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Choose from a menu of up to 362 rentals undefined

Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérTerasaZáhradaApartmán 3Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 1Apartmán 2Apartmán 2Apartmán 3
Chip bracelets for the swimming pool for our guests
Veľký Meder • 3 apartments, 12 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.9 2 reviews
from 9 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za GrapouChata za Grapou
Vacant date from 16/11/2023 to 19/11/2023
Oščadnica - Zagrapa • 42 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the village, at the ski resort, by the forest. Swimming pool, hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 20 reviews
from 17 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 280 € / 4 nights
ExteriérExteriérExteriérWellnessWellness2-lôžková izba Penzión SKI2-lôžková izba Penzión Polianka2-lôžková izba s prístelkou Penzión Polianka2-lôžková izba s prístelkou Penzión PoliankaApartmán Penzión Polianka
Private bio-pool and bike rental
Levoča - Levočská Dolina • 28 rooms a  3 apartments, 84 persons, 31 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the ski resort, by the swimming pool, by the forest. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.4 5 reviews
from 50 € / room for two / night
New Year's Eve busy
VírivkaExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoVírivkaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Bešeňová • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, by the swimming pool. Swimming pool, hot tub. Dog allowed.
5 12 reviews
from 169 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Rekreačný dom u HološovRekreačný dom u HološovTerasa s posedením2L izba2L izba2L economy s pristielkou2L economy s pristielkou2L economy s pristielkou2L economy s pristielkousoc. zariadenie 2L economy s pristielkou
House with wellness, outdoor pool and playground
Smrečany • 4 rooms a  1 apartment, 16 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the stream, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 17 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Exteriér s bazénomExteriérExteriér s bazénomExteriérVonkajší krbExteriérExteriér s bazénomLetné nočné kúpanieApartmán 1Apartmán 1- obývačka s kuchyňou
With a swimming pool, hot tub and sauna near Hrušovské Lakes and the Slovak Karst!
Jablonov nad Turňou • 2 apartments, 10 persons, 2 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest, by the lake. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.8 6 reviews
from 18 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 400 € / 4 nights
Objekt I. v zimePiknik v záhradeObjekt II. v letePosedenia v záhrade s ihriskom a grilom Záhrada s ihriskom a grilomObjekt I. + objekt II. v záhrade na okraji obceLiptovské Matiašovce obecApartmán VIPApartmán VIP krbApartmán VIP
Apartments for families, Bešeňová, Tatralandia, Liptov, hiking, swimming
Liptovské Matiašovce - Nižné Matiašovce • 6 apartments, 32 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the ski resort, by the swimming pool, by the lake. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 80 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvorChaty Alžbetin dvor
suitable for families and Games
Radava • 4 cottages, 24 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
5 18 reviews
from 16 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Challet TonkaExteriérObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Luxury semi-detached house near the forest
Zuberec • 2 apartments, 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 3 reviews
from 170 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérZáhradaExteriérZáhrada s bazénomDetské ihriskoSpálňa žeSpálňaSpoločenská miestnosťKuchyňaKúpeľňa
Habovka • 11 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the stream. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Horská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence LadonhoraHorská Residence Ladonhora
Residence Ladonhora
Dolný Vadičov • 10 rooms, 50 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the lift, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 30 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Drevenica u AntonaExteriérKúpacia kaďaExteriérDrevenica u AntonaOkolieKuchyňaExteriérZáhradaZáhrada
Oščadnica • 9 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.9 6 reviews
from 150 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérVonkajšie posedenieKolotočBazénChalupaChalupaChalupaKuchyňa ChalupaChalupa
Ždiar • 1 cottage a  2 apartments, 30 persons, 11 bedrooms. In the village, at the ski resort, by the stream, on the mountains. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.9 14 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.Apartmány Lara I.
Apartments in the area of ​​the Vadaš thermal swimming pool
Štúrovo • 14 apartments, 56 persons, 28 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, by the lake. Swimming pool, hot tub. Dog not allowed.
