 94 reviews
from 48 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérKuchyňaPosedenieObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaDrevenica Viki
17,0 km
Rustic accommodation
Pribylina • 7 persons, 1 bedroom. In the village, by the stream. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 20 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Dom 1Dom 2ExteriérDom 1Dom 1Dom 1Dom 1Dom 2Dom 2Dom 2
17,1 km
Liptovský Mikuláš - Bodice • 5 rooms a  1 apartment, 30 persons, 9 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, on the mountains. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.6 1 review
from 18 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérExteriérKrbAltánokSpoločenská miestnosťDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaTrojlôžková izbaTrojlôžková izba
17,1 km
Accommodation with private bathroom
Liptovský Mikuláš - Bodice • 4 rooms a  2 apartments, 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Dog not allowed.
4.6 10 reviews
from 14 € / person / night
New Year's Eve is not rented
ExteriérKrbApartmán s 2 spálňamiKuchynský kútApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiSpálňaApartmán s 2 spálňamiApartmán s 2 spálňamiDvojlôžková izba
17,1 km
Modern Matilda apartments in the middle of the beautiful Tatra nature!
Pribylina • 3 rooms a  2 apartments, 18 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the village. Dog allowed.
4.7 11 reviews
from 26 € / room for two / night

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