Chata Beluška
Chata Beluška
Vonkajšie posedenie
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Spoločenská miestnosť
Pohľad z balkóna
Vonkajšie posedenie
+28 photos
4.9 - exceptional
19 reviews

Alenka : "Celková spokojnosť"

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 4 persons
1 cottage
2 bedrooms1 bathroom, 1x WC
Dog allowedonly small, free of charge

Chata Beluška is located in the recreational area Beluša - Belušské Slatiny in the forest. Wooden house sleeps 4 people in 2 bedrooms (1 bathroom, 1x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge. Outside you will find outdoor seating, terrace and grill. Parking is for 2 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Ski Mojtín (8,9 km), the nearest swimming is Summer swimming Púchov (12,5 km). Nearby you can see the cave Cave Dzedova ric (29,9 km) or Castle Ilava (16,9 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Chata Beluška

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
2. Bedroom: 2x a bed
Equipment: Living room, The kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 05/09/2024.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chata Beluška

Off season
1. Jan - 30. Jun
december, január, február sa chata neprenajíma
min. 2 nights
85 € rental / night
rental / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 31. Aug
min. 2 nights
85 € rental / night
rental / night
Off season
1. Sep - 31. Dec
min. 2 nights
85 € rental / night
rental / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
Off season
1. Jan - 30. Jun min. 2 nights december, január, február sa chata neprenajíma85 € / rental / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 31. Aug min. 2 nights 85 € / rental / night
Off season
1. Sep - 31. Dec min. 2 nights 85 € / rental / night

More details

The price also includes:
The price also includes:parking

Surcharges on the spot

Refundable deposit: 100 € / stay

Basic information

rental usable:Yearly
Arrival for stay:from 14:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:2 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the host does not stay / live in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, only small breed, free of charge (by agreement with the host)
Is the rental fenced?NO, the rental is not fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible
Heating:With fireplace
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:Telekom, Orange, O2, 4ka
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Belušské Slatiny 56, 018 61 Belušské Slatiny
GPS location:49.0319194, 18.3531997 Show the map
Regions:Strážovské vrchy, Biele Karpaty, Stredné Považie, Považie, Javorníky, Chránené územie Strážovské vrchy , Chránené územie Biele Karpaty , Západné Slovensko, okres Púchov, Trenčiansky kraj
Location of the rental:In the recreational area
Refinement of location:In the forest
The shop:300 m
A restaurant:500 m
Train (railway station):3 km
Bus (stop):300 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Ski Mojtín (by car 8,9 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Summer swimming Púchov (by car 12,5 km)


Internet connection in the building:No, without internet
At the rental / in the area of the rental:Grill, Terrace, Outdoor seating
rental is suitable for:For two, For families with children, For four
rental is suitable for:For summer, Active holiday, Weekend stays


4.9 - exceptional
19 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Alenka  16/08/2024
Celková spokojnosť
Nikola  11/08/2024
Krásne prostredie, veľmi milí majitelia, Oddych,Odporúčam
Pavel  05/08/2024
Veľmi príjemná chatka, kľud u lesa. Ticho a pokoj,oddýchli sme si.
Jakub  03/08/2024
Diana  18/07/2024
Terézia  23/06/2024
Matúš  28/08/2023
Super chata aj vybavenosť. Veľké plus je aj signál . Tak isto susedia veľmi ochotný. Hodnotím veľmi pozitívne a určite odporúčam.
Michal  26/08/2023
Výborný pobyt s rodinkou (2 malé deti a svokrovci :) Milí majitelia. Veľmi sa nám páčilo (ticho, pekná túra na neďaleký Budkov, les..). Zabudli sme si nabíjačku, pán majiteľ bol ochotný a poslal nám ju bez ďalších úhrad. Oddýchli sme si. Ďakujeme.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme pekne. Sme radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo. :-)

Monika  25/08/2023
Všetko na parádu. Boli sme už 3 krát...a určite nie posledný.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme pekne. Sme radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo. :-)

Zuzana  19/08/2023
Na chaticku Belušku mame len dobre spomienky. Chata v tichom lesnom prostredi, upravene okolie, vybavenie chaty uplne dostacujuce pre pobyt 4 osob. Kuchynka a kupelna rekonstruovane, interier mily, pohodlny, cisty. Skoda ze nam nevysiel cas na grilovanie na prekrytej teraske. A pana majitela mozem len vychvalit za jeho priatelsky a velmi ochotny ludsky pristup :-) velmi odporucam sa tu ubytovat, ked chcete si robit vyletiky do okolia Vrsateckych bral, nacapovat slatinu v nedalekom prameni.
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme pekne. Sme radi, že sa Vám u nás páčilo. :-)

Adam (Friends)  18/09/2022
Chata je v príjemnom prostredí, obklopená lesom. Vnútri je čistá a pôsobí útulne. 2min chôdze od chaty je welness, dá sa ísť aj na rôzne túry. Majiteľ je veľmi milý, trpezlivý a ochotný.
Jaromir (A family with small children)  28/08/2022
Super majitele, my jsme byli moc spokojeni.
Tatiana  (A family with older children)  20/07/2022
Krásne prostredie, ubytovanie, veľmi milí majitelia,ticho, kľud, odporúčam
Mária (Young couple)  14/07/2022
Chatka v krásnom prostredí
Nie sú
Denisa  (A family with older children)  14/07/2022
Danica (Group)  25/11/2021
Chata na tichom mieste. Pekná príroda okolo. Ústretoví majitelia. Vo vybavenosti chatky nám nič nechýbalo. Dobré miesto na oddych.
Na pešo sa ťažšie skáče do dediny, ale dá sa to zvládnuť.
Denisa  (A family with small children)  04/10/2021
Príjemná chata, čistá, v peknom a pokojnom prostredí.
Juraj (Young couple)  21/09/2021
Velmi utulne a ciste ubytovanie. Mili prenajimatelia. Kiezby to takto fungovalo vsade
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme. Sme radi, že sa páčilo.

Livia  (A family with older children)  21/08/2021
Chatu odporúčam, boli sme veľmi spokojní, majiteľ veľmi super,vybavenie chaty super, krásne čisto všade a veľmi útulné ,cítili sme sa u vás veľmi dobre ďakujeme
The host's answer:

Ďakujeme. Sme radi, že sa páčilo.


Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Chata Beluškafree? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chata Beluška? Wooden house sleeps 4 persons. No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
Allows accommodation Chata Beluška stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a small dog is allowed free of charge.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chata Beluška? Accommodation prices Chata Beluška may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chata Beluška? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chata Beluška varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.