4.9 13 reviews
from 42 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka DrienokChatka Drienok
Accommodation in the swimming pool!
Mošovce • 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérAreálGrilWellnessObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťObývacia miestnosťKuchynský kút
20% discount on multi-entrances to Tatralandia
Liptovský Mikuláš • 6 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 85 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Apartmánový domTerasa s posedenímPohľad na apartmánTerasa s posedenímInteriér apartmánuInteriér apartmánuManželská posteľPohľad na apartmánInteriér apartmánuInteriér apartmánu
Modern studio, you can enjoy the view of the water park from the balcony
Bešeňová • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 13 reviews
from 110 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérBanícka cimraDetské ihriskoWellnessWellnessSvadba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba
Selce (okres Banská Bystrica) • 44 rooms a  3 apartments, 94 persons, 47 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the lift, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.7 3 reviews
from 80 € / room for two / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérDetské ihriskoExteriérExteriérVonkajšie posedenieExteriérApartmán Milan IApartmán Milan IApartmán Milan IApartmán Milan I
Modern apartments in a location with a view
Horná Lehota • 2 apartments, 25 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the ski resort, by the swimming pool, by the forest. Swimming pool, bathtub. Dog allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 30 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérBazénVírivkaExteriérExteriérSpálňa s kuchynkouSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Apartment with jacuzzi and outdoor indoor pool
Púchov - Nosice • 5 persons, 1 bedroom. On the outskirts of the village, close to river. Swimming pool, hot tub. Dog not allowed.
4.8 14 reviews
from 25 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérTerasaSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťKuchynkaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaDetská postieľka
Cottage near the Oravská dam
Námestovo - Slanická Osada • 6 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the lake. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.8 11 reviews
from 130 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérTerasaOhniskoObývacia miestnosťKuchynský kút4-lôžková izba4-lôžková izbaObývacia miestnosťKuchynský kútExteriér
Zvolen - Môťová • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the lake. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.7 5 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérObývacia miestnosťKuchyňaInteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Nearby Liptovská Mara
Vlachy - Krmeš • 10 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the village. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.9 14 reviews
from 21 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chalupa na HrbkuchalupaChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na HrbkuChalupa na Hrbku
Cottage on the edge of the village, hot tub, outdoor pool, to Vrátná by bike :)
Belá • 2 apartments, 12 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Swimming pool, bathtub. Dog not allowed.
4.8 23 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128Apartmánový dom Bidovce 128
Accommodation Kosice
Bidovce • 4 apartments, 20 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the village, at the airport. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.2 12 reviews
from 16 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
BazénSaunaVonkajšie posedenieVonkajšie posedenieObývacia miestnosťKuchynský kútSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Villa with swimming pool, sauna, gym and tennis court
Brehy • 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, close to river. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 250 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérWellnessWellnessWellnessBiliardSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosťSpoločenská miestnosť
Spacious accommodation with private wellness with pool
Stará Lesná • 2 cottages, 28 persons, 10 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 120 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata MonumentoChata Monumento
Valča • 5 apartments, 24 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the lift, in the forest, by the lake. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 13 reviews
from 79 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoWellnessSpoločenská miestnosťReštaurácia3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izba
Right in the area of ​​the ski resort Športcentrum Oščadnica
Oščadnica • 13 rooms, 53 persons, 13 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the lift, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.8 9 reviews
from 35 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Spišská Nová Ves - Tarča • 23 rooms, 55 persons, 24 bedrooms. In the village, by the swimming pool, close to river. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.4 8 reviews
from 30 € / room for two / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 300 € / 5 nights
ExteriérExteriérReštauráciaReštauráciaStudio De LuxStudio De LuxStudio De LuxStudio De LuxStudio De LuxStudio De Lux
Pavčina Lehota • 3 studios a  3 apartments, 22 persons, 9 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the lift, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 3 reviews
from 15 € / person / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 240 €
BazénExteriérDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoExteriérExteriér
Modern apartments with wellness and indoor pool
Žakovce • 6 apartments, 16 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.9 2 reviews
from 75 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 240 € / 4 nights
ExteriérExteriérExteriérTerasaTerasaWellnessWellnessWellnessWellnessDvojlôžková izba (časť penzión)
Pension with wellness and restaurant
Bystrá (okres Brezno) • 17 rooms, 62 persons, 19 bedrooms. In the village, at the ski resort, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 23 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérBazénVonkajšie posedenieExteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Cottage on Hriňovské lazy
Hriňová • 9 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.3 3 reviews
from 165 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata Enjoy so samostatne stojacim wellnessom a parkoviskom na pozemku.Chata je obklopená množstvom zelene a nachádza v slepej uličke,  pričom za chatou je už len kopec a lúka.Chata Enjoy Wellness & FunChata Enjoy Wellness & FunOddychová zóna so soľnými panelmi je súčasťou wellnessuKaďa umiestnená pod prístreškom poskytuje relax až pre 8 hostí.Fínska sauna pre 12 osôbHerňa poskytujúca priestor pre Vašu zábavu v  podpivničených priestoroch. Stolný futbal, veľké plátno napojené na projektorHerňa poskytujúca priestor pre Vašu zábavu v podpivničených priestoroch. Biliard a barový pult.Chata Enjoy Wellness & Fun
Cottage with bathtub, sauna and games room
Liptovské Revúce - Nižná Revúca • 23 persons, 7 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 20 reviews
from 350 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérWellnessKrbObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňaObývacia miestnosťJedálenské posedenieJedálenské posedenieJedálenské posedenie
Luxury chalet with wellness
Habovka • 10 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the stream, on the mountains. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 6 reviews
from 220 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Areál zimaChata TerezkaIhriskoArealDetská vežičkaAltanokAltánok vnútroAltánok vnútroKryté parkoviskoLetná terasa
Sauna, playground with trampoline and table tennis!
Zázrivá • 11 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, by the stream. Swimming pool, sauna. Dog not allowed.
4.8 48 reviews
from 180 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Rezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort LúčkaRezort Lúčka
Lúčka (okres Rožňava) • 2 cottages, 12 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 14 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 297 € / 3 nights
Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150Apartman 150
Bešeňová • 1 studio a  3 apartments, 13 persons, 4 bedrooms. , in the area of the swimming pool. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 65 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Apartmány VeronikaApartmány VeronikaKupacia kaďaApartmány VeronikaApartmány VeronikaApartmány VeronikaApartmány VeronikaApartmány VeronikaApartmány VeronikaApartmány Veronika
Year-round private accommodation on Orava, WiFi and children up to 2.99 years free
Habovka • 2 apartments, 19 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the village. Swimming pool, bathtub. Dog allowed.
5 7 reviews
from 13 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Wellness a bazénWellness a bazénWellnessDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoOhniskoSaunaSaunaSaunaSauna
Modern cottage with outdoor wellness and swimming pool
Klokočov (okres Čadca) • 9 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
5 8 reviews
from 210 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 300 € / 3 nights
Apartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata Dana
Patince • 2 apartments, 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.1 5 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 60 €
ExteriérExteriérExteriérBazénSpoločenská akciaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzbaIzba
Oščadnica • 10 rooms, 33 persons, 10 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 55 € / room for two / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 1000 € / 5 nights
Chalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa MartaChalupa Marta
Relax near the forest
Liptovské Kľačany • 8 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the swimming pool, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub. Dog allowed.
5 10 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
Penzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión AlpinkaPenzión Alpinka
Oščadnica • 5 apartments, 22 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village, at the ski resort, by the forest, by the stream. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.6 22 reviews
from 22 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2Chata Alpina 2
Stará Lesná • 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the forest. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.9 6 reviews
from 280 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérExteriérExteriérExteriérExteriérExteriér - pred letnou sezónou 2024Exteriér - Kaďa s vírivkou (pred letnou sezónou 2024)Exteriér - Kaďa s vírivkou 2024Exteriér - pred letnou sezónou 2024
A cozy wooden house with a sauna in a nice environment
Klubina • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, in the forest, close to river, on the mountains. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.6 7 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 680 € / 4 nights
exteriér chatkylyžovanie Chopokinteriér chatkabazény aquapark 200 mlyžovačkaskibus od chatky zdarmakávovarobývacia miestnosťobývacia miestnosťobývacia miestnosť
Right in the area of the Holiday Village Tatralandia resort
Liptovský Mikuláš • 5 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.4 2 reviews
from 80 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérExteriér2-lôžková izba4-lôžková izbaZasadačkaDetské ihriskoIhriskoIhriskoStolný tenisAltánok
Accommodation only 1.8 km from the thermal baths in Sklené Teplice
Repište • 25 rooms, 82 persons, 25 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the lake. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
3.8 3 reviews
from 18 € / room for two / night
New Year's Eve busy
Privát MajoApartmán MajoApartmán Majo Apartmán Majo Apartmán Vierka ŠtudioIzba 4Izba 5Izba 5Privát Majo
Children under 2 years free, trampoline, gazebo with fireplace!
Liptovský Mikuláš • 2 apartments, 1 studio a  5 rooms, 25 persons, 10 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, at the ski resort, on the mountains. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.9 5 reviews
from 23 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérVírivkaObývací priestorTerasaDetské ihriskoObývací priestorSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
Cottage with pool and hot tub
Mostová • 10 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreational area, close to river, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, hot tub. Dog not allowed.
4.9 13 reviews
from 180 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod SmrekomChata pod Smrekom
Vrútky • 16 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.9 9 reviews
from 200 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 129 €
AreálWellnessWellness2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba s prístelkou3-lôžková izba3-lôžková izbaKúpeľňaChataChata
Lučivná • 14 rooms a  9 cottages, 128 persons, 40 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the ski resort, by the forest. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 4 reviews
from 48 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
ExteriérExteriérObývacia miestnosťTerasaVírivkaWellnessHerňaObývacia miestnosťSpálňaSpálňa
Cottage near the Kubínska hoľa ski resort
Dolný Kubín • 12 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the ski resort, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 6 reviews
from 370 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: from 2400 € / 6 nights
ExteriérVonkajšie posedenieApartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 1Apartmán č. 2Apartmán č. 2KúpeľňaVýhľad
Dolný Kubín • 2 apartments, 14 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the recreational area, at the ski resort, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 5 reviews
from 120 € / apartment / night
New Year's Eve busy
Horehronský dvorParkoviskoSpoločenská miestnosťHorehronský dvorNazdravie BazénBazén 6x3mkúpacia kaďa Horehronský dvorOkolie
Horehron courtyard with wellness
Závadka nad Hronom • 20 persons, 4 bedrooms. In the center of the village, at the lift, on the mountains. Swimming pool, hot tub, bathtub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 4 reviews
from 250 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chata PavleExteriérDetské ihriskoSezónny vyhrievaný bazén, máj-septemberSpoločenská miestnosťKuchynský kútSaunaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
A place where harmony nestles
Bojnice • 10 persons, 3 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, bathtub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
5 27 reviews
from 225 € / cottage / night
Free New Year's Eve: Negotiated price
ExteriérBazénExteriérDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izbaDvojlôžková izba
Near Dudince
Hokovce - Dudince • 6 rooms, 15 persons, 6 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.6 8 reviews
from 24 € / person / night
New Year's Eve busy
Chalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potokaChalupa u potoka
Staré Hory • 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the village, by the forest, on the mountains. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.8 7 reviews
from 170 € / cottage / night
New Year's Eve busy
Vila FamiliaVila Familia s bazénomBazénVila FamiliaVila FamiliaVila FamiliaVila FamiliaVila FamiliaApartmán č. 1 - spálňaApartmán č. 1 - spálňa
Turčianske Teplice • 4 apartments, 16 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the village, by the swimming pool. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
5 10 reviews
from 40 € / apartment / night

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